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Everything posted by insanescouter

  1. Welcome aboard the Scouting Express the only train where every stop leads to great adventures ... Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/scoutbot http://facebook.com/scoutbot
  2. Howdy All, Just wanted to share with you the latest InsaneScouter newsletter. I thought you might find the resources it provides helpful. It contains games, ceremonies, crafts, songs, recipes, and much more. http://insanescouter.org/p/5672/166/March+04+2011.html?rid=1&r=scoutl'>http://insanescouter.org/p/5672/166/March+04+2011.html?rid=1&r=scoutl If you would like to join the 1,400 other Scouters who get it every month, please feel free to subscribe at InsaneScouter. Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/scoutbot http://facebook.com/scoutbot
  3. Welcome aboard the scouting express - next stop the great outdoors. I know you will find this a great place to learn lots and to help loads of people at the same time. Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/scoutbot http://facebook.com/scoutbot
  4. I actually have plans to be in NC and that whole part of the country later this year. However first I need to get the funds in place to make this happen. Also note I plan to record many of the classes to tape and make those available as part of the package so even if I don't make it to your area you can attend the classes online.
  5. For those of you who have not heard I am about to head out onto the road offering free classes to my virtual hitch hiker members. I have classes that include advanced totin and firemen chit skills, even a leadership challenge. This is not an offical BSA adventure but I still have a lot to offer. http://scoutinganation.com/members.php
  6. On subject of Les Stroud I saw this on twitter yesterday ... Les Stroud Returns w/ 'Beyond Survival' http://yb96.n.0sp.in As far as I have been able to determine Les was not a Scout, but there is no evidence either way... I don't have cable now so have never seen Dual Survival so no idea there... Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter
  7. If it is no scoring then my understanding is its a jamboree .. a camporee is scored a jamboree is not ... or so I am told ... shrugs .... probably just bring another scouting myth to the table ... Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter
  8. As others have said you have to take Man vs Wild with a grain of salt. From what I hear from my UK friends they seem to like how he represents Scouting there and the positive effects it has had. There is only one person in this country right now that comes to mind that could do anything similar for BSA and that is Mike Rowe of dirty jobs... but lets face it he is not super famous ... but on flip side he does his best to live by the Scout Law daily and supports Scouting when and how he can... No matter how you look at it they are just a publicity stunt ... they are not what Scouting is but rather a way to bring notice to it ... that is not necessarily a bad thing as long as it is done with tact. Just my wacky 2 cents... Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter
  9. Sounds like he had a blast and to me that is more important then anything else ... I have worked summer camp staff 4 different yeas at a local scout camp and have come across way to many who come to camp just to come home with 12 merit badges ... I have also heard of cases where the Scout would get into big trouble for coming home with less then say 8 merit badges ... to me summer camp is as much about having fun, getting away from home, hanging with your friends and peers and personally growing ... as it is about getting a few badges I normally even for older Scouts (of course on case by case basis) recommend only 4 to 5 badges a week. Now if they go to more then one Scout camp over the summer that is another story... sorry rant over... as far as wearing same cloths .... thinking back I think I did same thing my first year or two at camp ... I think its just a "boy" thing ... you know you had a good week if at the end of the week you socks stand up and walk off all by themselves I am hoping next summer I will be able to volunteer to staff a summer camp for at least a few weeks ... we shall see... Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter
  10. I have been on both sides of events like this before. The first thing that comes to mind is "safety first safety always" .. so for example in the tv show they show them running to the next station depending on location that could be a problem ... Feel free to post your questions and I am sure there are a few of us here that can give you some advice... Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter
  11. ScoutNut I agree that they are different I think I failed to make that clear in my reply ... but that doesn't change fact that some units do award Scout to any boy who had earned AOL ... right or wrong it does happen ..
  12. I figured it has been a few months since my last update so I would share some news... First there are now over 1,220 subscribers to the InsaneScouter Newsleter. If you are not one of them feel free to sign up at http://insanescouter.org'>http://insanescouter.org and click on "Rigster / Signup" on the left hand side in the menu. If you sign up and submit a recipe to me that Scouts can make in camp you will have the chance to win a grill from http://campfiregrill.com -> for more details http://insanescouter.org/blog/299/InsaneScouter_-_Campfire_Grill_Contest.html Second, life is playing a nasty game with me right now and I am seeking help. Rather then asking for money, I created a 600mb resource package for $15 learn nmore at -> http://insanescouter.org/blog/331/Scouting_Resource_Package.html Lastly, We have a network of Scouting Sites which you can find in the menu under "Our Websites". They include ScouterBooks.com, ScouterLinks.com, E-Scouts.net and ScoutStanely.com Thanks for all your amazing service to the Scouts! Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter Helping leaders one resource at a time....
  13. I don't know of any units that will give both Scout and Tenderfoot to a new Webelos. However I know of some that do say AOL = Scout. Just keep in mind that experience has shown me not all Scouts crossing up remember everything they learned. Maybe they forgot part of the Scout law, oath or how to tie a square not. What I find works well (as a Boy Scout Leader) is to just sit down with the Scout a bit and go through the requirements. Most of the time they quickly blow through them all showing they do deserve and have earned the Scout rank. But sometimes they need to work a bit more first. Hope my wacky 2 cents helps ... Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter Helping leaders one resource at a time....
