"if you let boys carry cell phones, mp3 players, and cd players while they were hiking, or in the outdoors, what do you think they would get out of it?"
I think cell phones, MP3 players, CD players, radios, walkmans, and other electronic devices would make the hiking or other activities much more enjoyable. Imagine listening to your favorite music or talking on the phone with friends and family while hiking, canoeing, fishing, or doing other activities. Wouldn't the activities be much more enjoyable? I think it would. Besides, what is the point of having a PORTABLE device if you're not allowed to take it with you? The keyword here is PORTABLE. If a device is portable, you are physically able to take it with you. Thus, the device's portability is useless if you are forbidden to take it with you. That is why I would gladly allow portable electronic devices to camp if I were a scoutmaster. Enjoy your favorite music while hiking, fishing, canoeing, or participating in other scouting activities, and I won't mind one bit. Enjoy talking on the phone while participating in the scouting activities, and I won't mind one bit.