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    South Africa

irenedakota's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. I am the creator/administrator of the CMScout project. As to my relationship to Scouting (In case you wish to know), I am a Assistant Troop Scouter for 9th Pretoria (Irene) Air Scout Troop in Pretoria, South Africa. My troops website is http://www.9thirene.co.za
  2. CMScout is the premier CMS for Scouting. If you are looking to create a website for your unit, or if you want to upgrade your existing website to a modern, easy to manage website look now further. CMScout is licensed under GNU/GPL and is free to anybody. All you require for CMScout to work is a web hosting service that has PHP and MySQL (Easy enough to find thanks to google). CMScout includes features such as a forum, an advanced calendar, links management, photo albums, articles, etc. The best is that only need basic knowledge of how to browse websites to install and use CMScout. Point your browser to http://www.cmscout.za.net today and bring the Scouting Web into the 21st Century. P.S. If you any questions or comments regarding CMScout, please don't hesitate to post here, or on the official CMScout website.
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