"If you, and your CO, are that concerned with doing background checks on all adults who have any kind of contact with the Scouts, then your only option is to require that all parents register as Committee Members. Committee members do not have to have a specific job function. If the Troop does require this, you might consider including the cost of those registrations in the Troop budget, and have the Troop pay for them. "
Ah, I did not know that one can be a member of the Troop Committee without having a position. That may be a solution.
The only problem then is the TC meetings will grow and we'll need to find a new venue. Currently, about 10 of our 12 TC members attend at each meeting and we are able to host the meeting in somebody's living room. I guess with a larger troop the days of cozy TC meetings are over.
I guess my next problem will be how to run an effective TC meeting with so many attendees. I can search the forum for pointers.
By the way, I am the newest member of the TC and have been with the troop for nearly a year. So while the troop is wrestling with sudden growth at the same time I am still on the learning curve myself.