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    West Virginia

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  1. We just rechartered, and have 33 boys in our pack. We're probably on the high end in our area. Most packs in our council seem to have 10-25 or so, so I'm downright thrilled with our headcount, especially since most of the boys come on a regular basis!
  2. We had den flags that the dens made several years ago, and were reused year after year. When I took over this summer, I picked up cloth in orange, yellow, light blue, and forest green for the dens. We printed the Den logos on iron-on paper and put them on the middle of the flags. In the first two meetings after roundup, the dens decorated the flags however the boys decided. I thought this would be a good way to get the dens to start working together a little faster. So far, it seems to have worked for them. They all had a good time brainstorming their designs and working on their flags.
  3. Our Roundtables are pretty good. They are done from the book, but our RTCommish does a good job of adding in extra "stuff" that applies to the monthly theme. While I have been satisfied overall, I do like SP's idea of tailoring meetings to local CS issues. I think overall that would be more valuable. Say, give everyone the monthly program handout and very briefly go over it, then move on to something else, like leader recruitment, etc.
  4. Just a thought, our DE is really pushing to get all leaders trained. Our CO is all for it (luckily) and has said if folks volunteer and don't have the time, they will make sure someone comes to us to provide the training we need. So, you might see if that is an option. Now, if we can just get more parents to volunteer.
  5. Thanks, all! We're gearing up for summer camps now, and the boy is raring to go. I think we're going to have a great time. I also went to a combined BALOO/OWL course last weekend, so we're going to get geared up to do some Pack camping over the summer/fall (something that has been sorely lacking the last couple of years.)
  6. Hi, all. New to the forum and to Scouting. My son joined a local Wolf den last fall, and I took on the role of Assistant Cubmaster and Bear Den Leader last month. I found the site while trolling the web for some good resources for den meetings/activities/etc, and have been following for several weeks now. I have already picked up some valuable info from the site, and hope to be able to contribute as well in the future. Thanks everyone!
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