Our troop just got back from Medicine Mountain. Very poor reviews from us leaders and the scouts. Our troop was there 4 yrs. ago and really enjoyed it, not so this time. They were severely under staffed, the meals were terrible,(we were even shorted on food) there were merit badges that were offered in their guide as complete but were not. We had a medical emergency(cut finger) and there were no steri strips or durabond to be found on the premises. We had a director who literally told us she didn't care. Merit badges were signed off without doing the proper requirements.(due to short staff) The waterfront was very poorly ran, kids in canoes and boats that had not even passed the swimming test. The director was rude and worried more about a visiting adult leader than she was the boys. The best thing for the boys the whole trip was being able to retire the flags at Mt. Rushmore. The camp is very run down, and some of the staff said they have no money to keep it up. For about $200 per boy we expected a little more. They say the camp is nationally recognized, I can't imagine how. Someone from Black Hills Council will be getting a complaint from us.
Our council(Mid America) runs a quality summer camp program. It is held at Camp Cedars in Fremont, Nebraska. Come check it out--you won't go away disappointed. The kids have a great time and they learn while they are at it.