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Everything posted by IM_Kathy

  1. if my son was big on awards and wanted to turn in he'd have the camping and the adventure done and would be close with the hiking... doubt he'd ever do aquatics or riding though also this just isn't something we see around this area
  2. buying big is key... I now look back at the pictures of my son in the early years of cub scouts and webelos and just giggle a bit at how large his shirt was. luckily he was in the last year of the orange shirt tigers so he just had the blue shirt for wolf, bears, and beginning of webelos. His pack the tradition was to wear blue until they earned the webelos badge and then change to tan... all the boys in his den made it with that. about the time the centenial uniform came out, I had a friend who had a boy becoming a webelo and not enough money to buy a uniform - son's shirt was not going to make it the rest of his years so I got him a new one and passed along his old one to my friend's kid. now at 16 (almost 17) his shirt fits very well... it'll last until he's 18 and will get a new shirt as adult.
  3. if dead set on foil packs... lay down foil, put a wetted paper towel down, then another foil... helps prevent some burning, and helps steam a bit too. only firstaide stuff I'd do would be building a stretcher and have boys carry each other. like others have said that's one that can be done inside when the weather is bad.
  4. great story... sounds like a great time... and good analogys as to the shoes - I didn't tie my kids shoes once they got into school. but that being said my son has TERRIBLE fine motor skills and so I told the adults with him on his philmont crew that if they didn't want him to stop every 1/2 mile to tie or listen to him dealing with blisters because he didn't tie his boots tight that they might want to give him a hand. From their response after he did pretty good - always tied himself first and then they would just double check the first couple of days. No issues with blisters, and no stopping constantly to re-tie.
  5. my son's patrol uses the moose patrol patch which is a green moose, but they call themselves "the purple mooses" and their yell is "we're color blind"
  6. had one done at one of the trainings I attend with BSA so I would assume by that, that it's ok.
  7. we've never had a real chaplin, but with other postions seeming to be more imporatant a few of the adults just step up and fill that position as needed. our hardest other than SM would be outdoor cordinator - reserves location, files tour permit, handles sign up sheet. our previous one was great at this, but has moved up to CC. our new outdoor cordinator is not always at all meetings so sign up sheets aren't always there and we don't always hear from them if they have location reserved. previous one would also print out maps for drivers, now we all just remember to bring our own maps.
  8. as a swimming and lifesaving MBC I pay attention every time the boys are taking their swim tests - when I see that they have the ability to complete either of those badges I let them know. when I see they are struggling I work with them when can to get them ready. my own son will never be able to pass lifesaving MB as he can't surface dive to 10 feet. I have a couple of other boys that have the same issue. I let them know that it is something they need to work on, but that if they can pass the distance it's still a good MB to take to learn how to rescue someone if needed, and how important that can be even if they can't complete all of the requirements. My son's troop has quiet a few boys that have partials with lifesaving and have gone on and comopleted emergency prep. I see it as my job as a coulcilor to encourage all boys who can pass the distance to do their best and try the MB - if they pass awesome, if they don't then look at what you did learn! but if they can't pass the distance then they are on hold until they can. or if they don't know all the strokes then they are on hold until they learn them. it's their job to keep learning and working on making the distance. I'm always willing to help out when it works in my schedule. but one thing I HATE when doing a MB with someone is when the boy or the parent is looking for reasons that I'm doing something wrong. I agree to add no more and accept no less - I expect the boy to the work. I'd rather have a boy come talk to me about things than a parent come up and talk to me (unless of course there are medical reasons/disabilites that make it needed)
  9. I agree they need done and in the type of environment that they will be swimming in. The camp we attend has a pool for swimming and then lake front for boating activities. so swim tests are done in the pool. we have 1 scout that was given alternate requirements for his swimming requirements - he had cancer and the treatment stunted his growth and muscle developement. He understands it, and it doesn't bother him unless someone decides to pick on him because of it. This year he's going to try for beginner test. we have 1 scout that nearly drowned when he was very young and never jumped into the deepend without a float of some sort until he was a webelos. worked with him quite a bit and finally his second summer camp as a boy scout he not only passed the swim test but also earned the swimming merit badge. another scout had never had swim lessons. worked with him while working with the boy that nearly drowned and he earned the swimming merit badge a year after the other boy. the boy that had cancer is working on the hiking merit badge as he's uncertain if he will be able to pass the swim test any time soon let alone the longer distance for the merit badge. He's already a star scout so he's been focusing on some of the eagle required and figuring out what he can do given his circumstances.
