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Everything posted by JEvola

  1. Thanks to everyone who responded, your help is very much appreciated. Although this is my first post I've actually been a lurker since my son was in Tigers... My son and I owe a lot to this site for all the information we've been able to gather over the years.
  2. My sons Eagle Board of Review is coming up weve been trying to find out the dos and donts on a few questions. 1) We know that the religious emblem he earned as a Cub he can wear on his uniform but what about the devices? He earned two levels, one as a Wolf and another as a Webelos, so is he allowed to wear the two devices on the knot as a Boy Scout? 2) On the merit badge sash we know that he cant sew on previous rank insignia but he would like to sew on his Patrol Leader and Den Chief patches on the back of the sash along with the other temporary insignia. Is that allowed? 3) In regards to temporary patches that can be sewn on the back of the sash would this include; a) A River Rat patch the troop handed out to all boys that went canoeing down the Colorado River b) A staff patch he was given for doing work at a Webelos Woods c) Patches from various summer camps he attended Thanks in advance for any responses and thanks to everyone for all the threads Ive read that have helped us these last few weeks.
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