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irover33's Achievements

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Junior Member (1/3)



  1. question about the awarding and requirements for eagle palms. do the merit badges need to be earned after the eagle award or do "extra"( over those needed for eagle) merit badges go to this award
  2. Hello, My troop had the same problem. We had previously adopted rules regarding participation and uniforming.When I became Scoutmaster i had to stress the rules. Our new scouts have one year from joining to purchase the full uniform. (for the first year hat,shirt, neckerchief and slide are the required uniform). Scouts who are not in compliance are not able to pass the scoutmaster conference, thus the scout cannot advance in rank. Explain to the parents and scouts that they have joined a uniformed organization. With other activities they would not be able to participate in sports or school band without a uniform. Good Luck and expect the best. Bill Scoutmaster 1109 Blackstone, Ma
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