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My son was the cook for his patrol tonight....
IM_Kathy replied to AlamanceScouter's topic in The Patrol Method
I like chatting with the boys after they've cooked. What went well? What could you do better? Was there enough food? Were you supported by rest of the boys in helping out? What are thinking of cooking next time you're asked to cook? What styles of cooking do you want to learn more about? With my own son I asked him the same things but on all campouts not just when he was cook: what did each patrol cook? How'd it all taste? What new thing you going to fix us here at home to practice for a future campout? I don't want to brag, but considering all the adults still talk about my son's cooking I have to LOL... cooking was one of his favorite things to do and the boys loved it when he was the cook. He still leads cooking classes when he's able to come to a meeting. He aged out this past fall, but even before he was an actual adult he was the only youth that was ever allowed to cook for the adult patrol once he was given JASM position. And at home he cooks better than I do. But all this cooking he learned all from getting involved in scouts. When he wasn't cook he'd help his patrol but also walk to other patrols and watch and take a taste. He'd come home and try things he learned at a campout and research other recipes and experiment with them at home. He easily earned cooking MB even though he got eagle before it was required. So yeah - give your son some pointers and give him support to play with food at home and he'll continue to improve. I now have about 3 boys in the troop that are working toward trying to get THAT reputation too. It's cool to see and great to taste! -
How does your troop manage lights out ?
IM_Kathy replied to King Ding Dong's topic in The Patrol Method
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that is that way Stosh. Though for me part of that is I don't take all my medications at bed time on a weekend campout and if there's an over-night storm coming in I won't at summer camp either. Medicated I can still be woken up just not running full speed for a bit, so I just prefer to be full aware if I were ever needed. The only thing I will say about the whole self-regulated. I'd have a bunch of pissed off parents if boys always returned sunday unable to function for that days tasks, and especially during soccer seasons! Yes it's up to the boys first to handle things, but that needs to be supported by the adults in case there is a boy that's just refusing for whatever reason. -
Should I accept an nomination/election ?
IM_Kathy replied to King Ding Dong's topic in Order of the Arrow
I did go through OA to help gain knowledge myself as I obviously wasn't an OA youth member and that way can help the scouts. As for medical issues best is to let someone in the know know about them. If it's something they can work around I'm sure they will. Once "called out" you have that summer camp, fall fellowship, and spring conclave to complete Ordeal (at least here you have those) I don't have same the health issues, but do have some and had to work with them to get through. For me it was really easy here's what I can't do and they'd say ok there would be an issue with this and that what about doing it this other way. And poof made it through -
New MB Councelor - Cooking. Looking for tips
IM_Kathy replied to Daped01's topic in Open Discussion - Program
when you talked about requirement 5 and suggested having each cook 1 or 2 meals on a Saturday afternoon. I get that there are some advantages to this. You can have all the boys there and all focused on cooking. Would be a great way for them to each try a different new recipe. But I have to say the best skill for campout cooking won't be learned unless out camping. Like how are they going to manage their friends off to the side goofing off since they don't have a responsibility at that time or those same boys coming up and distracting him while he's trying to cook. So yeah if they're so new that they've never cooked I'd say this is a great way to get them to learn... x number cook on camp stove, x number cook on fire, x number dutch oven... next week rotate. BUT, I wouldn't count this as cooking for requirement - I'd call it learning and then tell them go out and prove they learned to get it signed off. -
as SM here is what I do for OA elections. I get the list of who is eligible. I sit down with each of these for a little SMC focused on what they've done for the troop, what they see doing for OA, what they see continuing to do for the troop. I give them just the basics of the ordeal that they already know like sleeping out alone, minimal food, physical labor, day of silence and ask if they feel they are capable of this. If I feel they are ready I let them know that and wish them luck. If I don't feel like they are ready then I let them know why, but normally I've done this a few times throughout the year as it pertains to regular troop stuff too. So if I still don't think they are ready we talk about it and what things they need to work even more on. For those boys I talk again one or two times before elections. If we together don't think they are ready than they are not put up for election. At troop elections boys running get to give a little speech, but not for OA. For OA I give a little speech. I let the troop know that I have talked with the boys up for election and find that they are ready for such a task. I will let the troop know some of the qualities that I see in the boys. And I let them know