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Everything posted by hoomeye

  1. First, the implication that I'm undecided is misguided. Being agnostic doesn't mean I haven't decided whether to believe in God. It means that deep down I can't take something so fundamental as the existence of a higher being on faith and I believe that I never will be able to. I have made my decision. My 6-year old son knows this and has absolute faith in God despite this. He has made his decision. While people change throughout their lives, I don't consider myself to be seeking religion. I find it fascinating, but am not myself religious, partly because every religion I have encountered has been unable to refrain from excluding others that don't share the same beliefs. Second, no one really answered my question. Can you tell me about this pandora's box of boy scouting or is it some big cult secret that the uninitiated aren't allowed to know about? I'm really not trying to spark a nasty debate. I just need to know.
  2. I realize that I'm a bit late to the party, but I found this thread while searching for answers to a dilemma of my own. My son recently advanced from tiger to wolf and I've been asked to be the wolf den leader in a small, very new pack. I had initially agreed, but after reading a little more on BSA policy informed the cubmaster that I'd have to decline as I am agnostic. I consider myself a theistic agnostic (by the definition in an earlier post) and my son and his father are Christian. His father lives in another state, though, and will be unable to directly support him in scouting. Is this going to cause my son problems as he advances in scouting? Does the policy prohibit agnostics from being Akela to their sons? It seems like the ban against agnostics as leaders is pretty firm, but that the actual requirements for advancement (at least those I've seen) seem more flexible. The disciminatory policies of the BSA severely annoy and offend me, as does the begging for money that comes of the United Way no longer providing funding (for reasons that I applaud), but it's very hard to tell a 6 year old that he can't be a scout because mommy doesn't like their politics. I also have hope that in time the teaching of religious tolerance may extend beyond the established faiths to include agnostics and others that have become disillusioned with organized religion. PS - I would like to say that this thread is the most open-minded discussion on agnosticism that I've ever come across. The worst are actually the so-called "atheist & agnostic" boards, which are generally a bunch of atheists trying to convert agnostics. You wouldn't believe the flames I got for admitting to actually going to church in support of my son's religious and moral growth.
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