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Everything posted by Horizon

  1. BD - you are not understanding me. The BSA has a broken process, that is exposing my personal information, and is a waste of volunteer hours. There is absolutely no reason in this modern era to be handing out carbon triplicates each time a role changes within a unit, or a person moves from one unit to another. That requires yet another person to manually re-key data into the system. I have a single BSA ID number. That number should have a record of all of my advancement records (from my younger days), my training (per my scouting.org), my addresses and references (updated annually) and my positions (checked against annual charters). Further, it should be periodically used to check for new criminal records or other challenges in the background check. Finally, they should decide to go ahead and start fingerprinting as well (I had to be printed to be a coach for club soccer, to be an instructor at the local university, and to get early access at the airport as well when flying). Calling me lazy for pointing out a bad system? I can find better things to do with both my time, and the professionals and volunteers at the district who are dealing with all of these forms from the 1980s. My point is that the BSA's antiquated systems is why we got caught with our Scout leaders pants down - and we should fix it. Why the heck would you be protecting such a system?
  2. False equivalency. G2SS is a set of rules we follow. Tour Permits CAN be automated a bit. We keep a database of drivers, insurance, etc. that we can easily copy and paste into a tour permit. We have an annual permission slip for our parents to sign to handle medications, etc. We file a new permit because we go to a new place on a new date every month. Youth Protection Training is education, and it is good to refresh oneself every couple of years. The adult application, however, is just a dataset about the individual. The entry should not require a new carbon triplicate form every time. There should be a standard database in the BSA system to manage my identity, training, current job, etc. I should be required to update it annually as part of rechartering (something the BSA does NOT require). Any unit should be able to pull my data when I apply for a position.
  3. True - but that could be managed via software easily. An application to become a member of another unit repeats 100% of the information in the prior application. If instead I simply had to update (job information, new cell data, maybe a reference has moved away) and submitted it, then ALL of the Unit COs could get my update and review them. Repeatedly filling out identical information (which includes my SSN that sits around on desks at Council) for another role is not what we call Best Practices in the industry. This could be done better and smarter (and online instead of cramming details into a tiny block on the form). AYSO does it quite well. All of my data is tied to my identity in their database. Every year I have to review and update it. I then print out a fresh copy and sign it and provide to the Region / Area that I am volunteering for. I do not have to do a separate application for my role as an Asst Coach for one team, a Head Coach for another, or a Referee for a higher level of the organization - because my information has not changed.
  4. Separate apps, I was told once, helps ensure that the new group can check up on you in case the old group hadn't done their job. In reality, I think it is because the BSA still has not made the adult application online, with the ability to update and add additional positions as needed. I have to go fill out yet another form for Merit Badge Counselor, because our District split and my ID did not carry over. That will be my 4th application in the system - Troop, Crew, Pack and Merit badge Counselor.
  5. We have the AOL and Bridging Ceremony in Jan/Feb (this year in Jan). We make that its own special ceremony. Blue & Gold is not until the end of the school year in June. We don't hold back awards. If boys have earned a rank badge, they get it upon earning - and then they add arrow points if they are chasing those too. However, it is a rare Scout who doesn't just turn it all in for the June celebration.
  6. We added Paypal (yes, it costs us) to the options to pay, with a link that is sent with the reminder. That took care of most of the late payments.
  7. The interesting thing about this is that this young man created a genius bit of a site, that was out of the reach of governments and banks by keeping it remote and by using Bitcoin for the currency. The more Libertarian minded folks would appreciate that - the ability to do business outside of the reach of any given national government. However, new technology has shown tendency to have early adopters from the vice vendors. Home VCRs benefitted from pornography, and in the early days of the internet the only profitable pay sites were the Wall Street Journal and Playboy. Craig's List constantly has to work on how their site provides an easy to way to sell drugs and prostitution, even though it was set up to just be an online classified marketplace. I can see the interest in setting up Silk Road, and I wonder what his path was as it started to go bad. As some of us pray, "Lead me not unto temptation..."
  8. Maybe a misread your statement. I do grow tired of people who put roadblocks in the way of young Scouts who are "moving too fast." Insults on this board towards young Eagles not being good enough also get my attention. If that was not what you meant, apologies. I hear them regularly. For college admissions - a faculty member on the admissions committee for the local university. This school recognizes that SPL is the "President" of the Club, and that gets points towards admissions.
