I'm a guide, here in Brasil, and in the next week I and my senior troup will to BROTAS, a litlle town called too how "The Adventure Sports Capital" in my state, So Paulo.
We're take a bus here in my city, Campinas, at 6:00 AM, and at 8:30 we will arrive in our camping.
We will make Cnyoning, the name to rapel in waterfalls.
I'm so happy and waiting my travel a lot!!!
Maybe we can make a Counsel's Fire (I really don't know if you write it like that... ), because the owner of the camping like scouts and think that haven't problem make it in him camping...
Here the scouts are very happy, because we have florests, animals and good places to acamp yet!!! We see some animals, like snakes, some tipes of monkeys and lizards, very tipes of birds, a lot of armadillos, and etc., and this is very good for scouting, because the 6th Scout Rule say that "The Scout are good for the plants and animals"!!!!
I want know what the leaders and scouts or senior (and guides) think about we make Adventure Sports with the scouts!!!!!!
Jana - Aconcgua Patrol, Andes Troup, 64-SP Grupo Escoteiro (Scout Group) Prola Byington - CAMPINAS, SO PAULO