hunting wolf
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How many critters in your collection?
hunting wolf replied to SueM's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
I have 43 proud Beavers here with me. Interestingly, my latest was given to me Saturday at Outdoor Leader Training by another staff member. Its a bobblehead beaver that she got at Bass Pro. Band of Beavers C-11-04 -
I just wondered who determined that the light bulb needed to be changed. Was it a Committee decision or did the SM make the decision all on his own? And, shouldn't it have been up to the PLC to begin with? Was the COR aware of this decision and can the organization support the decision? (Somewhere off in the corner is the DE ready to pounce) Oh well, off to work.(This message has been edited by hunting wolf)
I would think that this would be up to the Lodge. Based on past practices, in our Lodge I believe he would be allowed to do his ordeal, but would be given tasks that he could do despite his disability. It would be handled in the same way as any young man with a disability would be handled.
What patrol--------------
hunting wolf replied to troop_358_potlatch's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
We spent half of the first weekend working on a patrol name. Seems we just couldn't come up with one that the CD would approve. He turned down "Buck-naked Beavers" and "Beavers! Dam Builders!" and a couple of others. We finally settled on "The Band of Beavers" I used to be a Beaver... C-11-04 -
I am a Citizenship in the Worls MB counselor and I would not accept it as a substitute. It is not the specific requirement that is asked for and it is not as though the boy can't do one of the others. I believe there is a reason that it asks for attendance at a World Jamboree, not just a National. Just mho. Thanks
Again - - - just read our "bible" - - - the OA Guide to Inductions. It clearly states that it is the Lodge Unit Election Committee that is charged with notifying every unit in the Council of the election procedures, calendar, and contacts to schedule an election. Whether this is done through letter, the Chapter, or Team/Troop OA Rep is left up to the Lodge. The entire procedure is in this 1 publication from the National Lodge.
I don't know where you're getting your information from. Read Chapter 2 from National OA's Guide to Inductions... It clearly states that the Lodge is responsible for conducting Unit elections. The Lodge Elections Committee is responsible for ensuring that each Chapter has a youth to manage elections in that Chapter. It also states that one of the functions of the Lodge Election Committee is to "set a time period for elections, beginning by determining the time of year when unit elections will be held". It is the Lodge Unit Election Committee that is charged with notifying every unit in the Council of the election procedures, calendar, and contacts to schedule an election. Pretty clear. In black & white. If you need a link to the Induction Guide just pm me and I'll send it to you. It is accessible from the National OA site and is password protected.(This message has been edited by hunting wolf)
I think the question was in reference to timing. Again, check your Bylaws. Our Lodge's elections are held at summer camp. In our Lodge if a unit is going out of Council for camp, they have a May deadline to hold what we call "elsewhere elections".A Chapter election team goes to the unit's meeting to conduct the election when they are asked to. Pre-Ordeal is held on Thursday night at Summer camp except for those that go to camp "out of Council". Their Pre-Ordeal is held on the Friday night that begins either the Fall Reunion or the Spring Conclave. Our main Ordeal is held at our Fall Reunion which is always the weekend after Labor Day. The Spring Conclave is always the second weekend of April. They have it pretty much down to a science, probably because our Lodge is so large (4000+ brothers). Fall reunion was this past weekend and we inducted around 1100 into Ordeal membership. Qualifications for OA membership are set by National, but the "how" is left up to the local lodge and is covered in the Lodge Bylaws.(This message has been edited by hunting wolf)(This message has been edited by hunting wolf)
I would ask for a copy of the Lodge's Bylaws. The election process should be spelled out in that document.
Still seeking input. Anybody have any "words of wisdom"? Thanks
I know what you mean SWScouter. I will be recieving my beads tomorrow afternoon at our Lodge's Fall Reunion. Having been in Scouting since 1962 as a Cub Scout I feel that I've reached a pinnacle. I just wish I could have gone earlier to also experience the "old" course. Still proud of what I've accomplished so far and anxious to continue putting the things learned to good use to give the guys the same, or better, experience that I've had. Proud to finally be a part of this Scouting family I used to be a Beaver... C-11-04(This message has been edited by hunting wolf)
This can be found at http://www.mninter.net/~blkeagle/oasash.htm "The Order of the Arrow sash is worn with the official scout uniform or Scouting's official adult dress wear (a blue blazer and gray slacks). The sash also may be worn by Elangomats who are not in uniform at an Ordeal, youth wearing ceremonial attire, and in such other instances as approved by the Scout Executive. The sash is worn over the right shoulder so that the arrow is pointing over the right shoulder. The sash is worn diagonally across the chest. It is not worn in any other manner... The sash is worn at Order of the Arrow functions and special Scouting activities, when members need to be identified as Arrowmen rendering special services." It references the Order of the Arrow Handbook (#34996B), page 57 Revised 2000 2000 Printing I know there have been later printings and this resource, to my knowledge, is not available on-line. They are only available through the local council, however, I have never seen one that said anything different since I was inducted in the mid-60's. Hope this helps.
This is similiar to a thread that was recently up here. I agree that the sash is worn for official OA events, but that includes many things. For example, if a youth is the Troop/Team Representative and is at a COH to fulfill that capacity he can wear his sash. When the boys in our Lodge go to Troop meetings to make Camp Promotion presentations, they wear their sashes. At our monthly Roundtable the OA does the opening and the boys are expected to wear their sashes. These are a few examples from our Lodge.(This message has been edited by hunting wolf)
As a ever-present observer, often to intimidated to say much, I find that now I must ask - - - "Why are you guys making fun of my ex-wife's lips??????????????" She only had the surgery to make her look better.
Shawnee 51 Tapped out 1968 Beaumont Scout Reservation Brotherhood 1972