  9. We removed one of our leaders as a Merit Badge Counselor (working with the Council) after a combination of incompetence and inappropriate behavior. Only ethics issues I have dealt with was a treasurer who had $3k from a pack account after he left. It took us 3 years to get it back.
  10. Thinking about this again. I do love the slaps at 13 year old Eagles, since I was one (a month before my 14th Birthday). Nothing like telling a committed Scout he is not good enough. So I meet a young man on the campus who tells me was an Eagle. Things I might find interesting: What was your project? Did you serve as SPL? (this gets more points for college admissions) Philmont or equivalent? Which merit badges do you remember? Regardless though, I know that in one youth activity he did what it took to earn the highest achievement. He gets my respect, and my expectations for any future discussions as well. One of my favorite compliments at the office one day was "You must have been an Eagle." One of my favorite memories from college was that 1/3 of the men in my dorm were Eagles. None of us compared what it took, we just led the dorm campout to Yosemite.
  11. Term Limits in California also proved to be a reform that caused more problems. New members of the State Legislature start working on their next position, nobody as the experience, and unelected bureaucrats and staffers hold the knowledge and power. Improving/fixing the takings clause debacle that was shown in the Kelo decision is simple - pass it at the state level. That is what the Supreme Court told us to do. I would love to see Wickard v Filburn overturned - that was when the Commerce Clause really got out of whack. The current court is nibbling away, but it could be tough to go further (and the net neutrality decision could end up with a solution that is not worth the price). Always remember that the convention to fix the Articles (as noted by Pack18Alex) resulted in the Constitution. Patrick Henry refused to serve under the new form, and predicted many of the modern problems we have today.
  12. That is because that is how they are sold the program - getting to Eagle. If you sell a camping club, you don't get full buy-in from the parents. Our job is to use the pitch of the Eagle to get the parent's support, and then build a program that is best for the boys.
  13. Blend the two. There is nothing wrong with Merit Badges, but combine 2-3 into a track instead of as a one hour per day class. Put nature, Wilderness Survival and Pioneering into one course over two days, that includes building a shelter in a tower where you do observations. Put rowing, canoeing and fishing into a track where you learn to work the craft, and fish from it. If you do Theater, combine with Communications - you now own the campfire and morning announcements. We took badges that can be earned just by being a Scout, and made them into one hour per day courses with homework. Take them back to activities that just happen to cover the requirements. Beware of double counting rules, but other than that you can make some fun stuff happen in the slots instead.
  14. My parents got me to meetings, and got me to campouts. My father did not attend a single meeting or campout though (he would drop off then drive home, and another parent would show up on Sunday to pick us up). I was part of a big troop, and there was plenty of adult association available at the Troop level. My sons are stuck with me as an ASM / SM (depending on the boy and the time). I leave them alone at meetings and campouts, and focus on serving the Troop - not my sons (directly). They benefit in ways others have pointed out - I know the calendar, I commit to the meetings and driving, and we don't put family stuff in competition with Troop activities. Does this give my boys more opportunities than some? Yes it does, but the same was done by my father - he knew that Scouts mattered to me (and I had ZERO athletic ability until a puberty growth spurt so that was not an issue for me). The most important support from a parent is getting the boy to the meeting - that means NOT being the roadblock to participation. Next is helping ensure that the unit has the resources it needs to deliver the program. That can be drivers, committee members, donations, BOR staffing, merit badge counselors, etc. After that comes being a uniformed Scouter. My dad knew that my unit had everything covered, and years later I found out that he wrote some nice checks to the Troop to help out others less fortunate. My sons' unit needed some Scouters, so I stepped up to that role (ending up as a Scoutmaster for a few years).
  15. Pagan doesn't bother me (as a Scouter), because that is still faith. It might bother me as a Reformed Church Christian, but so should Islam and Judaism and Mormonism and Catholicism - since all of those are seen as deviating from the message of Christ if you listen to some of the scholars. Reverent says I should respect the faith of others - and I do. A boy who questions at that age does not surprise me. Often they are ahead of the curve - many start questioning in college when they start interacting with people who do not fit the stereotypes that they were raised with. Add in a few college philosophy courses as part of the general education requirements (along with assigned reading of the Bible - which many have never actually read), and you get an 18-22 year old wondering if what they were raised with is the Truth. I accept questioning boys, and I encourage them to question. I have yet to have boy tell me directly that he does not believe in any higher power. I have had many who tell me that they question some of the tenets of various faiths - and I tell them that a year doesn't go by without me having my own faith questioning moment.
