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Everything posted by Horizon

  1. Can't you bundle it in with their Confirmation classes? That is what my son did in the Presbyterian Church - he used the confirmation process to drive him through his knot.
  2. An issue BSA has to face with this particular case is a very sympathetic plaintiff. Rosa Parks was not the first one to refuse to give up her seat, but she was the best one to rally behind. Heller was not the first person to fight for his 2nd Amendment rights, but his background made him a great person to be the face of the case. Jennifer Tyrell makes a much better face, because we don't have the same cultural visceral reaction to lesbians as we have to gay men. You can't accuse her of trying to get close to young boys, or pedophile tendencies, or anything like that. Even more, she is in a committed relationship and just trying to be the Den Leader for her son. So the child molesting red herring can't be used on this one, and instead we are left with the moral clause.
  3. Beavah - I have no issue with that list. Funny - seems to have left out the evil gays that the BSA won't let into the club though. Not a good verse to hang the organizations beret on.
  4. Well Beavah, we could just take a look at Paul's list of who doesn't get the Kingdom of God (I am using the NRSV for this one): wrong doers, fornicators, idolators, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, and robbers Now the interesting thing in Paul's list is that our lesbian mom doesn't make the cut, so perhaps we should let her back in? In the meantime, the greedy is interesting. Perhaps we should start rejecting adult applications from The 1% that Occupy Wall Street is so concerned about. No Gordon Gekkos need apply!
  5. Fred - you know the old joke about jokes by the numbers? (if not, a version is below) I sometimes think that for this discussion a list of the standard arguments and rebuttals would save a lot of 0s and 1s in the transmission. The only new ground today is the news article, and the general shift in tone vs. 10 years ago. For example, Beavah is trying to paint the progressive Christian side with a broad brush dipped in the paint of decadent Rome. This has been done before, and it is still just as vile in its inferences and insinuations. The standard response would be to point out that it was his fellow conservative Christians who backed slavery to the hilt, using the writings of Paul to justify their barbarism. It was progressive Christians who fought for the rights of blacks in America - not the conservative ones. The conservative ones are the ones at Bob Jones that only dropped the rules against mixed race dating in recent years after all. We could assign a number to this response (maybe a linked FAQ!) The fight will go on. Many of the arguments will stay constant, the only shift is the shift in our culture. We let women work and vote, we elect a black president, we allow gays to be out in public - no doubt to some our nation to some is headed to hell, to others we are growing up. -------------- A man is sent to prison for the first time. At night, the lights in the cell block are turned off, and his cellmate goes over to the bars and yells, "Number twelve!" The whole cell block breaks out laughing. A few minutes later, somebody else in the cell block yells, "Number four!" Again, the whole cell block breaks out laughing. The new guy asks his cellmate what's going on. "Well," says the older prisoner, "we've all been in this here prison for so long, we all know the same jokes. So we just yell out the number instead of saying the whole joke." So the new guy walks up to the bars and yells, "Number six!" There was dead silence in the cell block. He asks the older prisoner, "What's wrong? Why didn't I get any laughs?" "Well," said the older man, "sometimes it's not the joke, but how you tell it."
  6. DLChris71 - I didn't see any derogatory remarks in shortridge's comments. Mine - guilty as charged. Then again, I will defend my choice of terminology happily.
  7. When we have our new parent orientation for the Troop, we introduce our Troop tradition of the essentials pack. We ask all boys to have field pack that has the outdoor essentials, plus we add the Handbook, paper and pen, and a 6' hunk of rope. They are to bring it to every Troop event. I then tell them the contents, and why they are necessary or useful - and not just in the wilderness. I THEN tell them that this type of kit should be in all of their trunks for earthquakes. I sometimes go so far as to ask how many parents have an earthquake kit in their car, and also a supply at their house. About 1/3 raise hands at that meeting, and we try to get the percentages up over time. I close by talking about the San Francisco quake. When it hit, all of us at Stanford had to move out of the housing units until they could be inspected. My fraternity had several Scouts in it, and we turned our yard into an awesome canopied shelter. We had our BBQ pit going 24/7 cooking up all of the food from our freezers, and soon had many friends crashing with us as well. Those Scout skills turned the quake inconvenience into a great party instead.
