Actually, I didn't make my initial post on this forum to sell anything. The fact is that my company doesn't have any game units immediately available to sell right now. That's our big problem and it's also why our Web site says that we're taking orders from institutions and not the general public -- because institutions are usually willing to wait long periods for delivery of the product but private individuals are not. The Web page has an order form on the Product Description page for the convenience of past institutional customers and potentially new customers but I've been charged with gathering a verifiable list of persons (a petition of sorts) -- of people who say they would buy the game if it was available, or even say that the game is simply worthwhile as a manufactured product, because we need this data to show either a demand or a favorable response from the public for our product. By the way, I agree that $30 is too expensive and I'll be addressing that to the company owner in our next meeting but I'm not asking you to buy anything.
In the ten years this company has been in existence, many game units have been sold to institutions and I don't know why the cash flow has fallen far below what we need to pay for the re-tooling and production for our next 10,000 units -- I've been with the company for only two months and so this situation was dropped onto my lap.
I have a request:
Is there a scout master in this forum who could show our product (as shown on our Web site) to twenty cub scouts and get a response by a show of hands on "would you try this game at least once if you happened to be stuck indoors one day?" This information is all I'd like to get out of this forum, not a sale -- that's also why our order form is not on the main page, instead, a form that asks for a show of support is on the main page. Let's see how the cookie crumbles with twenty cubs, please.