I have some recent experience with this. I have always been a lanky guy, especially when I was a teen. These 40+ years had still not given me the ability to do pull-ups. I recently bought a pull-up bar and hung it over my computer room door. I made myself do pull-ups before entering, even if I just returning from getting a glass of water.
Well, Initially I couldn't do one, but I could if my arms were bent and I was using an underhand grip. If I couldnt do 5, then I made myself do pushups to enter. I can now do a full 10 pull-ups with an overhand grip.
Then I see this thread. Enter my scrawny 7yr old Tiger cub. I decided to do the same thing for him, but he is too short to try by himself so I help him get up. again we did underhand grip and only went down to 90 Degrees then back up. He couldnt do any pushups, so I used that as a payment if he wanted a soda, or computer time or whatever. he can now do 1 full pull-up off a chair, and 2 good pushups. Thats about 3 weeks.
I know my kids lead a very active inactive lifestyle. (school,daycare,homework,violin,dinner,bed) I think a minute or 2 a day of pushups/pull-ups done in a fun way is a good way of slipping in excercize for a boy. (he actually thinks it cool when he asks for a candybar in the checkout line and I say "Drop and give me 20")
I don't think boys need to work with external weights, but I do believe that they should be able to move their own weight. falling from pushup position is much safer than dropping a weight bar on the chest!
BTW, I dont think you can consider doing the 5 challenges as teaching the test. It may often be considered boring to have scheduled exercize, but making your body strong is making your body strong. teaching yourself the 10 questions on the Revolutionary War and not having an indepth understanding of the people and forces at work is teaching the test.