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JamesC's Achievements

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  1. It is good to see such different views about the OA. Having been a member for almost 30 years, let me put in my two cents. Some of the comments I read from everyone saddens me. I loved being a member of the OA and it did not seem to require that much time. Working at ordeals was especially fun for me, because I would get to see all the new candidates as they made this step. When I was young I was very active and it did not seem to cause any problem with attaining my Eagle. As I grew older my time became more involved in school, sports and girls and less in Scouts and the OA. Now my sons are in scouts and I will become more involved again and look forward to it. To me becoming a member of the OA was one of the greatest honors, since it was from the recognition of my fellow troop members. Anyone can earn their ranks all the way to Eagle, but not everyone will be done the honor of being inducted to The Order of the Arrow. My message to everyone selected is Be Proud For You Have Been Honored By All of Those In Your Troop and Listen Closely To The message you are given at the ordeal ceremony.
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