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Everything posted by inthewoods

  1. A health form would be nice, but the Mom conventiently comes to the camp registration to turn in the form directly to the camp nurse. I don't have a copy of his original health form from when he signed up in our Pack and the Mom hasn't turned in an updated form. With just a few months to go in Cub Scouts for the boy, I am not going to worry about getting an update.
  2. Thanks for all of the responses. I am the cubmaster. I attend most of the Pack functions. The parents are involved, but not at everything. Since Webelos don't have to have parents at each function, it seems like the parents like to drop him off. This scout is on medication, but we could only guess what it is for since we have not been made aware of what they are for. At first I was thinking that many of the issues are related to the reason for medication, but many of the other leaders are convinced that the actions are beyond that and to a malicious level. It almost appears that the medication has become a crutch and an excuse for the actions. Most of the boys would prefer not to go on an outing than to share the experience with this boy. He really needs to have someone watching over him to prevent problems. I didn't want to make it look like I was trying to discourage a troop from accepting this scout.
  3. As the Webelos Den starts to visit the Boy Scout Troops, it makes me wonder about a specific scout with some issues. Some of the issues. Many of these issue have a malicious intent in getting other scouts in trouble. I used to think that it was an unknowing innocence, but many of the other leaders in the Pack side more on the malicious side. It has made it hard for anyone to want to be around this scout (leaders and other scouts). Should prospective scoutmasters be told about such issues? Or should they find out on their own? I want the best for all scouts, but I think this scout should have a eye on him to prevent more issues.
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