  8. Congrats to these boys, and those that helped lead them to this: http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/us/2012/05/02/boy-scouts-rescue.wham#/video/us/2012/05/02/boy-scouts-rescue.wham
  9. DLChris71 - you don't have to leave America to find bigoted violence though. Right here in these United States gays are bashed, abused, in some cases tied to a fence and murdered (The Matthew Shepard case). Even a screening of the movie about his life triggers protestors. So, while it is true that Christians are under assault in some nations, I am focused on the bigotry here in America where gay children are bullied, leading to higher rates of suicide. I am focused on the bigotry here in America, where gay people are bashed to death. This is why when I am not counseling Shotgun and Rifle Merit Badges, I spend the occasional evening doing self-defense training for the Pink Pistols (I consider it part of my penance for past sins). http://www.pinkpistols.org/ One of my favorite moments, after teaching a young man how to manage recoil, was our conversation. He found out I was a Christian and a Scoutmaster, and started crying. He was kicked out of his home, Church and Troop when it was found out that he was gay. He assumed that we were all bigots (I paraphrase, his actual language is inappropriate for a Scouting forum). To learn that some of us did not carry that attitude helped him. It hurt me. That is how I am judged silently every time I am in uniform. I can live with being seen as a nerd, dork, or whatever. I can trot out my shorts and knee socks with the best of them. I HATE that I am also assumed to be a judgmental bigot.
  10. I put this in a prior run of this debate, but if my beloved Corps can handle gays - what is our problem again? http://articles.latimes.com/2011/oct/09/local/la-me-1009-gay-pride-marines-20111010
  11. Warning, the following is from a Libertarian Christian who used to actively try to get rid of gays from any aspects of his life (making the gay guy at high school miserable, screaming slurs as we drove by the only gay bar in town, telling as many anti gay jokes as possible, etc.) I then actually met a gay person and made friends with them. I then started to listen to Christ's message of love. I then started to look back on my past in horror. I was a bigot. Period. I was only following what was being taught by my church, my parents and my community. It was still wrong, and I wallowed in the filth. I joined the Presbyterian church. I was re-Baptized by choice. I was elected and ordained as a Deacon. I fought for the inclusion of Gays and Lesbians in our church, and when I moved I joined a congregation that was openly accepting. My son's youth Minister was gay, and I let my son go on the youth ski trip with the young gay Minister. When our Council Exec came to our church and asked why we didn't sponsor a Troop - I told him that as soon as he allowed our youth Minister to be the leader, we would have a Troop of 20, a Crew of 10 and possibly a Cub Pack as well. Being anti-Gay has never been the bedrock of Scouting. Doing the right thing (that good turn) is the bedrock, and we teach it using the great outdoors as our classroom. Anti-gay is simply a left-over attitude of our culture, and sadly is still a core component of many faiths today that can not seem to define themselves using any more positive metrics. I will stay in Scouting, to push change from within. I did the same with the Presbyterian church, and now the church as a whole is an alignment with my beliefs. The BSA is losing potential members every day. The resignation of the Board Member linked earlier in this thread is an example of the types of people we are losing. He is a 3rd generation Eagle who has stepped down. I know of others who will not enroll their sons in Scouts due to the bigotry against gays. These are moral, religious Scouting alumni who can not bring themselves to support the organization. Allow local control. I don't care if you want to pink flag my new unit so that you don't have to come to summer camp and catch cooties from us. I will then be able to get the boy from down the street with two moms in my new unit (one is a stay-at-home mom who would make an amazing Den Leader, the other is a professor who would make a great Merit Badge Counselor). I will then get the son of two men at my church to join as well. Take a look at the woman who triggered this - are you saying that if she had a husband any of you would not have jumped at the chance to have her as your Tiger Den Leader? Do you think that there would be any perceivable difference? In the meantime, my annual FOS donation is now 2 cents with a note. They used to get a lot more. My support is at the unit level, but I can not support at the National level. How much does that add up to from, my fellow Troop members from my youth who have refused to return, and others? What did it cost us to lose the military bases? What is the cost of losing the PTAs? What is the cost of losing the United Way? We are already paying for this policy, and it is only going to get more expensive. All of this so that we can continue to legally discriminate against approximately 2% of the population. We stand our a legal rights, on a tenuous moral basis, and denounce through our actions our fellow citizens. It is not right, this bigotry in fact against the Scout Oath and Law that I say every Monday night.
