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Everything posted by hendrickms24

  1. I signed up for a five year membership with NESA and really see no value in it. I filled out the application saying I was interested in a few things to help out my District but not sure if this information ever gets passed on! Also could you tell me what a local NESA group would do? Love to hear your impute about this. Thanks(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  2. All, My NESA newsletter says a new knot has been approved for Lifetime NESA members. Its just the Eagle Knot with Silver Border and the news release stated only one Eagle Knot can be worn at a time. Mark M.
  3. All, I posted the reply above before reading all the post which already said the same thing. Mark M
  4. All, A Good way to look at the difference between the Den Chief cord and the POR patch is the following. The POR patch tell you that the Boy Scout is filling the leadership position of Den Chief were the cord tell you what part of the Cub Scout program he is involved in. His uniform will tell you all you need to know without even asking him. Mark M.
  5. I picked up my pair last week and pair that are too big for my son but hopefully he will fit in them when he goes into BS next year. I told the Den Chief and his dad about the sale. Their reply was those pants are too expensive! Two Pair for $20 to expensive? I love the too expensive excuse! Mark M.
  6. What's the point in having a "uniform" if everyone's going to wear something different? Kinda defests the whole purpose of the "uniform" method, eh? - Quoted by scoutldr So are you say if BSA changes to a new uniform everyone should go buy a new one? When I was in Scout It was normal to have scouts in the current uniform and the old Light green. I saw no problem with that and heck at least they were in a BSA uniform. Mark M.
  7. Oh, I agree with you totally.
  8. "I advise my Eagle candidates that it is expected that the assisting scouts show up in uniform and go home in uniform, but while working on a messy project they can wear coveralls or other protective clothing. If the person is not a scout but a friend coming to help out they don't need to be in uniform of course, but if the worker wishes to receive scout credit for service project hours, they need to be in uniform. The Eagle candidate will stay in uniform throughout the day so that he can be readily found by the workers for further instruction and direction as needed. " Quoted from Stosh Stosh, I personally think this is take the leadership away from the Eagle candidate. He is really the only person who know what the type of clothing is need for his project. When I was working on my project I had six scouts and one non scout friend that came to my project. I never said to wear or not to wear uniforms because it never crossed my mind, but I did say to wear something you can afford to get dirty. The scouts showed up in working clothing because they like I did not want to ruin their uniforms. The more I think about this I never worn my uniform to an Eagle Project because lets face it most EP are dirty work. "More often than not we as adults try to get the boys INTO their uniforms and now we have others trying to keep them out. Sorry, I have my boys wearing their uniforms as much as possible. Traveling to and even (any scout event) and traveling home. At the event they are to lead by example, that includes uniforms. Like I tell my boys, when I look around I like to see Scouts, not just boys, and it's the uniform that makes that all possible. The clothing makes the man. " Quoted from Stosh The uniforms have their place in scouting but they should not be wear during all activities. Also The clothing does not make the man but his actions due. Mark M
  9. I personally think some of the current patches are "subdued patches" already. When I was a Boy the Rank and office patches like "SPL" were less subdue. On the subject of new uniforms, I've been hearing that a new uniform are coming since my son join scouts four years ago. I'm not take much stock in any of these rumors until I see the uniform on the hanger at the scout shop. I just hope if they do that its before I need to buy my son the tan shirt and green pants.
  10. All, My understanding when I was in the Army 1994 to 98 that BDU (don't know what the field uniforms are call now) were only worn on Post and if off post just while you were driving home. So if this regulation is still in affect I would not wear my uniform at a BSA meeting. "If attending as part of their duty('could the amy...air force..etc help with our event?' 'Sure we'll be glad to')" Did the Supreme Court rule against the Military direct support of BSA?
  11. I agree with DenZero! The trips will also fill some of the requirements for Tiger rank.
  12. Hello All, I wear the following: Den meeting: I wear the SS shirt with Council patch, pack #, Webelos leader patch, Trained patch, my nameplate with my service stars all on the right area with the official BSA wool long pants (Like the look better than the other pants.) I dont wear the socks but I guess I need to buy some. Pack Meeting: The same uniform as above. Roundtable: The same uniform as above. Camping: I usually wear just my unofficial Pack baseball cap with normal clothing. Service projects or hike: I will wear the Cub Scout polo shirt which I wear more at work then at scout event and Blue jeans or shorts. I have the Red Jack-shirt with my NESA patch on the back for colder day and will wear it during any activity listed above when its cold. At the Blue and Gold dinner I go all out with the Cub Scouts promise to wear their neckerchief and a clean uniform (which is hard to get them to do minus my son who wears the full uniform minus the socks.) I add my Eagle medal and Eagle neckerchief and for some reason this works and the boys look sharp. Mark Maranto (This message has been edited by hendrickms24)(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  13. I have three knots and my Cubmaster has turned my fourth one in for approval. The knots are for AOL, Youth Religious (Parvuli Dei and the Ad Altare Dei), Eagle and the fourth one will be CS Den Leader award. I do not wear any of them but take more pride in wearing the service stars that show 14 years of scouting. Mark Maranto(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  14. "This whole discussion is not a discussion of expenses, it's a discussion of priorities. I have Venturers who will spend a minimum of $1200-$1500 to be a part of the crew and haven't had anyone have to drop out because they couldn't afford it." I would not compare Scouts that reenact to other scouts. The people I know that reenact have been sucked into a hobby that will cause them to devote their time and money to do what they love and will work to get the items they need! I know because I am one of those nut jobs! ;-) Therefore, the scouts that are joining your crew have already caught the reenacting bug and are willing to spend the money. Take a scout that has not and see him or her not join because of the high cost. I just think you crew is the exception to the rule. Mark Maranto
  15. "Ever been a unit number 666?" The first Cub Scout pack I belong too was Pack 666. The funny thing was the Charter Organization was the Catholic Church that I was a member. The kids took pride in it but I do not remember the Adults ever saying anything about it. Mark Maranto
  16. All, I failed First Grade but was allowed to join Scout with the rest of my piers. Cubs started in 3rd Grade back in 1981, but if I was not allowed to join Scouts with the rest of my friends that would have been just another heart breaker! It took me years to get over failing first grade but being able to join scouting really helped myself esteem. If you hold back a scout because they are struggling in school its just a slap in the face to them. These children could have learning disabilities or worse so please don't penalize them for something thats out of their control. thanks Mark Maranto Eagle Scout
  17. I really do not understand what you are trying to do by smoke out of the sight of the scouts. Do you think that the scouts are to dumb to know what you are doing? When my wife started smoking, again I knew it in seconds with out even seeing her puffing away. The sense of smell can tell a person many things and smoking is one of them. Mark M.
