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horanmm's Achievements

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  1. We have in the past opened up a slot or two in a high adventure crew to scouts from another unit. It helps if they know a couple of people in the crew. The BSA does not have an isue with it. When I was a youth all crews were technically ad-hoc crews. Even now the council does run some provisional crews to Philmont. If your church allows it is another matter; you will have to ask them.
  2. You do realize that one way a kid with Aspergers gets in trouble is when they go over the line when teasing is going on. You were playing with fire with the first time and got lucky; and then let it happen with the second one.
  3. Regarding plans for girls: The service unit coordinator for your area should be somebody you have contact with on a regular basis. Their job is to connect girls to troops. It is amazing how many people have both boys and girls in their family. At every public event I have had a person who has said I have a daughter who wants to join girl scouts. I give the parent the contact info for the unit coordinator, and I give their info to the coordinator. I even had one person talk to me when I was in my uniform at a fast food restaurant.
  4. My experience has been that scouts don't register at public events. Ok a few do, but most parents aren't ready to register at a public event. Interesting items to get the scouts and parents attention is important, but the most important thing to do is get a piece of paper in their hand with your units info and contact information and collect from the parents their contact information. A few days later contact the family and invite them to a unit event. Answer any questions they have. Tell them how many boys from their childs school are already in the unit. Be prepared to call them a few more times. The follow through is what gets the semi-interested to attend an event. The event si what gets them to register. Other advice: every adult from the unit at the event is either in uniform or wearing a unit t-shirt. Don't stand behind the table. Get in the middle of the crowd and say hi to every family that walks by. Your uniform is what makes you easy to spot, so don't hide it behind a table.
  5. There are no at large committee positions. You should look at the Troop Committee Guidebook:"Each member of the committee should have specific responsibilities" Just because somebody fills out a form they are not automatically a leader.
  6. horanmm


    To recruit Tigers we sent up a tent/campsite; we bring some pinewood derby cars; we have a slide show of events on the laptops which include pictures from the derby, regatta, pool party, pack meetings. And we have info for the parents, and we collect contact info from the parents.
  7. horanmm


    For recuiting tigers for next year: Spring recruiting was a big help. The current kindergartners can become Tigers on June 1st. We would have an event at the school in May, and then invite them to the pack picnic in June. Many would join in June, but some would wait until the end of the summer. This works best if you can have enough summer events for the Tigers. Yes they can do day camp, but many don't unless they have an older brother going to day camp. We did the June picnic, plus a baseball game, 4th of July parade, and a pool party. Plus a tigers only field trip to a museum. To recruit scouts who can join now, the best way is to have the current cubs invite their friends to an event. Have them wear their uniform to school, and talk to their friends. Sometimes we have gotten cubs that were inactive because their original pack had problems. Seeing kids in the school in uniform helped them get restarted. Also reachout to girl scout leaders. The have families who are active in girl scouts and have no idea how to contact a pack or troop.
  8. The only joint events we have had with the Girl Scouts are recruiting events. The local elementary school prefers it that way. We have encouraged non-scouts to help with community cleanup and service projects. They can use the hours for either scouts or school service hours.
  9. Just the committee chair! You realize that as Committee Chair you have the power to get the troop moving in the correct direction. That ASM shouldn't have been a part of the Board of Review. Drop the skill testing from the BOR and only include committee members who have been fully trained. The goal of the Board of Review is to get an idea if the troop leaders are doing their job. As committee chair I would have asked about EDGE, but only to discuss the experience and did they see how it can work. We would also talk about other scout skills they wanted to learn. If the scout can't remember EDGE, then I would have a talk with the scoutmaster, but I would not hold back the 11 year old.
  10. First class requirement 10: Maybe a boy in the other troop thinks the scout in your troop is inactive? Or maybe they are best friends?
  11. From the BSA Physical form: While this form does allow us to see who checked the box, we of course have no idea if the information on the form is true. Schools have the ability to ask for proof of vaccination, I would not want to be in the position of evaluating the proof for all scouts, parents, and guardians. Remember the vector could be the parent of a Tiger. You must look to the local or state health autorities for guidance. In general as long as the schools are still open and other public facilities are open plan as normal.
  12. The other advantage to the college/university/high school tours is that many of the kids running them were/are Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. They may have earned Eagle just a few years ago, and can relate to being a Tiger.
  13. IOLS isn't needed for them to recharter. Register them as Unit College Scouter Reserve. They only need Youth protection training, which they can take online. That gives you time to negotiate an exemption with district/council so they can get credit for IOLS next year. We have been doing this for the last few year without any problems. They act as an assistant Scoutmaster, but have relaxed training requirements.
  14. Did the local council know about the alcohol when they approved the fundraiser? Check the forms that were submitted to council. If the forms don't mention alcohol, you should contact the person that approved the application for guidance.
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