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JeffO's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Good Luck w/your breakfast fundraiser. We have a buffet breakfast fundraiser twice a year. We give each scout 10 tickets at $6.50 each for adults. Pre selling tickets is the best way to insure you don't over purchase food. Buy enough food for the early ticket purchasers and you should come out ok. Our menu consists of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, sausage and gravy, toast, sliced oranges and drinks(juice/coffee). It is all you can eat but most only get one plate. Sometimes we have the families make baked goods to sell. Hope this helps.
  2. When our boys crossed over we created a special "bridging ceremony" designed around the walking stick/staff. We told the boys the history of the stick and described how each would serve them throughout their scouting tenure. Each stick had the "Arrow of Light" carved into it with a Dremel tool and was painted blue and yellow with a toothpick. Then we carved each scouts name into the stick. Finally we added some beads, feather and leather handle. It is so special to present a personal gift. Good Luck
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