Our pack currently has 2 wolf dens. My den has just me for the DL, the other wolf den has two DL's. We started as 2 tiger dens with my den having 3 leaders (and 10 kids), but 3 kids (along with the 2 leader parents) quit scouts. So I've been operating my den by myself with some help from parents, but no official other leaders to discuss activities with. The parents help when I ask them to do a specific thing for me. I haven't been able to get another parent to commit and sign on as an official leader.
Now next year our CM is leaving at the crossing over when his youngest son crosses over. We have no ACM and haven't had one since I've been there, and no real committee chair. The CM and his wife a DL do just about everything. In fact after almost 2 years, I'm not even registered as a DL yet. I don't know if it's our pack or the council losing stuff or whatever.
But either way, the CM asked me at the beginning of Tiger year to be the ACM and I said no that maybe I would do it this year. But being both my ADL's quit. I can't step up and help anymore because there's nobody left for my Den. I don't really want to be a CM, I'd be fine being ACM and doing piles of work, just don't want to run pack meetings. Our CM has asked politely about 5 times for someone to be and ACM and then CM. Nobody has come forward. I know what will happen next year if council comes in. Either all positions get filled or we shut the pack down. That being said, I was going to approach the other Wolf den and see if they were interested in merging for the Bear year so I could step up to ACM. Hoping to also find another ACM so when our CM leaves, there will be two of us. I would still be there for DL, but I'm thinking 3 of us could lead a den of 15 (assuming nobody leaves). Because I for sure can't lead a den all by myself and be a ACM or CM. Besides it's against BSA rules I believe. I offered to do both at the beginning of the year (before I was thinking clearly) and I was denied because I can't do both and I have nobody to take over my den.
What do you folks think? My fear is that when he and his wife leave, we're left holding the bag, not knowing anything. I've been trying to learn stuff, but can't learn it all. Not many others seem to be concerned about it as me.