Because of the surprising amount of answers, I will not be able to respond to every single message, but don't take it as a sign of me ignoring you. One person asked for links to the statements, and here it is:
As for the commonly repeated saying that the BSA is not a public organization and as such does not HAVE to allow these groups in, my question is not that it is un-lawful or not, but is it morally correct in your opinion? Do you think it is right to discriminate (I use the term somewhat loosely in this context), these other groups from the BSA? Would you personally be worried about atheists and homosexuals in your organization?
As for the whole "don't ask don't tell" policy, if you are willing to turn a blind eye on non ousted atheists/homosexuals, what is the difference if they are publicly atheist/homosexual?
And about the trolling thing, I am just curious and wanted answers from actual people in the scouting community rather than some lawyer who typed up some HTML. I was a former boy scout when I was in the first grade, because I heard of all the kids at school talk about what they did with their troops, whether it was camping, archery, or any of that cool stuff. I was genuinely interested, and joined and stayed for 2 years before I moved out of town. Since then, I heard of the "discrimination" by the BSA, so I decided to look into it.