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  1. Gosh, thank you all so much for the replies - very much appreciated! It helps to have a variety of opinions & shared experiences and that is exactly what you all have provided. Thanks & Happy Scouting!
  2. You all have such great information/advice, thanks again! It is a situation where the parents just "don't care" about it I believe. He was in our Tiger den last year (didn't earn the Tiger)and is now in our Wolf den. His mom seemed upset last night when we passed out belt loops that were earned over the summer and he didn't have any. When she asked about it my husband asked if she updated Scout Track (we use Scout Track and the families are responsible for updating) like was asked of all the parents twice before the meeting. She said she didn't know how to do it...blah blah blah, same story as last year. It is frustrating! Again, thank you all so much for the info. Looks like we'll be having a talk about the importance of uniforms/books and parental involvement.
  3. Thank you so much for the replies! I was so happy to find this site last night (after our first Den meeting) as I'm realizing some of these situations unfortunately seem to be "par for the course." The past year has been frustrating: Asst. Den Leader who consistantly dropped the ball and blamed others, parents who didn't help out as they were "too busy" (as if we are not) to volunteer, no uniform/book boy, parents who came but talked on cell phones/texted during the meeting while their child was not behaving, etc. Its very frustrating but I try to remember we are doing this for our son and want all of the boys to have good memories and learn good life lessons. Again, thanks so much!!! Happy Scouting!
  4. My husband is a second year Den Leader for our son's Wolf den. We have a boy who is now entering his second year with us and still doesn't have a uniform, nor does he have a book (didn't last year either). Has anyone dealt with a scout who doesn't have a uniform? How would you address this? Knowing the family, its not a situation where money is the issue, I believe the priorities are just not straight. Thanks in advance!
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