In regards to the orginal idea behind these postings:
The BSA offers its program to other organizations: Relgious, Community minded organizations, social and faternal organizations, etc. as a means to help the youth in their community. One of the largest areas of CO's are Relgious organizations. If the BSA were to allow atheists, or gays into Scouting as leaders, these organizations would pull their charter - thus providing no program for the youth in our communities. Without the support of the CO's there would be no Scouting.
Recruiting vs. Retention
I agree with the posting that Recruting numbers are remaing fairly constant or growing - especially at the Cub Scout level which obviously feeds the Boy Scout and Venturing Programs (the national Commissioner recently sent out a letter to all Councils expressing the importance of building stroger Packs as about 90% of all Boy Scouts come from Cub Scout Packs). I believe this because I was recently helping at a Cub Scout Roundup where a small town pack which typically recruits 5-12 boys a year, recruited 39 boys that night. These boys join Scouting to have fun - the program, if ran as close to the "book" as possible will keep these boys in it. If not we will never see these boys again or their friends.
The "hole" with membership is Retention. Without a properly ran program at all levels the boys will leave. This loss is seen at rechater times, Tiger Cub to Cub Scout Transistion, and Webelos to BS transistion. Without the "BEST PROGRAM" in town, we wont keep the boys. The program is the responsibility of the local leaders and CO's. It is only at this level that Scouting happens, not what some office in TX says.