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Everything posted by hendrickms24

  1. Lisa'bob, I would have loved to attend an event like that when I was a scout. From what I have read this programs been around for years. I wish BSA would make this program better know by the boys. Mark M.
  2. "As far as the pins, I have my boys (twins) put them over the 'Boy Scouts of America.'" I do the same with my son's uniform! If you center it over the button it look really nice. Mark M(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  3. If your Scout families can not afford their uniforms then direct them to EBay. Last year I bought 4 Cub Scout uniform shirts for the price of a new one. I have a single mother who's son isin my den. She could not (or did not want to) buy the expensive shirt so I sold her one of the eBay shirts, wolf neckerchief and belt for $10. If they do not have a PC then they can go to the Library and use the public ones. I just wish I would have thought of eBay before I bought my sons uniform. Just My two cents, Mark Maranto (This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  4. All, When I was a scout in the 80's this topic was discussed within my Boy Scout troop. All my buddies and I loved the fact that it was all boys especially when we were camping. We all felt that we could be ourselves and even dress out side our tents (as an older scout it was hard to change clothing in a two man Erika tent also we did not have any female leaders.) I think the way things are now work great! If you want to have girls around then join a crew! 
  5. CalicoPenn is right on the money! Mark Maranto(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  6. On the Scouting web site it list all the awards and the Roman Catholic religious award are listed as follows: http://www.scouting.org/awards/religious/awards/index.html Catholic, Roman Local council service center, diocesan Scout office, BSA Supply Division, 800-323-0732; or National Catholic Committee on Scouting, 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, P.O. Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079; 972-580-2114; Web site: http://www.nccs-bsa.org Cub Scout: First- and second-graders may earn Light of Christ S, No. 33074 Bear & Webelos Scout: Parvuli Dei S, No. 33085 Boy Scout and Varsity Scout: Ad Altare Dei S, No. 33094; C, No. 33072 Venturer1, Older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout: Pope Pius XII S, No. 33076A; C, No. 34733A Adult Recognition: Saint George Roman Catholic Nomination No. 16-1322 So that means if you earn the Pope Pius XII then you would wear the Venture Pin on your knot. The Venture device is for the second level emblem (God & Life, Pope Pius XII, Etz Chaim, etc.) earned as an older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, Sea Scout, or Venturer Also see: http://usscouts.org/usscouts/awards/devices.html Hope this answers the question for the religous awards. Mark Maranto
  7. LongHaul, Scouters do not wear youth Rank! If the Adult earned the AOL and/or Eagle as a scout then he can ware the knots the represent that rank. Check the uniform guideline which says that Adults are not to ware any youth rank or badges. Later on in the guidelines it contradicts itself and says at special ceremonies like COH or Blue and Gold dinner the adult can wear the Eagle metal. Hope this helps, Mark Maranto(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  8. Each successive time the award is earned, a wolf track pin may be added to the flap. Leaders should encourage boys to build on skills and experiences from previous years when working on the award for a successive year. See web site...http://usscouts.org/advance/cubscout/Outdoor-Activity.html Mark Maranto
  9. FScouter, Thanks for the information. Mark Maranto
  10. Good Questions! I dropped off my CC's Cub Scouter award about two months ago and have not heard anything since! Who did you give your paper work too? I was thinking that maybe I messed up by I dropping it off at Council instead of District. Mark Maranto
  11. Thanks for that information! I was under the impression that Explorer post where career based. My wife Fire Company is a volunteer one. I have talked to my District Executive at the last Roundtable and am hoping to hear from him in the near future. One interesting thing that happened at the roundtable that I did not think was a big deal at the time was when I was talking to the DE and a Venture Commissioner about this topic. The DE asked me if the fire company wanted to start a Post or Crew. I told him which ever program is a better fit. The Commissioner spoke up say the Post is better. Why would it? Is it better for the District to start a new Venture crew so that why the Commish push it? Would a Venture Commish have any say in the Post if one was formed? Thanks again for the information, Mark Maranto
  12. All, Is anybody here a member or adult leader of a Venture Crew that has a program dealing with firefighting? My wifes Fire Company is looking into starting a crew and I would love to see some ideas for a crew of that type and the things they do at meeting. I think this would help out in their decision. Thanks, Mark Maranto
  13. The best way to form the Berets are to wet them down and wear them square on the head with the right side folded down against the side of the head. After that every few minutes run your hand down the side to fold it down again. I found my old Beret awhile back and put it on and was surprised to see that it formed right into place after years of non use. Mark Maranto
  14. All, After earning Eagle back in '91, I learned about the National Eagle Scout Association. I did not join back then but since getting back into scouting again I've been wondering about it. What are the benefits in joining? Does each council have its own Lodge or group like OA? Thanks for your help Mark Maranto
  15. The World Conservation award: The Boy Scouts' National Uniform and Insignia Committee decided when the badge was first made available that the Cub Scout and Boy Scout World Conservation Awards would be TEMPORARY EMBLEMS. Temporary emblems are worn centered on the right pocket of either the Cub Scout and Boy Scout/Varsity Scout uniforms. As a followup, the Cub Scout emblem is NOT TRANSFERABLE to the Boy Scout uniform; there are separate requirements to earn the Boy Scout version of the World Conservation Award. When a WEBELOS Cub Scout or Cub Scout become a Boy Scout, the Cub Scout World Conservation Award comes off and the new Scout must now earn the appropriate merit badges and complete other requirements to earn the Boy Scout version of the World Conservation Award.