  14. Wow I had not heard about this problem from Jambo in other social media forms ... Make you wonder what some units teach and why in some circles Eagle is losing some meaning ... Still I wish I could have gone to Jambo myself, but unemployment is killing me Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter
  15. Hey all, I have watched Scout Camp the movie twice and wrote a blog post about it which you can read at http://insanescouter.org/blog/163/Scout_Camp_The_Movie.html'>http://insanescouter.org/blog/163/Scout_Camp_The_Movie.html also I did an interview with one of the producers which you can find at http://insanescouter.org/blog/167/Interview_of_Garrett_Batty_director_of_Scout_Camp_The_Movie.html The movie is diffidently low budget and has a armature feel to it but thats part of the charm. It does a good job at showing summer camp but with a corny theme around the spirit stick. Yet many summer camps have some kind of corny theme. Take the movie for what it is and give it a chance with a open mind and dont expect a hollywood blockbuster.... Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter Helping leaders one resource at a time....
  16. This seems like a brilliant idea, and I like the design of the card too ... High 5 Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter Helping leaders one resource at a time....
  17. It has been a long time since I have been posting on Scouter.com regularly. I thought I would give everyone a brief update about me... I am no longer doing physical scouting right now do to a variety of personal problems but I am very active still in the virtual scouting communities. My primary focus right now has been InsaneScouter.org (my site), PTCMedia podcasts, and scoutLink international chat. I just sent out a new InsaneScouter newsletter on Jan 26th to over 800 subscribers. If you would like to check it out take a look at http://insanescouter.org/p/5260/166/January+25+2010.html'>http://insanescouter.org/p/5260/166/January+25+2010.html if you would like to subscribe to receive the newsletter http://insanescouter.org/users/register.php Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter Helping leaders one resource at a time....
  18. Many years ago I wrote a course I called Wood Tools, it is far more then what the Totin chip is. It comes from my experience as a Americaorps NCCC crew quatermaster, trail crew quatermaster, etc. If you would like to see it http://insanescouter.org/p/176/83/Wood_Tools_Safety_Course_%28Totin%27_chip%29_.html'>http://insanescouter.org/p/176/83/Wood_Tools_Safety_Course_%28Totin%27_chip%29_.html ... I realise its a bit out of date when I find some time I will update it ... feedback welcome, just remember it is what it is.. this is not about BSA policy ... Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter Helping leaders one resource at a time....
  19. I like white 1/4 inch diamond braid nylon for basic knot tying and 1/4 inch sasial for lashing work ... I get both from Walmart hardware section for less then $5 for 50 feet. Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter Helping leaders one resource at a time....
  20. cool ... glad they are learning and having fun at the same time ...
  21. It has been a long time since my last update so figure I would toss one up ..the new site has been live for a some time now and seems to be working great. There is also a new newsletter (http://insanescouter.org/p/5021/0/August_17_2009_Newsletter.html'>http://insanescouter.org/p/5021/0/August_17_2009_Newsletter.html) that is now going out twice a month full of wonder full resources including games, songs, stories, crafts, activities, outdoor skills, skits, ceremonies, and so much more... There are also features like a decent way to search the site, virtual flat stanley adventures, ability to send e-postcards, and much more. On top of that there are over 4,700 unique pages of content. I am really happy with the way the new site has come out... Wacky Scouting to All Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter Helping leaders one resource at a time....
  22. What I did was create a 3 month theme called "Eagle Island" ... the patrol name was "Eagles" ... the idea was bill gates bought a small island and asked us to form the government, etc ... that wast first month... then next month the island got his by a large storm and there are injured people etc which lead into readyman ... then cus of the storm etc communications were down which gave us communicator too... if you are interested I will work up more details on how I did this ... Wacky Scouting to All Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter Helping leaders one resource at a time....
  23. As a Scout I backed the grand canyon twice. A few things to remember... 1. put in a request for a permit early, at least 8 months in advance they go quick (or at leas they use to) 2. plan water stops carefully, there are parts of the canyon where you can go for days with out finding a source of water ... well if you are going across part way down instead of all the way down to the river 3. remember it takes about 4-5 hours to hike from top to river and about 8-12 hours from river to the top .. 4, plan a head and plan for safety ... the canyon has taking many lives and the park service last I heard is now charging in some cases nasty and cost of rescue if you end up needing help 5. the best time of year to go we found was spring break, the canyon itself is considerably hotter then the rim and the farther down you go the hotter it gets 6. unless rules have changed you can bury human waste, but most pack out the paper and all of that kind of stuff ... and come to think of it I think you have to pack out even solid human waste ... 7. take plenty of training hikes that involve large changes in elevation and being in canyons 8. decided what kind of trek you want to do .. for example you can go down part way, but not go all the way to the river and go back up a different trail or the same trail .... there is a ranch - phantom Ranch - at the very bottom you can check out ... you can do whats known as rim to rim to rim ... which means go down one side, go up the other, come back down and return up the original side ... i have also heard of cases were you hike to river and go out by boat ... I guess that is enough for now ... keep in mind the last time I backpacked the canyon was many many years ago as a Scout .. you will need to contact the grand canyon ranger station for current details and rules ... please feel free to ask me any questions you may have or if you need more details on something ... Wacky Scouting to All Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter Helping leaders one resource at a time....
  24. if you have the contacts get a scout or two made up to look like they are hurt ... kids seem attracted to the looks of it ... don't do anything to extreme or may scare people away ... something we have done at the boy scout level is setting up a small campsite and provide scout lead tours... we also once had a contact for a soft serve ice cream machine (we live in the hot desert) that sort of worked .. had long lines but well to be honest no extra sign ups ... you may want to try some craft like make first aid kids out of the old 35mm film containers any way just a few ideas I am tossing out ... not sure if any are worth 2 cents though Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter Helping leaders one resource at a time....
  25. Welcome to the form ... hope you enjoy your ride on the Scouting Express... Scott Robertson http://insanescouter.org http://twitter.com/insanescouter Helping leaders one resource at a time....
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