  10. last year the camp my son's troop attends allowed for troops to pre-test if done by a registered lifeguard, but we were unable to make that happen. this year though they dropped the "registered" part so we will be going in a couple of weeks to do run swim checks and just have a swim party type meeting. as the swimming MBC we've always done this as a troop in case we canoe before summer camp, but after cross-over. All new scouts do 2nd and 1st class rescues as well. And then anyone with partials in swimming or lifesaving have a chance to work on those too. so it's just nice that now this will count and they don't have to retest first day of camp. Before this last year it was very important to test at camp as the pool use to always be freezing cold and we would have boys that would be affected by that tempature and so while they could earn the swimming MB in a heated pool, they couldn't pass the swim test at camp. And it was always the supper skinny boys that would have issues. Now they have fixed the pool at camp - it's still cooler than most pools, but it's not ice-cold.
  11. our camp does a SM meal - they normally cook up some nice chops and the boys that have been working on cooking MB cook up some great desserts in the dutch ovens. we get a little "trinket" but last couple of years it hasn't been that great of one. and we all fill out evaluation forms. from the troop - they cover the cost for adults, though a little worried as this year we have more adults than normal and more than we need so hopefully that doesn't end. We have a family night potluck on thursday night and the parents coming up will bring along extra food for the adults that are staying and don't have family coming up - plus dishes for us to use. if we did patrol cooking - having someone come up each night with a meal for us would be great, but we have dining hall so it wouldn't be necessary. time for naps - we actually have a good routine of who naps when and who showers when too so coming up for that isn't really necesary. the camp we attend gives free camp shirts if you sign up by a certain date and we always make that so we get a shirt. really I can't think of anything, but any sort of thanks is great - especially for those that take the week of off work. I don't work so that isn't something I have to worry about, and now that my other child is old enough my husband doesn't even have to take time off though if he comes up for family night he'll take a 1/2 day.
  12. for week of summer camp it will take my son's troop about twice as long, but then we use camp tents and have to set them up and tear them down and the boys only use them once a year so some will have forgotten the "how to's" at summer camp we also have the troop sign, gathering and tarping wood if it's still dry (don't need as much for just a weekend), setting up axe yard (we don't use at most campouts). but sadly what seems to take the longest at summer camp is waiting for the trailer to be hauled to campsite. on weekend outings - the time really depends on the boys... when they want to work together it goes sooooo much quicker. Last campout we had 1 scout asking his tentmate to hurry up so they could fold up the tent, but when the tentmate kept asking for help with his sleeping bag he kept saying that he'd wait then. of course boy that just sat and waited was upset that he was last to make his sandwich I just asked what he could've done to get done sooner - he didn't like my response LOL for me - when I wake up on pack-up day my gear is all packed up with my uniform shirt on top (rain gear is kept easy to get to) so when it's time to take down tent I put on my uniform, pull my pack out, help fold up the tent, and walk to the car. then I just wait for the boys to get done. As I tell all new parents - yes it would be quicker if we got in there in did everything, but they wouldn't learn a thing out of that - so expect everything to take longer than it should!
  13. I know when my son went to philmont each crew had a total of 10 people between adults and boys and they crew cooked with 1 stove and fuel - though each crew carried 2 because the last time the troop had a crew go with just 1 stove it needed a repair, but were lucky they were able to repair it in time to cook and eat for the night, but after that they always pack 2. we don't have many locations around here to backpack into locations - wish we did. since the troop does a HA every other year they usually have a year without and then a year with using it a few times even if they don't hike into site just so they get use to it.
  14. boys always seem to want to "win" they want the best X players on their team so that they can win. it will happen in scouting both in cubs and boys if you allow it. the key thing I've used with both levels was to remind them that we aren't playing X to win, but for everyone to have fun, try new things, and to do their best. This isn't an X team - that's where you will go to try to win -- here you are scouts!
  15. parent interest/job survey is very helpful. We started the summer after bears and went through to cross-over spring of 5th grade and the boys that attended often and went to summer camp were able to get all 20 pins. I checked out local parks and rec, County and state programs and such to help with a couple of the pins. Had parents help with a couple of other pins. Had an art teacher help with one... the rest I was able to teach the boys. big thing is anything you can do outside do outside - even our art one we did outside.
