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  1. I appreciate all of the responses. I am a little sad about the situation. My advice to future dens that are crossing over, discuss this topic early.
  2. I think about all the people who have volunteered in the course of my childrens lives and have made a great impact. They are all wonderful and very deserving, how can you give each person what they deserve? You can't. This isn't the only activity my kids are involved in. I am so sad that our cubscouting is ending this way. I so strongly feel that this gift is inappropriate on many levels, but I seem to be alone. It has been suggested that I contribute what I can towards it. But it isn't about the money. Even if I could afford it, I feel this gift is just too extravagant.
  3. My den is in its last year of cubscouts, going on to boy scouts. Thinking about a gift for our wonderful den leader, it was suggested for everyone to contribute $100 to get him and his wife a night away at a spa. The total cost of this is about $600-$700. I dont think this gift is in keeping with the scout spirit and have said so. Now the situation is very difficult.
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