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Everything posted by invincible_guy

  1. thanks both of you, especially ozemu, it's very kind of you. hmm...scout should not be punished, really? How about if a scout is late for meeting...? here we usually punish when someone is late...or not respectful to leaders... I know PLs should write programs, but often they hold programs as troop programs/group programs, PLs should write patrol programs, well it's hard to organise one...and they always use every holiday to make 1/2 camps, therefore we don't have a chance. for the song..i didn't explain as i don't think the scout should be punished/we shall not be punished...and i was tired and he started to get angry so there's no reason to sing the song or explain to him.. I know getting angry cannot help but i'm not the one who make anyone angry at first... I tried to organise a patrol camp (joint with the other patrol), but leaders still did what they wanted to do..well it was a good chance... I know what the one quote from Confucius means, well as Confucius is a Chinese thinker...so there's in chinese... *scout range in HK is 11-16, cubs can go to scout during 11-12, for scout, 15-16, but usually leaders make extensions so cubs>scout=12+, scout>venture=16+
  2. the leaders ask for perfect work from me, perhaps. Honestly I think in terms of skills I'm doing very good and nearly perfect. but they're asking from like leadership or something, and i don't agree with things they do for sometimes. That day on bus, we played a game, one scout losed, and needed to sing a song. My GSL Group Scout Leader hold the game, and said that all scouts sing together, but we didn't take any action. Perhaps I was the eldest scout there on that car...GSL excepted me to lead other scouts to sing a scout song...namely Scout Hymn....i was already tired after the camp and didn't bother to do that~nor any other scouts want to lead singing the song... ...GSL went angry and said something that perhaps hurt me...something that i didnt agree. He said that...now you don't sing...where's your leadership? If you don't sing that song today....never shall you go to competition in the name of our group. and said that we're rubbish or something like that. finally we sang but i wasn't the one who lead...no one lead, at all. I really don't agree with what he says...first i don't agree with all singing a song because a scout lost, as i think that he himself should face the 'punishment'. second...i forgot the first sentence in the chinese version of scout hymn, how can i lead? I'm 14.5 years old and i think i have been PL for 2+ years...i didn't know what i was actually doing at first, and i think i'm doing the job of a PL since 1 year ago...It was the GSL who asked my SL to promote me to be PL...i wanted to organise programmes but always got stopped...or else, not enough support. Leaders already organised a lot of programs for the troop/group...so the ones that i organise most of the time, can only be expedition perhaps..which only senior scouts go...(note that patrol camps are hard to organise here in HK..) Our leaders (most of them aged from 16-30, ), organise programs for us...
  3. all kinds of badges not in hong kong. as i collect badges....my mom too replied you via email..
  4. hmm very true...sometimes we do finish parts during troop/patrol activities.... but i must admit that my group/troop is already organising a lot of activities, and there are actually not much we PLs can do...I can't say that I'm perfect but i will say that i know a lot of skills, in many terms.... and i wonder if anyone can give me some comments on this... Does proficiency badges/progressive badges have anything to do with leadership? Can a scout with NO leadership be getting proficiency badges/progressive badges?
  5. thanks both of you....yea as SP suggested..perhaps i should just suck it up.........
  6. Ok, so i'm a hong kong scouts, and i'm willing to exchange badges with scouts around the world~ well if it's not exchanging i'll consider buying (if it's a big lot), like proficiency badges which it's hard to be exchanged. Anyone interested?
  7. Thanks for your reply Scouting in HK is similar to England, yet we have another type of badges, the instructor badges...like...if I teach another scout swimming, and he pass the swimmer badge in interest group, I get the swimmer instructor badge, it's just like that. hmm...I think I have talked to my SL before (he's 26, he was still rover scout last year), and I always think that I am too young and have lots of time to do for badges, so he always add things after I finish one thing, perhaps to make the time for that badge longer. And i really don't like this, once I know much about that badge, or I'm interested with that badge, why do i need to wait till I'm older? I'm nearly 14.5 years old and I am old enough to learn or to be examied on badges...the badges I requested for examing for. The GSL still thinks that my SL gives badge too easy, I just don't have a say...
  8. I'm a PL aged 14 in my troop in Hong Kong. I really love scouting and I have many badges, around 20 proficiency badges...however... My SL always think that I have too much badges...and since I enter the troop...I found out that the SL is too strict, but this is not the main point, the main point is that he will ask me to do something more after I submit things for the badge, each time. I think that the things I do is already very good, and much higher than the standards listed in the book Scout Training Scheme, which here we use in Hong Kong. This really discourages me to have more badges, and I learn from the progress I earn badges. What can I do? I'm a patrol leader, I need to courage my memebers to get more badges, learn more skills! If not even me myself is happy with this, how can I courage my members to do that? I'm actually one of the seniors in the troop... Please give me some advices. Thanks.
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