  18. Hello, Why not see if your PLC will put your Scoutmaster in for the Scoutmaster Award of Merit. http://www.pacsky.org/training/recognition/scoutmaster_award_of_merit.html Mark M.
  19. Trevorum, All I am saying is the different CSP just make it confusing to "me." I don't know if they are authorized or not but when each council makes and sell these patches its telling the scouts and scouters that its an authorized patch to wear whether they are or not. I also can understand the appeal to wear some of these CSP because they are nice patches. Mark M.(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  20. "The thing is more of a philisophical issue. The purpose of CSPs is to provide a single item that all in the council will wear, instead of the old proliferation of hundreds of community strips. Have CSP-shaped patches that only certain people can get (Commissioners, WBers, Eagle Scouts, FOS donators, those who attend Philmont, etc), violates this. I don't have a problem with councils issuing them. I do not feel that they should be worn on the uniform. I know you are a commissioner or Eagle Scout due to the appropriate insignia. I don't need a CSP to tell me that." I agree with emb021 on this one. When I was a scout back in the 80's I could tell if a Troop or Pack was from a different Council. Now with these entire different patches worn by each member I cannot even tell if the scouts are from the my own council! Mark M.
  21. SR540Beaver, Did you ask them for the money to buy the new uniform or at least to sew back on all your patches when the course is over? I would be happy to have people ready to help and wearing their own unit uniforms. Mark M.
  22. I found this on the Ulttimate Boy Scoutof America History site. Pretty neat site. Mark M. Webelos Colors The Webelos colors were introduced with the "new" Webelos program in 1967. This program offered metal pins referred to as Activity Badges for meeting requirements. But whre to put the badges on the uniform that would not detract from other awards and clutter the uniform? The answer came from Baden-Powell's very first Scout campout at Brownsea Island in England. On August 1, 1907, each boy was provided with a shoulder knot, a long streamer of colored tape. The color of the tape designated the patrol that the boy belonged to. It is comprised of woven red, gold and a green streamer on a metal bar. The metal bar has a blue backing wiht gold border and letering spelling out Webelos. It is thought that the colors represented the various levels of Scouting; gold for Cub Scouts, green for Boy Scouts, and Red for Explorers. The "assigned" colors changed in 1980 with the Boy Scouts and Explorer colors reversing as new unifroms were introduced. Originally, there were only 15 activity pins and no more than five pins were to placed on each streamer. The cloth den numeral was removed and a metal numeral with a rounded top was centered on the yellow (gold) streamer. The numerals were not to be used until the Pack had more than one Webelos den. It is now an optional uniform item. It probably lost popularity due to it being in a place where it could easily be knocked off the unifrom during horseplay. The colors became known as having "weak" attaching pins. If the colors and badges were lost, the cost of replacement was very expensive. Also, the wearing of pins on cowboy hats and ball caps has become popular. The placement of pins on the Webelos cap reflects this trend. It is worn on the right sleeve and in 1967 was placed below the shoulder seam. As the flag was added to the uniform ,it was worn immediately below and touching the U.S. Flag. The top was squared off to fit better under the flag. Today, if a den number is worn, it is placed under and touching the den number. The national office was going to eliminate the Webelos Colors in the late 80's, however, an outcry from the field brought them back. Although, in today's Webelos books it is difficult to find pictures or references to the colors.
  23. JMenand, This is a guess on my part but I bet its the same colors as the Webelos Colors used to hold the activity badges and/ or its the colors on the Webelos Neckerchief. Mark Maranto
  24. Bugling maybe dying out in the Boy Scouts but I see lots of young men playing at Civil War reenacting! This might be a little off topic but young Buglers are out there. Mark Maranto
  25. Ahhhh Bug Juice! You sure can get a good sugar rush from IT! I remember as a scout I would occasionally eat a spoonful of straight powder mix. Its sure surprising that I did not get my first cavity until I was 31 yrs old. I bet my adult leader loved me! Mark M.
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