that to me that makes them great candidates for OA, but that it is up to them. If they see something else than they should vote what they feel. I think doing this helps boys that aren't always at everything know more about the boys that are at things especially if you have new crossovers. And since taking on the position of SM and doing this I'd say the boys up for election are willing and able and have been voted in. There's only been one boy that together decided to wait a year. Before I was SM and was just CM it wasn't done like this. All boys who were eligible were up for elections and some that weren't ready were voted in, and some that were weren't. And it was more of a popularity thing. Our troop is also mixed schools. Mostly from 2 school districts, and then have 1 boy who is home schooled, and one boy at a totally different school. While at scouts you would have no clue who went where for school unless one school just beat the other in a big football game LOL
New MB Councelor - Cooking. Looking for tips
IM_Kathy replied to Daped01's topic in Open Discussion - Program
troop does a cooking class one meeting every 2 or 3 months. An older scout will teach a recipe they like usually they are given some suggestions like if the boys have constantly having same things for breakfast I'd suggest a breakfast. We usually do more stove lessons during cold months and dutch oven during warmer months. This gives the boys a chance to see and try other things. Usually when a boy is working on cooking MB I will chat with them a week before meal planning meeting if they are planning on being a cook. We discuss what styles they still need to complete and what ideas they have for that. Then they do some recipe digging and bring a few to meal planning meeting where patrol agrees on one. Scout makes full list of things needed - ingredients, pans, etc.... At campout if I'm there I take a glance now and then and a taste. If I'm not there they get the historian to take a few pictures and give a taste to the adult in charge. At the next meeting we go over how the meal went. What would they change, how did they adapt to mess ups, etc.... and also talk about other things they could cook in same method and what other methods they want/need to try. The only things I do in full group are talking about food borne illnesses and such. As really the other stuff is taught in groups by their patrols: setting up stoves, work station, etc... also I don't work with the cooking requirements of the MB until they have completed the cooking requirements of T,2,1 The one thing I do let my scouts know that just because it says cook a breakfast doesn't mean that it has to be done in the morning. Especially for family meals. Many families around here don't do family breakfasts so cook your family a breakfast meal for supper is allowed as long as it's a typical breakfast type meal. -
when it's known ahead of time that both the SPL and ASPL aren't able to be there then they assign a boy. Same for a PL and APL. Doesn't matter who has what rank or holds what positions it's who they think will do best to fill in for given situation. For our troop this most often happens on Thursday night and Friday of summer camp when those that have been called out for OA are off doing their ordeal. So those that are eligible ask and assign someone in case they are called out.
one of the best scouts I've had privilege to work with ended his scouting as a tenderfoot. He had no interest in rank. Had he, he would've at least been a star scout as I know he had enough mb's for it but not sure his total count. He just did what he liked to do. He helped all the scouts. He still comes and helps out now when it fits into his college/work life. So I'd be having a serious talk about what a patch really means - to me it just means boy did a,b,c and got it signed. What it doesn't say is the true character of a person. And I'd explain how people see a patch and expect certain behavior and if they don't live up to that then maybe they need to take the patch off.
axes only in roped off ax yards?
IM_Kathy replied to Oldscout448's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Only time we use an axe yard is when teaching toten chip and for a week of summer camp. Other times we use the safe circle and know surroundings for those using axes and those moving around -
Youth Protection Training for Campouts
IM_Kathy replied to aarong's topic in Camping & High Adventure
since you are talking BALOO that would mean cubs and I'm not totally sure on the policies for family with that. But for Boy Scouts the answer is yes all attending campouts must have YPT. Actually it's any adult who has direct contact with a scout - so basically anyone who attends anything where scouts are there. Now if you have a position that would only show up when youth aren't there (not sure what that would be) then they wouldn't be required. But really the online training is pretty quick and isn't that hard to complete. And as I look at it, it is more about protecting myself from false allegations than keeping me from doing anything because I wouldn't!!! -
If the guitar is pulled out the boys will call out songs that can be played. Then they'll do songs not known to one up and inspire. Not talking lots of songs maybe 4 or 5 and then the chaplain aide usually asks for amazing grace. And since no one does the bugle taps is done on the guitar and still sounds good enough. This isn't any every campout thing. Just when warm enough to play guitar and enough room in vehicles to squeeze it in.
How does your troop manage lights out ?
