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Everything posted by howarthe

  1. I tried. Snake River Council was not listed as available. I did order Grand Columbia, Grand Teton, Inland Northwest, Mt. Baker, Ore-Ida and Pacific Harbor, but my order was cancelled. I guessed they would not send them because I don't live in the council, but they did not say why the order was cancelled.
  2. I just got back from the Washington Jamboree (WashJam). I wasn't able to complete as much trading as I would have liked, so I thought I would try to do some trading online. I'm looking for council shoulder patches (crests) for the following councils: - Oregon Trail Council, Oregon - Blue Mountain Council, Washington - Snake River Council, Idaho - Cascadia Council, British Columbia - Pacific Coast Council, British Columbia - Fraser Valley Council, British Columbia If you would like to trade any of these council shoulder patches, I am offering Cascade Pacific Council or Crater Lake Council in trade. Also, if you know of any councils outside of Washington, Oregon, Idaho or British Columbia that were in attendance at WashJam, please let me know. I'm having trouble getting a list of the participating councils, but I heard there was a group from Texas and a group from Utah in there somewhere. Thanks.
  3. I just got back from the Washington Jamboree (WashJam). I wasn't able to complete as much trading as I would have liked, so I thought I would try to do some trading online. I'm looking for council shoulder patches (crests) for the following councils: - Oregon Trail Council, Oregon - Blue Mountain Council, Washington - Snake River Council, Idaho - Cascadia Council, British Columbia - Pacific Coast Council, British Columbia - Fraser Valley Council, British Columbia If you would like to trade any of these council shoulder patches, I am offering Cascade Pacific Council or Crater Lake Council in trade. Also, if you know of any councils outside of Washington, Oregon, Idaho or British Columbia that were in attendance at WashJam, please let me know. I'm having trouble getting a list of the participating councils, but I heard there was a group from Texas and a group from Utah in there somewhere. Thanks.
  4. I just got back from the Washington Jamboree (WashJam). I wasn't able to complete as much trading as I would have liked, so I thought I would try to do some trading online. I'm looking for council shoulder patches (crests) for the following councils: - Oregon Trail Council, Oregon - Blue Mountain Council, Washington - Snake River Council, Idaho - Cascadia Council, British Columbia - Pacific Coast Council, British Columbia - Fraser Valley Council, British Columbia If you would like to trade any of these council shoulder patches, I am offering Cascade Pacific Council or Crater Lake Council in trade. Also, if you know of any councils outside of Washington, Oregon, Idaho or British Columbia that were in attendance at WashJam, please let me know. I'm having trouble getting a list of the participating councils, but I heard there was a group from Texas and a group from Utah in there somewhere. Thanks.
  5. I just got back from the Washington Jamboree (WashJam). I wasn't able to complete as much trading as I would have liked, so I thought I would try to do some trading online. I'm looking for council shoulder patches for the following councils: - Oregon Trail Council, Oregon - Blue Mountain Council, Washington - Snake River Council, Idaho - Cascadia Council, British Columbia - Pacific Coast Council, British Columbia - Fraser Valley Council, British Columbia If you would like to trade any of these council shoulder patches, I am offering Cascade Pacific Council or Crater Lake Council in trade. Also, if you know of any councils outside of Washington, Oregon, Idaho or British Columbia that were in attendance at WashJam, please let me know. I'm having trouble getting a list of the participating councils, but I heard there was a group from Texas and a group from Utah in there somewhere. Thanks.
  6. I used to live in the West Michigan Shores Council. I wasn't a registered scouter so I didn't have a uniform or a patch but I helped my little brothers with all of their cub scout stuff. When I got back into scouting I decided I wanted to display the activity patches I had from back then on the back of a jacket. I wanted a council patch to display them with and I had to search high and low to find someone who had one like I remembered. So yes I think these patches will have some value and that value will increase as years go by.
  7. I just got back from the Washington Jamboree (WashJam). I wasn't able to complete as much trading as I would have liked, so I thought I would try to do some trading online. I'm looking for council shoulder patches for the following councils: - Oregon Trail Council, Oregon - Blue Mountain Council, Washington - Snake River Council, Idaho - Cascadia Council, British Columbia - Pacific Coast Council, British Columbia - Fraser Valley Council, British Columbia If you would like to trade any of these council shoulder patches, I am offering Cascade Pacific Council or Crater Lake Council in trade. Also, if you know of any councils outside of Washington, Oregon, Idaho or British Columbia that were in attendance at WashJam, please let me know. I'm having trouble getting a list of the participating councils, but I heard there was a group from Texas and a group from Utah in there somewhere. Thanks.
  8. I just got back from the Washington Jamboree (WashJam). I wasn't able to complete as much trading as I would have liked, so I thought I would try to do some trading online. I'm looking for council shoulder patches for the following councils: Oregon Trail Council, Oregon Blue Mountain Council, Washington Snake River Council, Idaho Cascadia Council, British Columbia Pacific Coast Council, British Columbia Fraser Valley Council, British Columbia If you would like to trade any of these council shoulder patches, I am offering Cascade Pacific Council or Crater Lake Council in trade. Also, if you know of any councils outside of Washington, Oregon, Idaho or British Columbia that were in attendance at WashJam, please let me know. I'm having trouble getting a list of the participating councils, but I heard there was a group from Texas and a group from Utah in there somewhere. Thanks.
