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  1. I created a Yahoo group called electronic_devices_camping. The purpose of this Yahoo group is to discuss whether electronic devices should be allowed on camping trips in general. It need not be scout-related. The URL for this Yahoo group is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/electronic_devices_camping/
  2. When I was a teen, my father forbad me to take my walkman along on family outings because according to him, I'm supposed to pay attention to what's going on around me and socialize with my family. I think that's the reason why most camps ban electronic devices. Camps that ban electronic devices do so because they want you to pay attention to the surroundings of the camp and socialize with others at camp. I, however, think that electronic devices should be allowed at camp because when you need some alone time from the group, you may want to listen to your favorite music. Also, if the group agrees on a particular type of music, e.g., easy listening, big band, etc., they can listen to music while cooking and eating. When hiking, fishing, kayaking, and canoeing, on the other hand, you ought to pay attention to your surroundings, not tune out with your walkman.
  3. Mr. Mori, No, I do not listen to my walkman at church nor in class during school. In church, you should be paying attention to the preacher. In class during school, you should be paying attention to the teacher. Listening to your walkman at church or in class during school would distract you from what the preacher or teacher is saying, respectively. However, I do not quite understand why walkmans have to be banned from campouts. At a campout, you should be having fun, and IMO listening to my walkman is fun. Therefore, walkmans should not be banned from campouts. I think that leaders who ban walkmans and other electronic devices from campouts are acting like a campout is a serious business rather than a fun event.
  4. I was a boy scout in 1987. My family and I were living in Germany at the time. My father was in the Army. I didn't even have a walkman at home back then. On the campouts, there were a few scouts who had casette walkmans, and no one fussed about them. There was also a portable stereo that played background music while we were cooking, eating, washing dishes, or just relaxing in the woods. The leader did have to tell one of the scouts to turn off the portable stereo at night before bed, which is reasonable because we don't want to be distracted while we're sleeping. I'm currently in my late 20s. What I'm looking for is a rule of thumb about where portable electronic devices should and should not be allowed.
  5. The discussion about banned/discouraged items on a campout makes me wonder what the purpose of having a portable device is if you're not allowed to take it with you. Walkmans and cell phones by definition are portable. There are also portable radios, stereos, CD players, and MP3 players. IMO banning portable electronic devices defeats the purpose of their portability. What's the purpose of having a portable device if you're forbidden to take it with you?
  6. "Why would a kid need a Walkman on a campout - family or Scout?" A kid would need a walkman on a campout so that he or she can check out the different radio stations where the campout is. Whenever I go on a trip, I make sure I bring my walkman because I am curious about the different radio stations at my destination whether it be Las Vegas or the Philippines. Another reason why a kid would need a walkman on a campout is so that he or she can listen to his or her favorite music on the campout. IMO a campout is much more enjoyable with your favorite music. Whoever said that you can listen to your walkman when you get home is wrong because a walkman is portable and banning it defeats the purpose of its portability. What's the purpose of having a portable device if you are forbidden to take it with you?
  7. "if you let boys carry cell phones, mp3 players, and cd players while they were hiking, or in the outdoors, what do you think they would get out of it?" I think cell phones, MP3 players, CD players, radios, walkmans, and other electronic devices would make the hiking or other activities much more enjoyable. Imagine listening to your favorite music or talking on the phone with friends and family while hiking, canoeing, fishing, or doing other activities. Wouldn't the activities be much more enjoyable? I think it would. Besides, what is the point of having a PORTABLE device if you're not allowed to take it with you? The keyword here is PORTABLE. If a device is portable, you are physically able to take it with you. Thus, the device's portability is useless if you are forbidden to take it with you. That is why I would gladly allow portable electronic devices to camp if I were a scoutmaster. Enjoy your favorite music while hiking, fishing, canoeing, or participating in other scouting activities, and I won't mind one bit. Enjoy talking on the phone while participating in the scouting activities, and I won't mind one bit.
  8. If I were in charge of a Boy Scout camp, I would gladly allow radios, CD players, MP3 players, walkmans, cell phones, and other electronic devices. I see nothing wrong with listening to music or talking on the phone while hiking, fishing, canoeing, or doing other activities. IMO I think that scoutmasters that ban electronic devices are doing so just to be cruel and mean.
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