IM_Kathy replied to King Ding Dong's topic in The Patrol Method
typically for a troop campout: after supper there's free time cracker barrel evening program (campfire, skit/song by each patrol) a few group songs chaplain aide leads evening prayer boys go to tents and settle in - adults hang by campfire about 30 minutes adult yells out "night boys" and by the time leader is settled in to sleep the boys are to be quiet. maybe 2 times a year another reminder is needed. if at a campground where others are camping adults go in a bit before the time that is listed for quiet time based on campground rules so the boys are already settling in by then. If out on our own then it's not a set time it's really based on the boys. Our group is almost always wore out and ready to sleep by 10. If I had a group that couldn't then I'd be serious about the PLC scheduling some more active activities. Of course we also stress to the boys that the adults come because they enjoy it and if they don't they'll quit coming and if we don't have adults then we can't do these things... so the boys work hard to make sure the adults enjoy the campouts. -
late sign up is allowed until food is bought by the grubmasters. Cancellation is allowed with money back as long as food isn't bought yet. so this will vary from campout to campout depending on who is buying the food and when shopping fits in their schedule. When my son was a scout and still now when I am adult patrol cook I normally shop on thursday afternoon. But other families that might be wednesday or that friday.
while I've not had to deal with this issue myself or with a scout I have had to learn with my own disability and scouts with different learning issues. The biggest thing I can recommend is look around at as many troops as possible when he gets into webelos. Be open and upfront. Let them know of limitations, things that work and don't work, how to he's learned to adapt, and how others like family and teachers have adapted to help him. I will say what others say is true in that the older boys get the easier it is to understand, remember, and adapt. There may still be some kids that struggle and I'd say if they are willing to try and find ways to include your son that is the group to be with. If they are ones that bully or exclude him I'd stay away from them. I do hope your son finds a troop and has a great experience. It won't always be easy, but I have seen how scouting can really help with disabilities of all sorts and help those youth learn in ways that others can't and also help the other scouts too. But again the most important thing is to be open and give suggestions!
for patches I simply sewed them onto a fleece blanket that now hangs on the wall. As a cubby his pack didn't pay for belt loops as they were costly and easy to earn and left it up to parents to pay for them but none from while he was in ever bothered with them so I didn't have to worry about them but could just get a belt about the same size and color and put them on and hang them up to display too.
Dillema in selecting a Boy Scout Troop
IM_Kathy replied to ParkMan's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Had you talked with troop leadership about what day to visit? I ask because I know for our troop and how the PLC plans things out there are certain meetings that are better to visit than others. I honestly don't think you can understand a troop without visiting for a couple of months straight. For our troop we have committee meeting once every even month and on that night the boys have fun/game night in the main room or outside with our junior leaders (18-20 year olds) watching over and often joining in. Once a month (always meeting before campout) we have patrol meetings where meal planning and final activity planning is done by the patrols. Then the other meetings are planned out by the PLC taking into account what future campouts are from their bi-annual planning meeting. Like if they are doing a canoe outing we will have a meeting going over safety-afloat, Basics of how to canoe, and the like. The Patrol leaders keep track of what members of their patrol are working on for rank and will also put in some of those activities into the monthly meeting plan. So basically if you can to a patrol meeting/meal planning meeting but were not coming on that campout or a member of the troop yet you'd probably find it loud and boring. If you came on the committee meeting and boys game night the boy would have a blast but not really get any scouting skills out of it, but it's what are boys like. Now if you come on any of the other nights it'd be great. And once we know cross-overs are started the PLC takes that into account and starts planning out some beginning skills for all to go over. -
just an FYI rifle and shotgun don't require the MBC to be NRA certified as long as they use a range that has the NRA certified there. I'm registered to council those and go with a scout and 1 of his parents to a near-by range. The range is great it's the one I go to a couple times a month (weather permitting) Though in saying this. All the boys I've worked with are ones that took the badge at camp but failed to qualify. And for our summer camp the shooting badges do fill up quick and prefer boys not re-take the full class. And while the camp range is open during free time they are often pushed through too fast to really try and get qualifying completed.