  16. yes the troop has had some issues in the last couple of years, mainly due to SM and ASM that would attend meetings when could, but hardly any campouts other than HA trip. So while those of us who camped would report back to those needing info. about who was behaving and who was great helpers etc. it does NOT always get seen translated into rank advancements. something that I also plan on addressing if I become SM, but for those that are already meet "requirements" is what I was curious about. personally this whole first class in first year is putting boys not ready for OA eligible plus rushing boys through without really getting an idea of service and working with others.
  17. Youth must be under the age of 21, hold the BSA First Class rank or higher, and following approval by the Scoutmaster or Varsity team Coach, be elected by the youth members of their troop or team. what factors should a scoutmaster take into account when giving approval? or should all boys who have all the other requirements met go up for election and be left up to the boys vote? it's something that was never discussed with SM training and I haven't seen the question asked before. I ask as someone who may soon be taking on SM position and with a troop that for years has not had a SM who was OA member and just let all boys who met requirements go up for election and our last few elections have been very "popularity" vote rather than boys who are "honor" scouts and just wondering if the SM approval would solve this issue.
  18. my worse would be a trip with my girl scout troop that continued into the next weekend camping with the boy scout troop. Girl Scouts took trip to South Dakota - had a great time other than the constant rain. AND the BIGGY my back went out after second night. With no real opportunity to get to chiropractor I spent the next 3 nights sleeping in the car. We returned on a thursday, went to chiropractor that friday, and off to camp with boy scouts that night. they were doing a canoe skills day at the lake and I was the one that new the boys swimming and canoeing abilities plus CPR certified so I was needed there. Even with the popping by dr. back still was ready to go down on the ground and be able to get back up - so another night sleeping in the car. no big deal until somehow I set off the car alarm (didn't even know it had one LOL was hubby's car) I now try my best to put more than 1 day recoop time between camping
  19. sleeveless class B's!!! although I always just buy a camp tshirt that is on sale from previous year and cut the sleeves off. but I know a shirt that is made to be sleeveless looks better than one that is cut. I'm one that temp runs hot due to medications - so starting around 60's - 70's I'm already digging out the sleeveless and am boiling when it get's to the 90's. I'm also the one that has to stress "do not judge temp based on what I'm wearing" during the winter months.
  20. this year they were allowed to work on the old badges - can until they are sold out. They aren't making any more so have to track down the badges ahead of time and sometimes you have to go online to other councils to get them. with our unit we have 1 troop for girls above cadette level... I have 2 cadettes, 1 senior, and 2 ambassadors. If it were larger and therefore had more adults I would run it more like BSA merit badges, but I don't so that's not an option. But like I said this is my last year so I didn't go into the new stuff. as to events for families. Yes, we have them. Any unit event family is welcome to stay - we always pick up extra insurance for events. Then 1 event each year is for the women to attend with daughter and another is for the men. We also have a family potluck and stage show and the family is invited to the year end bridging. We also have a family campout where each family stays in own tent. yes there are many more rules to deal with in girl scouts than in cubs/boys. BSA it will state trained in... GSUSA it will state certified in. So I can take my boy scouts fishing, swimming, canoeing... but I can't take my girl scouts because I'm trained, but I didn't pay $ to take the certified class.
  21. The changes have made things very difficult and are confusing even seasoned leaders. This is my final year as my daughter is bridging into adults at the end of the school year. My girls have never enjoyed the journeys. With the new badges my troop has used the old ones this year since we were given the choice, but I looked through the new books - I'm not found of them. Plus with a smaller unit here we always end up with a merged troop of cadette, seniors, and ambassadors with the old badge program we could do that easily, but now there's 3 books to go through with them to figure out who is doing what. The only positive with the new badge books is that there is more building upon each thing each level which they have in BSA so hopefully that becomes a positive. but being involved with GSUSA for 13 years now, and BSA for 9 years now - I prefer the system in BSA. oh you asked about a site for more girl scout postings like this... http://forums.delphiforums.com/GSLeaders/? is a good one
  22. here we are able to mark our united way donations when it comes to friends of scouting time. So since my husband makes a donation that is matched by company he sends to council and troop gets that credit with fos
  23. 12 months... our norm is: 1 troop in cabin, 1 summer camp week in tents, 2 camporees in tents, 9 troop campout in tents then we have high adventure every other year in addition to the above.
