You need the "One Size Fits All" Girl Scout Leader''s answering machine message. This is it:
Hello- you have reached the automated answering service for all Girl Scout Leaders. In order to better serve you, listen to all of the options before making your selection.
To lie about why your child did not show up for an event, press 1.
To make excuses about why your child didn''t pay any dues, participate in any fund-raisers or turn in their permission slips on time, press 2.
To complain about what we did at the last meeting, or about our meetings in general, press 3.
To swear at a Service Unit, or Council staff member, press 4.
To ask why you did not get the information that was mailed to your house, sent home with your child and also e-mailed to you, press 5.
If you just want us to raise your child or babysit her, press 6.
If you''ve lost another badge, pin, or award, press 7.
To request another leader, or meeting day/time for the third time this year, press 8.
To complain about council events, their cost, location or the lack of transportation, press 9.
If you realize that this is the real world and that you and your child must be accountable/responsible for your own behavior, badge work, finances and that it is not the leader''s fault for you and your child''s lack of effort, hang up and have a nice day.
Please yourself, Honey. Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless. Don''t let anyone treat you in a worthless manner. And it sounds like someone is.