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  1. In reply to BDPT00, who says he'd like to see in writing that Eagle Scout is a lifetime award, simply look at an Eagle pin sold by BSA. Engraved thereon is "Once an eagle, always an eagle". And if Ben Love, as 55-year old Chief Scout Executive, wore his Eagle Badge on his uniform, who are you to say he's wrong?
  2. The 70-year old Scouter who wears his Eagle badge is not incorrect, contrary to popular opinion. In fact, Ben Love proudly wore HIS Eagle Scout patch when he was Chief Scout Executive in the 1980s - check out his photos. Unlike Star, Life, etc., Eagle Scout is not merely a "youth rank" discarded at age 18: it is a lifetime award, which is why it is appropriate for an adult of any age to say, "I am an Eagle Scout", not "I was an Eagle Scout". Besides, you're still a "youth" and not an adult in OA and Venturing until 21 anyway
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