  24. my son's troop does this normally once a year and if they do it it's usually right around cross over time. Iowa winters aren't always the best time for a new cross over to have his first campout with the troop. the boys still cook in their patrols - there's just not always set activities. sometimes they will come up with an activity once they know what the weather is going to be - 1 year they built a kwinzee (sp?) if our weather is going to be really bad the boys try to camp outside if activities will have some indoor (skiing, tubing, etc where there is a lounge to warm up) or sleep indoors and do activities outdoors. but the one where it's more of a hanging out is nice after crossover as it gets the new scouts comfortable with a good number of the boys.
  25. MONEY QUESTION - Do your scouts create a budget for each camp out? only for food QUESTION - Do your scouts manage the camp out budget on an on-going basis? ... beyond knowing how much they can spend on food per person and managing it while shopping and filling out an expense report they do for food and turn in receipt for it so that's the expense report QUESTION - Do your scouts research and cost out buildings and other price points? no, but when we need to purchase something major for the troop it's given to a boy or two as their star/life project to research prices, styles, etc... to bring back to the group. Sometimes it's not used for any of that and the QM or SPL will delegate several boys to research and bring back the info. but as far as buildings or campsites - no. QUESTION - Do your scouts produce financial summaries for camp outs? no. QUESTION - Does your adult troop treasurer NOT produce financial reports for events? And if not, should they be doing it? not for events - just keeps a balanced budget and reports it ATTENDANCE QUESTION - Do your patrol leaders manage event sign up sheets? no QUESTION - Do your patrol leaders record attendance info? ... Not including the troop scribe taking attendance at troop meetings and patrol leaders organizing scouts forming patrol lines at different times and reporting their attendance while in those lines. no QUESTION - Does your adult troop advancement chair NOT track attendance in troopmaster or similar? scribe turns over to advancement cordinator who does the troopmaster deal QUESTION - Does your an adult leader in your troop NOT track who's signed up for camp? outdoor chair does and treasurer does for keeping track of who is taking out of scout account. QUESTION - Does your troop NOT have an adult generated sign-up list used by the scoutmaster to know who should be there when leaving for camp? yes the adult has the sheet, but once it's arrival to depart it's handed over to SPL who handles making sure all is there, the ASPL assits SPL and QM to make sure all is being loaded and boys are doing what is needed (usually QM is loading trailer and ASPL is at water spigot where all other boys are hauling their water) ... CALENDAR, RESERVATIONS and ACTIVITIES QUESTION - Does your troop committee NOT approve dates and locations chosen by the PLC? approve isn't the right word as we've never turned down - though we will make a suggestion that "ice fishing in Jan. is a little too early I think you should wait for Feb." though this year it still wasn't frozen enough to do. dates - we've always used the 3rd weekend of the month so other than adjusting for camporees and setting summer camp there isn't much to do. So for spring they pick 1 campout for April/May and depending on when the camporee is they will then decide whether to do the campout in Apr. or May. Summer camp is a vote by those going - and it's not a vote for which to go on, but which dates they can't attend on. QUESTION - Do your scouts make facility reservations? no this is done by outdoor chair QUESTION - Does your troop committee (or at least the scoutmaster) NOT review and approve the major activities the scouts plan to do? never had to deny other than the ice fishing since the pond wasn't frozen. QUESTION - Does your troop committee NOT provide feedback to the scoutmaster after SPL give the PLC report? never really needed. ------------------------ all that stated. my son's first troop was done completely boy done. and campouts never happened. John was suppose to reserve the site and didn't get to it yet. Pete was suppose to fill out this form other than adult signature and he left it at home. NOTHING ever got done. I think there is a difference between boy-led and boy-done. To me boy-led means they plan: they decide what they want to do at a campout, where they want to camp to be able to do that, how long they want to stay there. It means they lead: they lead the younger scouts in all the "how to's" of scouting... knots, tents, packing, hiking, reading maps. It means they work together: John wants to canoe, Pete wants to bike, Luke wants to just chill... they agree to have a campout for canoeing, a different one for biking, and either make sure their is chill time at these as well or they plan another campout that is just a chill out campout. our last campout was a chill/rank campout. Some of the boys chilled out and played games - some worked on rank advancement but also chilled out. but the "get it done" part of reserving sites, paying the bills (other than patrol food) is done by adults. that's how his troop now goes and only time anything gets canceled is if the weather makes it unsafe or not enough boys sign up (only happened couple of times)
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