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  1. My thanks to all, Every little piece helps. I had no idea of Va. Beach's quals. thanks Resqman. Keep up the good work to all.
  2. I am an ASM in Virginia Beach, I heard that with Community Emergency Response Team Training a Scout can earn three Merit Badges, then found this on the web "Auburn Boy Scouts recently earned seven merit badges after taking two additional classes at the end of C.E.R.T. Training." I don't know if this refers to seven Scouts or seven different Merit Badges. Here is a link to what I think may be a typical training schedule http://www.columbiacountyga.gov/Index.aspx?page=2586 I believe this training has an entry age of thriteen or fourteen. It seems to me that this training would only enhance any Troops preparedness. This is my first stop in my research, I don't need direction, my questions concern the Merit Badges and if any of you have had experience with this program. Many thanks
  3. I am planning an overnighter for my Tribe, we will have plenty of parents and leadership on hand, it will be held in a secure area, free of natural hazards. This location has no potable water source and the facilities consist of two porta-potties within walking distance, of course we will bring water for all. I once "Read/was told" that Cubs/WEB's must have a potable water/bathroom faclity onsite. I have looked through the GSS and the net, can't find any policy. HELP! Many Thanks.
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