  16. LongHaul, Keep up the fight! Why don't you get the Scouts involved? The Scouts can send letters to National and Region. I would even see if the press could get involved. I'm sure the Chicago Area Council does not want bad press. Good Luck Mark Maranto
  17. Here are a couple of examples of "double dipping" with in the Cub Scout program. So its not just black and white but alots of grey areas with in the program. Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award All Ranks Must... Attend Cub Scout day camp or Cub Scout/Webelos Scout resident camp. (To be completed after September 1, 2004.) Elective 23E: Attend day camp in your area. If you earn the Archery and BB Gun Belt loops you also earn electives too. Elective 20C: Earn the Cub Scouting shooting sports Archery belt loop. Elective 20N: Earn the Cub Scouting shooting sports BB-gun shooting belt loop. Mark Maranto (This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  18. Fuzzy Bear, I believe you but the way you laid it out its humorous too. Mark Maranto
  19. Why are the Patrols not cooking there own food during the campouts? Patrol identity will come about just having the scouts doing all the cooking, cleaning and sleeping together as a patrol. Mark Maranto
  20. I hope that he is only going to ware his Bonnie sock and his Bonnie shoes under his Kilt like a true Scotsman! LOL Mark Maranto
  21. Let me play the Devil advocate here. Is it really the Award chairmans job to make sure the Cub Scout is really earning their awards and Rank? The Leadership handbook says the following. PACK ADVANCEMENT CHAIR Have a working knowledge of the Tiger Cub, Cub Scout, and Webelos Scout advancement plans. Help plan and conduct induction and advancement recognition ceremonies. Arrange for Tiger Cub graduation ceremonies with the Cubmaster and Tiger Cub den leader. Train parents, guardians, and pack committee members in ways to stimulate Tiger Cub, Cub Scout, and Webelos Scout advancement. Arrange for Webelos graduation ceremonies with the Cubmaster, Webelos den leader, and Scoutmaster. Promote the use of Tiger Cub, Cub Scout, and Webelos Scout den advancement charts to record advancement in the den and as an incentive for advancement. Promote the use of den doodles as a stimulus for advancement. Collect den advancement reports at pack leaders' meetings for use when ordering badges and insignia from the local council service center. Promote Boys' Life magazine as an aid to advancement. Help build or obtain advancement equipment for use in making advancement ceremonies more effective. Promote the wearing and proper use of uniform and insignia. I had some problems with parents in my den saying that their son had completed this award or this achievement and I know they did not. I asked my Den Mother (my Mom) how I should handle this issue. She said you cant do anything about it and all the parent is doing is hurting the child because the awards will mean nothing to them. She also said the children that get the award just handed to them will quit in time because Scouting is bored. You can not question these children and their parents if they really earned the award because its insulting. Remember the important thing is not how many awards the scouts earn but the good character and self teem that they are building. Mark Maranto(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  22. Here is a movie that was not mentioned Scout's Honor (1980): Gary Coleman plays an orphaned cub scout who becomes a hero when his troop is trapped by a cave-in.
  23. Remember its just a shirt so don't make into some Holy item that can't be discarded with out large amounts of wailing an gnashing of teeth. Just throw it away or make it a work shirt for your boy.
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