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Everything posted by jamie

  1. Hi I am Jamie and I am from New England I just received my Ten Year Pin And Girl Scout Gold Award the highest award in Girl Scouts. My project is a Camping how to book called One Pot Stew for the Campers Soul, most of the other Gold Award people are graduating seniors this year but I am Only A High School Junior Now I will Be a High School Senior next fall! jamie
  2. I agree with you I just started to earn my gold awared but befor I started I had to earn 4 or 5 very hard badges that took me atleast a couple of years just to earn them. I also belive that the bsa have it easer then the gs do because the gs cannot earn a badg withen a day or two but the bsa can earn a couple of them withen a couple of days. also that the bs have to memorize a list of words for there promise and the gs have to memorize a bunch of paragraphs that chang avery so often
  3. this is an attchment to my later post I am a 17 year old senior girl scout that has been in scouting for 10years!!
  4. I am a 17 year old senior girl scout and I want my say in all of this. I belive that the Studio 2B stuff is ridicules because it is ment for the younger girls not really for the older ones and also that it is pricey and not at all beneficial to these girls that want to lurn to be a good leader or to lurn how to do stuff with other troops and younger troops. I also belive that the s2b stuff cannot be used insted of the ipps to earn the gold or silver awareds because they are easier to get but why cant we use the internat ipps to help us get to the point that we can think about earning our gold or silver. I have not really looked at the books yet I only glansed through them so I may be bised but that is my say please tell me it was not bised at all!!!
  5. I am a 17 year old senior girl scout and I want my say in all of this. I belive that the Studio 2B stuff is ridicules because it is ment for the younger girls not really for the older ones and also that it is pricey and not at all beneficial to these girls that want to lurn to be a good leader or to lurn how to do stuff with other troops and younger troops. I also belive that the s2b stuff cannot be used insted of the ipps to earn the gold or silver awareds because they are easier to get but why cant we use the internat ipps to help us get to the point that we can think about earning our gold or silver. I have not really looked at the books yet I only glansed through them so I may be bised but that is my say please tell me it was not bised at all!!!
  6. Dose anyone have any other infomation on the care of the camping gear that you use or any other usful tips for my gold awared project the campoing how to book. thanks jamie
  7. hi I wrote something about taking care of some camping gear and buffalo2 has asked me if I could narrow the request down so I thik I have somewhat hear it is. Could you please send me information about how to takke care of the box ovens, buddy burners and camp stoves. my email again is camping4gold@yahoo.com thankyou jamie
  8. Hi this is jamie and I need your help. could you please send me some information on how to take care and clean up some camping items like dutch ovens, box ovens, buddy burners, camp stoves, propane stoves, reflector ovens and other camping items like the ones above. If you have any information about these you can email me at camping4gold@yahoo.com. also if you have any other information about how to make some of these and where to buy some of these. thank you Jamie
  9. Hi, The post that I posted on 8/20/03. Needed to be revised so I am posting another one that I would like to have true stories about your personal wather it is in scouting or not. I would like it if you could send me your true stories by november 15 via email at camping4gold@yahoo.com. I would also like it if you could send me some true information about any of the topics I wrote about in the first post that was ascing for your help. Thank you jamie
  10. I will be making a book with the information that I gather and I will be giveing this to a number of locol and community liberys and some area schools to.
  11. no this is for my community and the boy scouts to.
  12. I never sleep without teddy, my teddy bare, and Sara, my baby doll, that I never sleep without them in nearly 16 yrs and so when I have gone camping that is the first thing I pack along with cloths.
  13. Dear Scouters Hi this is Jamie. I am a senior Girl Scout that is earning my gold award. My project is a camping how to book. One of the chapters will be camp stories. I would like it if you could foward me some storys at camping4gold@yahoo.com. Theas storys can be funny, sad, happy or jest about anything else. Some other chapters will be ways to use ducttape and bandanas, heath and safty, diffrent ways to start a fire, diffrent ways to go camping, how to cook while camping and recipes. If you would like to contribut about any of the of the above topics. Please fell free to contact me via email at camping4gold@yahoo.com. Thank you Jamie
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