  12. If folks want to read a little more background on this one: http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-boy-scouts-lesbian-pack-leader-20120427,0,2353253.story "the local cub master put her at ease. 'He assured me at the local level it would never be a problem, she said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times. From Day 1, I was open and honest about it.' ' So this is a case where a local unit did not care, and it sounds like they needed a leader as well. Someone called Council, and once Council was told they pulled her registration. Too bad. Committed relationship, lots of kids, willing to take the lead, approval and endorsement by the unit - everything about her sounds like a perfect candidate for a Den Leader. Yeah, I know. We can run a list of the typical reasons why some people don't want her to be a Leader, and others (like me) can say why we wish there was local control on this. Then someone can jump in with the "love it or leave it" statement. Someone else can push back. I don't think there is anything truly new here, except that these types of cases are only going to increase over time.
  13. That list is the attitudes of different groups of Scouts, if that was not obvious. To really mess with everyone, I have never forbidden cell phones on backpacking trips (no headphones while hiking due to safety though). If figure if you are willing to carry it and risk it, it is your business. Some of the boys get great joy at finding a signal on top of a peak and "checking in" on Facebook from, say, Mt. San Jacinto. If that gets one more boy on the Trail - wahoo! For the 20 miler, we have talked about doing the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon that is 26.2 miles of hiking from site to site listening to live bands.
  14. I have taken Scouts on some pretty fun hikes and backpacking trips to the various mountain ranges of California. They can be broken up into the following groups: 1) Nice View 2) Another Peak 3) Fastest to the Objective 4) Are we done yet? 5) Does this count for X badge / Y requirement? 6) Never doing this again
  15. I find it interesting that people use Philmont to complete Hiking - in our Troop it is used to complete Backpacking (another badge I would prefer to see on the Eagle list).
  16. I agree that swimming is easier to earn than hiking for most boys thanks to summer camp and other opportunities. We have a local swim training center that offers Swimming and Lifesaving almost every weekend. In my old Troop, only a couple of boys every earned Hiking due to the 20 miler. One boy did it with a side hike on a backpacking trek just to get it. In my Troop as a boy the Troop would do the Walk for Mankind hike as a way to complete that requirement.
  17. All: Thanks for the responses and comments. I am going to follow-up with friends at the Council level, possibly this weekend at Camporee. If I hear anything interesting, I will happily share it.
  18. No title, it came as part of our weekly "Scoutweek" email that I subscribe to. The full letter is here: http://www.ocbsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/PARENTS.pdf Our Council exposure: "At last count 136 units need to be converted from Parents of units by December 31, 2012 or approximately 5,840 youth will be without the Scouting program. " My pack, like many in my area, is multi-ethnic, multi-religious and is associated with the local school. If all of us go hunting for charter orgs, I think that some packs will collapse in size. We have city wide service organizations that MIGHT charter, but we have the challenge of the anti-gay and atheist issues that will limit a lot our choices in this area. I understand why this is happening, and I hope that it can be managed. I have less than 2 years left in Cub Scouts before I restart Boy Scouts for my kids.
  19. Just got this from my Council: "All units chartering or rechartering for 2013 must be faith based, community service or commercial business based organizations." Oh boy. Our PTA dropped the charter long ago, so our Pack created a "Parents of" organization. My homeowner's community won't charter I am positive. This is going to get ugly for Packs I think. Troops probably are in a better position. More from the letter from the Council: Here in the Orange County Council, Parents of sponsored Scout units seemed to be a viable alternative in the wake of PTAs exodus as charter organizations. However, time and experience often test the validity of our decisions which happened in this case. As the boys aged and moved through the program, so did their parents, i.e. the original Parents of. Information regarding their duties, responsibilities and liabilities as the charter organization did not fully flow down to successive groups of parents. Concurrently, the Parents of model imposed personal liability as opposed to the corporate liability of a formal organization at a time when claims were increasing in frequency and expense. Hence, BSA National Council sought to eliminate Parents of as charter organizations and replace them with faith based and community service organizations. After 2 years of advocating the change, BSA set December 31, 2012 as the last day for Parents of charter partners. All units chartering or rechartering for 2013 must be faith based, community service or commercial business based organizations.
