Thank you both for your responses.
We do have 6 Brownies and 6 Juniors who meet, with moms, to work on badges. All but 4 of the girls have sisters (Hope this makes sense). We have all registered as individuals, because of the goings on at past troop meetings. When we meet it is each Mother as "leader" with her Daughter as her "scout". We meet together for resources and to give the leader/scout teams the opportunity to work with other teams and to share experiences.
When we decided to the Juliette program we were informed by the council that the ONLY rule was that we couldn't fund raise. They said nothing about not meeting with other girls. We have tried talking with the council and they will not discuss anything pertaining to the situation with us at all especially the CEO.
We found out recently that some "parents" were worried about our girls safety. This "parent" informed the council we were meeting at our grade school every week. Well, the council member showed up at school on a Monday night and was amazed to discover we weren't there. She even confronted the Principal about the matter and he told her we had never been at the school with a "Girl Scout" meeting. The council member didn't believe him.
We have requested someone from our council come to the private home where we get together to see what we are doing and they refuse. They are trying to use the portion of Safey-Wise, the part where some of our dues goes to pay for insurance, against us (We were given a copy of the page with the threat of revocation of membership). We called Mutual of Omaha to find out what the policy covers. It seems that unless a council member is present at an event the insurance doesn't cover the girls. Even at our "Troop" meetings the girls are not covered, because we have never had a council member present. So the use of the insurance doesn't really apply. Not to mention that all mothers "leaders" are in attendance at all times.
This is extremely frustrating as it seems our council is out to get our girls.
We are planning to attend all the Girl Scout programs this year, buy badges, and contribute to the good name of the Girl Scouts. None of us are bothering anyone. We are encouraging the girls at school to join the Girl Scout troop they are trying to put together. None of the Junior aged girls in our school have been contacted, at this point, by a leader or the council. A lot of the Mom's are aware of the problems from last year and don't want to have anything to do with the organization.
By the way, where can I get a copy of Safey-Wise? Is it only for leaders?
Thanks again for your advise. I look forward to resolving this problem and getting on with it for my childs sake.