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Jane Scouter

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Everything posted by Jane Scouter

  1. Has anyone had any experience with forming a Drum and Bugle Corps within their Troop, District, or Counsel? Our troop has the potential (i.e., several trumpet players interested in Bugler and percussion players involved in marching band) for the makings of a great Bugle Corps. Any resources for music (i.e. music written with multiple bugle parts, drum cadences) for a small (5-10) corps and any experiences you've had. We will start out small and want to grow this from a troop corps to a counsel-wide corps. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. YIS Jane Scouter
  2. I am a veteran Scouter (16 years)and mother of four boys. I became involved in Scouting 16 years ago when my oldest, an Eagle Scout, joined Tiger Cubs. Having tried my hand in whatever capacity was needed at the moment (Tiger Coach, Den Leader, Pack Committee Chair, Troop Committee as Activities Coordinator), feel like a jack of all trades (I won't finish the old adage...) I am looking forward to working with the boys in my most recent capacity as merit badge counselor. Hope to gain words of wisdom from many who've done it before! YIS Jane Scouter
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