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  1. Welcome from WNY. My council's camp is about a half hour from the border into Erie, PA.
  2. Try Stadri Emblems. They are online and my troop is going through them for a custom patch. You can make it whatever dimensions you want and what's better, they will send you a free patchas a prototype so you can actually hold and show the troop what it will look like. The website is like this but with no separations (it is so the computer wont strip it out of my post) www . stadr i emb lem s . com Good Luck
  3. I would personally only wear the Philmont Bull if I had ever been to Philmont, which I have. I just went this past summer. As for the tail position, I would think that it wouldn't matter. Well it wouldnt matter to me because I hiked both Baldy and the Tooth but seeing as almost every itinerary involves the Tooth of Time, I would say maybe that is the choice. But something so miniscule as whether the tail is up or down is indifferent to me. It is still the logo of Philmont. And everyone knows what it is.
  4. I could have sworn I saw something just like what you are describing on ebay today. Try there
  5. Hello, I have posted this in the "Welcome to the Forum" section recently because, for some reason I could not post anything on this forum, but here it is, again, in its proper place. I am Jake from Iroquois Trail Council, New York. This summer I got into this long standing scouting tradition. I have greatly enjoyed it so far and I hope for it to continue. I thought that this would be a great way to expand my collection. If anyone is interested in Iroquois Trail CSP's or Ashokwahta Lodge 339 Flaps, please reply. My email is . Thanks YIS, JakeH
  6. Something similar happened near where I am. In New York, I believe it was 6 or so that all did their Eagle ceremony together.
  7. Hello, I am Jake from Iroquois Trail Council, New York. This summer I got into this long standing scouting tradition. I have greatly enjoyed it so far and I hope for it to continue. I thought that this would be a great way to expand my collection. Yes, I know there is a patch trading forum area on here but my computer that I am using is not letting me post anything in there. Or in any other forum for that matter. So I put it here. Sorry for the inconvenience If anyone is interested in Iroquois Trail CSP's or Ashokwahta Lodge 339 Flaps, please reply. My email is . Thanks YIS, Jake
  8. I work at my council's summer camp. I know of alot of troops that go out of council for there summer camp experience. And does it dissapoint me? Yes. But, if your council is not making any attempts to reclaim the troops that are going out-of-council, i.e.- they don't try to improve camp, don't try new things or ask you why you are going out-of-council, I can understand completly where you are coming from. If that is the case, then it is up to the camp staff along with the council staff to fix the camp and promote it, etc, etc.
  9. HI I am Jake and as you can tell, I am from New York. I am 16 and oh so close to becoming an Eagle Scout. I just have to finish up the last part of my Eagle Project. I am part of Ashokwahta Lodge 339 in the OA, out of Iroquois Trail Council. I look forward to meeting new people who enjoy scouting as much as I do. YIS Jake
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