  9. My 7-year-old son has a few patches on a red jacket that he wears to school. He likes to show them off. They are temporary patches: pinewood derby, scout sunday, and the C for cub scout sports. I think you can sew temporary patches to anything you like. A backpack might be another alternative. I started a blanket for my daughter. She earned so many fun patches in Girl Scouts that there was no more room on her vest. She loves it. I got it at the army-navy surplus store. She has it on her bed although I imagined her taking it with her to camp.
  10. I always put my son's neckerchief over an his collar with the top button fastened. He is seven. He would never tolerate the collar tucked under. It wouldn't feel right. I don't like the neckerchief under the collar because it hides half of it. Most or our cub scouts wear their neckerchiefs, but I noticed that almost none of the Scouters wear a neckerchief. Almost everyone wears the top button open. I think it looks very sloppy.
  11. howarthe


    I picked up a copy of the Cub Scout NOVA Awards Guidebook at the scout store today (8/14/2012).
  12. I'm planning on setting up a table for meet-the-teacher night, too. I hadn't thought there would be any children, but I like the rock idea with the animal tracks. Thanks!
  13. I've read about the World Jamboree and the National Jamboree, and I'm planning to attend the Washington Jamboree this weekend. It looks like its going to be a lot of fun, and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm in Cub Scouting, so this sort of thing is a new experience for me, but I'm excited about it, and I'm trying to discover if there are other state jamborees in the area. I live in Oregon. I can't find anything online about an Oregon Jamboree, but it seems like these things only pop up when the organizers are ready to start collecting registrations. Does anyone here know anything about any resource that might list other smaller jamborees?
  14. This weekend I am attending the Washington Jamboree which will be held on property adjacent to Joint Base Lewis-McChord near Tacoma Washington. It is an army base and an air force base. It is not "on base" but the property belongs to the base. There is a section in the Leader Guide warning about the possible of discovering unexploded munitions. I've never been before, but I believe its primary attraction for the scouts is that it is very near a lake where they will have sailboat and canoes. There is no water on site, so we are encouraged to bring our own, but there will be water trucks. The weirdest part (to me) is that we can't build a fire on the ground. The grass is really dry this time of year, but it seems odd to me to go camping without a campfire.
  15. I don't know about partnership opportunities, but I noticed that several American Heritage Girl troops will be attending the Washington Jamboree this weekend. The Jamboree is sponsored by the local BSA council. 3,000 scouts are attending. I am attending with my Cub Scout and his sister. She is a Girl Scout. I really like it when the Cub Scout program invites siblings to tag along. Something happened at Fall Camp this year, and my daughter didn't get the chance to shoot arrows. Now she will get that chance. BB-guns, too! Of course, what she really wants to do is ride a horse, but that will have to wait until next summer when we go to Gilbert Ranch, the local Webelos camp. They offer one week for girls, same program as the boys.
  16. I understand how a company can ask its employees not to speak to the press, but I don't get how they can ask retirees, unless they receive a pension, I suppose. Americans accept limits tot heir free speech all the time, usually its expensive. In this case its punitive. I don't like it. I have a personal rule never to talk to the press about anything because I think people on the street always sound like idiots when they answer questions on camera and I want to avoid looking like an idiot, but I blog all the time, and I would bristle if asked not to blog about certain topics.
  17. My boys receive a black bead to put on our den doodle whenever they report having done a good turn. Usually its something like picking up litter. If I knew that one of the boys in my den saved a bird, I would probably try to make a big deal at a pack meeting and give him something like a patch, or a coin, shaped like a bird, if possible.
  18. Yet ANOTHER reason we need universal health care in this country.
  19. Russell is such a tragically sweet scout. He earns every single merit badge because he hopes that THIS time his father will show up to pin it on his sash. Brings a tear to my eye.
  20. Does the LDS Church sponsor troops in Canada or Great Britain? I didn't see any troops in Venezuela when I was a missionary. I imagine the BSA will get along without the LDS just as well as Scouts Canada.
  21. We scheduled three pack activities this summer. We also put on our pack calendar three district activities and three council activities for the summer to give scouts lots of opportunities. So far my den is at 80% I'm really looking forward to handing out those pins!
  22. I might say something like: "I agree with you, and I will do what I can about that. Today we are supporting Mr. X, who has Leukemia, can you help us out with that?"
  23. I like the idea of one oath uniting the various scouting groups. Since they all say basically the same thing, it seems silly to word them differently in the different programs.
  24. How are den chiefs a recruiting tactic? What worked for my pack last year was to run an announcement in the elementary school newsletter every month inviting families to the pack meeting. A lot of people just didn't know that there was a cub scout pack operating in the school.
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