Pros and Cons of the Junior Assistant Scoutmaster position
IM_Kathy replied to apothecus's topic in The Patrol Method
When the troop was much larger and did age based patrols we used Troop Guide to work with the newest patrol and we had Instructors that typically were focused on teaching just a specific skill or a few skills. With the troop a bit smaller and mixed aged patrols we use JASM. The JASM basically does the same job as the guides and instructors together. Our JASM must be an Eagle or the age of 16 and they have to be approved by SM. We typically only have 1 but did have 2 until they aged out this past fall. Our JASM is the one that packs up a pack and brings it in to teach packing, sets up the axe yard and teaches the totin', basically teaches anything passed what a PL can't do. Sometimes the boys are doing something and 1 PL can teach it but another can't so the PL teaches his patrol and the JASM will teach the other patrol. To me (as in my own opinion)... Guides teach how the troop functions, helps a new scout patrol have a patrol meeting and plan, helps them learn how to set up their camp area... Instructor teaches the skill(s) they are proficient with... and a JASM can do both as well as teach all of the skills needed through first class. I guess it depends on what you believe his role will be now and especially in the future. I do think it would be weird to go from JASM to a different position where he'd be under someone else. -
only problem with this is these young men aren't in college yet. They turned 18 the fall of their senior year of high school
Let's simplify by combining Merit Badges
IM_Kathy replied to SSScout's topic in Advancement Resources
our summer camp actually had a night of underwater basket weaving for fun of course. -
I won't say I'm the best SM ever, but the scouts I've worked with that have had a few different SM's have said I'm their favorite from that group basement.... and I would say having boys that have stayed involved past earning Eagle and aging out as well is a sign that we do some good things and have a good group and a lot of fun. Having sat through the training I know the boys will be bored out of their minds. I'm not sure if the training is the same from council to council, but when I went through it there was a mix of sitting through lectures, then being told how to do something, and having enough time for 1 member of your patrol to do it. My patrol was a group of experienced campers except for one so we let that scouter do all the attempts and we just made suggestions when they struggled. IMO it would benefit those that are clueless and are wanting to learn to not have so many people that know what they are doing but are there to get their paper signed and little trained tab. Think about it. The way it currently is there are tons of people sitting around being told how to tie a knot - or it could be 10 people sitting down working one on one and really learning how to tie the knot. The one person in our patrol that was clueless I wouldn't want my kid going camping with and trusting that they knew the skills well enough to teach him. And after I still wouldn't be comfortable with. I just wish there was a better way. But there isn't. Eventually maybe they will come up with a better training method. And maybe the boys (guess their men now) will eventually give up a weekend to go sit through a training they think is boring even though they already give up a weekend a month to still go camp. And with their school, jobs, and after school activities just getting them to still come camp every now and then is pretty cool. If they don't want to sit through the training I can understand and will just keep them registered as MBC.
not sure how anyone can do this and have an active school and social life and even then get old enough to have a job too. But I'm not saying it can't be done. But my big question is WHY get them all done now before he's even 14. So great he thinks this might speed up Eagle, but then once he get's Eagle what's left to do??? All he can do after getting Eagle is wait his times for the different Eagle Palms since he has be badges already. So great to have a goal to earn them all, but why get them all done before you are 14? Just sounds stupid to me. but as always that's just my opinion!
well in came today and he's official Eagle Scout! So now can send out final confirmations to the people he wants/needs at the ceremony.
I will first say I don't know the policies on all of this. But in my opinion... once all is signed as done, turned in, and a board is done then obviously everything is done. Now the whole hypotheticals of age, school, and whatever.... the boy knew what his deadline was, he needed to work that in. If there was no "time" worry to get eagle and was just for say weather then I can see someone floating a loan, work gets done, and then continue fundraising. But only until all fundraising is done does paperwork get signed off and project is considered done.
not heard yet, but only been a week and a half and still have plenty of time. But I did get a little scare this week.... Normally I as SM get the big envelope of approval mailed to me and I notify and congratulate the scout and hand over the packet to our advancement chair. The other day I grabbed the mail and there is a small envelope from BSA addressed to my son and I'm like "that's weird" he went from school straight to work and I had things going on that night so I didn't know when it would get opened and the "what the heck is this" was driving me nuts.... so I broke the law LOL and opened it only to find that it was just his card for approval as a merit badge councilor LOL oh the stress LOL I'm just glad I did open it and didn't stress and wonder all day and night about what could have gone wrong LOL