  16. Our Camporee's have separate judging and difficulty for Venture - so the older "killer" groups tend to fight it out there. I agree on the challenge of NSPs vs. mixed ages. My Troop has gone to NSPs this year, so my younger son will be headed to Camporee two months after bridging with a group of not-yet-Tenderfeet Scouts probably. The issue I don't like is when an event is based on upper body strength, so younger/smaller Scouts have ZERO change of competing. I have seen that before, and I have seen the look on the Scout's face. Yes, they can come back in 3 years after puberty hits and they bulk up - but they have no chance of nailing the event prior to that.
  17. Bravo for letting your son choose. Sometimes silence is due to incompetence / overly busy / bit off more than they can chew adults - not necessarily hostility. Offer to volunteer at your son's Troop once you get a feel for it. Different Troops have different needs.
  18. You can also recharge batteries for a GPS/Flashlight - not just the EEEEVVVIIILLLL phone. I am testing gear for a multi-week backcountry trip, this is one of the possibilities.
  19. For cooking - find a local farmer who might sell you some dead, but still feathered chickens. These could be the prizes for after building a snare trap. Then the patrols have to prep the wild game (yes, a chicken), and cook it over the fire you have built. I did this as a Scout for Wilderness Survival - it is still one of my favorite memories.
  20. Loans to be covered by donations are not unknown in the real world. That said, this seems to be an issue between the Scout and the benefactor. I would review it on a case-by-case basis. From the Project Workbook: The Fundraising Application If your fundraising effort involves contributions only from the beneficiary or you, your parents or relatives, your unit or its chartered organization, or parents or members in your unit, submitting the fundraising application is not necessary. If you will be obtaining money or materials from any other sources, you must submit a completed application to the local council service center. This is interesting to me, because it shows that we expect that a lot of projects are funded by friends and family. The standard fundraising at our Unit seems to be making dinner on Troop meeting nights. If you come 30 minutes early, you get a hot meal and you drop a donation in the bucket.
  21. I have seen this as well. A lot of school structures, benches and pens for the animal shelter, etc. The Council wants something to physically exist upon completion. My son did trail building - his direct costs were covered by donated food from local stores. His Board told him that he should have included the cost of gas for the drivers to get to the trailhead.
  22. We waived certain fees for drivers, and reimburse the trailer hauler's gas 100%. The trailer allows us to use every single seatbelt, and we have enough minivans around to help. When I was a Scout, each patrol was responsible for transportation - I tried to implement that in the Troop but it never seemed to take off. It doesn't help that the Tour Permits require all drivers listed, with insurance, DL #, vehicle description, etc. That makes it necessary to get it all listed in advance, instead of just grabbing a few parents at the parking lot on the way out. Emails go out about the need for drivers in our unit regularly - we list the number of Scouts and the number of seat belts needed. It seems to work.
  23. I supported this one through Kickstarter, will report on it once I receive it and test it in the field!
  24. I like the changes - funny, I always required that the backpacking meal be made on a backpacking trip. I wasn't trying to add to the requirements, it was just logical in my head. You have to factor in weight, uneven surface, and gear when choosing a backpacking meal. There was never a problem getting it all done - we camp every month, and we have enough backpacking to keep that from being an issue. We are very strict about who in our Troop is an MBC - and we have removed people from the list more than once when the demonstrated a lack of knowledge or ability to teach a particular badge. Perhaps I should say that we welcome all, but we monitor (trust, but verify!). I have been on the Council's list of MBCs for ages - but have only been called once in 10 years by someone outside of our unit.
  25. Miley was dragged through the mud, made a laughing stock, parodied, etc. after her performance with a married man (who got off lightly). Why would you claim nobody gave a crap about her? Gilbert Gottfried lost his job as the voice of the Aflac Duck for cracking jokes about Japan after the quake. The PR Rep for Barry Diller just got fired for tweets about race, rape, and South Africe. Mel Gibson had to fund his own work after a few drunken anti-Semitic outbursts. Robertson made some anti-gay comments, he also made some Uncle Remus level inane statements about blacks in the South that make him sound like an idiot. When you make your money in the public eye, you have to be ready to face the consequences when you get quoted in certain ways. Now - where this will all end, who knows. The next season is already shot and ready to air starting in January. This whole enterprise has resulted in massive publicity, and it will be fun to see how much more or less viewership, sales, etc. there is.
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