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Everything posted by janey1968

  1. Our son is a bear this yr and both my husband and I want to support him. My husband has a very busy work schedule and can't attend all cub scout activities but would like to arange his schedule to attend the "major" ones. Can someone tell us what would be the "major" events in cub scouts(B and G,pinewood,camping)that my husband should attend? I also do the den meetings where most of the time only one parent is there but what about the larger "pack" meetings?
  2. This is our 1st yr in Cub Scouts and our son started late (December). Its being held at a local elks club and its pot luck thats all we know. Can anyone tell us what typically goes on? Is this something that the parents/siblings just go too or is it common to invite grandparents/uncles etc? Is this the "big" event of the yr for cub scouts?
  3. How much time(reading/activities) does your child put in at home working towards their Bear badge? Our Den meets once a week and does one objective from the bear handbook. The problem is our son joined late(December)and I feel I maybe pushing him to hard at home to catch up with the other kids. So I would like to hear from other parents on how much time they/child spend on "Cub Scout homework
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