  20. I feel like you are describing Canoeing MB, not 9a though. I don't canoe around here, we either surf (not a Scout MB, though it should be), or kayak as a Troop activity I admit. If I had to have 5 kayak treks over a two year period to get scouts to First Class inside of 2 years, I would have a challenge that would impact other activities like hiking, rock climbing and basic camping. I think that you are putting too much into that requirement personally. I expect a First Class Scout to be able to know the right way to be safe on the water, I don't expect him to be an expert in any given water craft. For that, we have the merit badges. As for cooking, we have enough campouts with all types of cooking gear in our mixed age patrols that we don't have a problem with that. With knots and lashings, we make them relevant with games, contests, and the regularly scheduled "oops, we forgot the tents" campouts where shelters have to be built from poles, ropes and tarps.
  21. I feel like you are describing Canoeing MB, not 9a though. I don't canoe around here, we either surf (not a Scout MB, though it should be), or kayak as a Troop activity I admit. If I had to have 5 kayak treks over a two year period to get scouts to First Class inside of 2 years, I would have a challenge that would impact other activities like hiking, rock climbing and basic camping. I think that you are putting too much into that requirement personally. I expect a First Class Scout to be able to know the right way to be safe on the water, I don't expect him to be an expert in any given water craft. For that, we have the merit badges. As for cooking, we have enough campouts with all types of cooking gear in our mixed age patrols that we don't have a problem with that. With knots and lashings, we make them relevant with games, contests, and the regularly scheduled "oops, we forgot the tents" campouts where shelters have to be built from poles, ropes and tarps.
  22. Beavah - your requirement for several canoe trips for earning First Class appears to be at odds with the requirement: "First Class requirement 9a: Tell what precautions must be taken for a safe trip afloat." It does NOT say plan and run a canoe trip. It says tell what you have to do to be prepared to be safe on the water. I would agree that simply memorizing the words and regurgitating them is too little, but you description sounds like too much to me. A program with enough opportunity for hiking, water activities, and cooking plus offering First Aid Merit Badge can easily fulfill both the letter and the intent of current BSA advancement requirements.
  23. I used a small trick that helped. If I was talking to my son, I called him by his name. If I was talking to the role, I called him SPL. He would do the same, leading to some fun exchanges. "SPL - is the Troop ready to leave for the campout?" "Scoutmaster - all set. Dad - did you grab my messkit when we left the house?" "Son, yeah, its in my camping box."
  24. A few thoughts: 1) When I go to Ace Hardware, they all have these headsets on. If you ask someone a question, they IMMEDIATELY get on the headset to find the expert who has the answer. It rocks. Having a way for any staffer to immediately contact the right person would be great (walkie talkies, everyone has a map of the campground with a listing of the classes and activities on them, etc.) 2) Training for adults. I have just taken a 1 week vacation without my family. If I could fill in some slots and get some of the BSA training done - that would help make the week for me. At one camp, I renewed my CPR for example - that was great. They split it over a couple of days, and I did not have to take a day (that I don't have) back home. I would love a Wilderness First Aid course taught at summer camp - and I would pay for it as well.
  25. My Scoutmaster wore a bolo. When I became a Scouter, I bought a bolo. I thought that was what Scouters wore! When I am wearing a Troop or Pack t-shirt at an activity in the summer, I can usually be found with a bandana around my neck for all of the reasons stated above. When our Troop orders their custom neckers next time, I am going to encourage them to purchase full square ones instead of the mini-triangles that they got last time. My son has a great necker collection from the UK and Sea Scouts. When he attends Troop meetings in his BSA shirt (instead of his Crew shirt), he just grabs one of 30 or different neckers he owns.
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