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Everything posted by hendrickms24

  1. Let me make some changes to your statement. "Being in the Army is just like being in the Boy Scouts, except... " when you make none regulation changes to your Army uniform you will get an Article 15 or even worse.
  2. No Merit Badges are a youth earned so you can not wear them. On special occasions (like COH, Eagle ceremonies, and Blue and Golds) you're allowed to wear your Eagle Medal w/ palms. Mark M.(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  3. "Well, there is the Eagle Promise, which hopefully means something. I must admit my impression of Eagles has been diminished somewhat based on what I have read on these pages and seen firsthand. Eagle Promise I reaffirm my allegiance To the three promises of the Scout Oath. I thoughtfully recognize And take upon myself The obligations and responsibilities Of an Eagle Scout. On my honor I will do my best To make my training and example, My rank and my influence Count strongly for better Scouting And for better citizenship In my troop, In my community, And in my contacts with other people. To this I pledge my sacred honor. " BrentAllen Hmmmm - I'm an Eagle Scout and have never seen or heard of this Eagle Promise! I also can not see National BSA pulling someones Eagle rank because they most likely don't know who is or isn't an Eagle Scout. After a couple of years most people I know have forgotten that I even earned Eagle because we have all gone on with our lives. If I was charged and found guilt of a crime none of my neighbors would even care or know that I was an Eagle. So I think this is just a myth, Mark M.
  4. "I've not yet seen a commish wear unit numbers" "On occasion, I see commissioners, and district & council volunteers who still wear their unit numbers." In Scouting I think I see the exceptions to the rule more then the rule when dealing with the uniform.
  5. What ever rank my son has sewn on his uniform.
  6. Mbrownkc7 is right! The BOR is really a Board of adults that listen to the scout's review of the Troop's scouting program. Hopefully the Board will use the information they received from the scout to better the program. I hope I made sense there, :-/ Mark M.
  7. I've been following this thread the whole time and I think that all the scouters involved in this issue should be ashamed of themselves. For one, you do not have a scout bust his rear end getting an eagle project done and then stop him at the Scoutmaster conference or Board of Review unless something serious has happened like a crime or some kind of serious scout rule was broken. In my opinion you bring up any issues you have with a scout before they start on their EP so they will not have done all the work for nothing. The Scoutmaster's letter that ljnrsu posted did not even tell the scout how to fix the perceived problem and that in it's self would tell me that the Boy should receive his Eagle. To earn Eagle Scout should not be that difficult and this is coming from an Eagle Scout. Mark M. Who is a very embarrassed Eagle Scout.
  8. I earned my Eagle at 18 years plus a couple of days. I wore my Eagle Rank patch once at my ECOH and thats it. You still earned Eagle even if you can't wear the patch. Heck, If the 18 year old wants to be treated like an adult, then he needs to act like and follow BSA rules for adults plain and simple. Mark M.
  9. John, The answer is yes you can wear temp. patches on your right side pocket. The right side pocket is the one that is to your right when your wearing the shirt. I also have a 50th Aniv. patch but would never wear it because I don't want to mess up a great collectible. Mark M.
  10. All, The Eagle Scouts should have the biggest voice in what they want. Its their night so let them have it the way they want it within reason of course when it comes to the troops budget. When I earned my Eagle I was 18 years old. I asked the Scoutmaster to give the award to me at the next Court of Honor. They old me no way because the ceremony had to be separate from a troop Court of Honor. I found documentation that said that the Ceremony could be held during COH but in its self had to separate from the rest of COH. It still did no good because they said the Eagle Dinner was my only choice. In addition two other scouts were working on their Eagle so I had to wait so they could combine them in to one dinner. At my Eagle Dinner that I did not want in the first place I was 18 and half years old. I went and put on a happy face because my Father told me to do it for my Mother and that in life you will have to do some things no matter if you like to or not. My father was right in that regard but the troop could have saved money and done what I wanted to at the same time. So what Im trying to say is please talk with the Scouts first before you make the decisions.
  11. Was conducts boards of review for the first three ranks by youth scouts ever part of the Advancement Policies? My troop during the 80's did it that and I was just wondering if that was policy at one point. Thanks Mark M.
  12. Which council is your troop in Baltimore or National Capital?
  13. Did they give you a reason why the requests for Corbi sales would be denied? If they do not give you a reason or not a very good one then talk to that person's Boss.
  14. Lisabob, Thanks for the advice and think your right about getting outside help. I know my local YMCA has one on one swimming and will take a look at that. I am an Eagle Scout and know how important the over all program is and think really think rank is secondary. If my son learns how to be a good leader in Boy Scouts but does not go above Rank of Scout then I'll be happy. Thanks again, Mark M.
  15. Hello All, I was just glancing through the Boy Scout rank requirements (My son has not bridged over yet.) and noticed in Second Class and 1st Class ranks the scout has to do some swimming. See below for requirements! Im a little worried due to the fact my son is petrified of water touching his face or water over 3 feet deep due to a near drowning incident when he was younger. My wife and I have been trying to teach him to swim a couple of time without any success. I dont think this would fall under the following note due to the fact that he is not handicapped in any way. NOTE: Alternate Requirements for the First Class rank are available for Scouts with physical or mental disabilities if they meet the criteria listed in the Boy Scout Requirements book. (No. 33215.) Im going to keep trying to teach him and may even going to YMCA to have someone else give it a try. If he can not learn due to his fear what option are available? Thanks in advance, Mark M. 2nd Class Requirement 7: Tell what precautions must be taken for a safe swim. A: Demonstrate your ability to jump feet first into water over your head in depth, level off and swim 25 feet on the surface, stop, turn sharply, resume swimming, then return to your starting place. B: Demonstrate water rescue methods by reaching with your arm or leg, by reaching with a suitable object, and by throwing lines and objects. Explain why swimming rescues should not be attempted when a reaching or throwing rescue is possible, and explain why and how a rescue swimmer should avoid contact with the victim. 1st Class Requirement 9: Tell what precautions must be taken for a safe trip afloat. A: Successfully complete the BSA swimmer test. B: With a helper and a practice victim, show a line rescue both as tender and rescuer. (The practice victim should be approximately 30 feet from shore in deep water.)
  16. I have not seen the navy ones but the other three branches look similar from a distance! If I'm wrong it will change when a couple of people get killed because of it. You have to love the US military they always have to keep relearning stuff over and over again.
  17. All, The way I understand it the main reason the AF went with the camouflage (BDUs) uniform was due to one major event. During the operations in Grenada, US soldiers guarding the airport almost opened fire on a group of Air Forces personnel because they were in the olive green uniforms and were thought to be Cubans moving in to take the airport. As a country you need your military force to be similarly dressed or friendly fire incidents will rise in number. Mark M.
  18. Now a question, why are you trying to find ways to shortcut the requirements? Why not say, Hey! We have a chance to go see some Boy Scouts in action!?" Why do you think I'm trying to shortcut requirements? I just wanted to make sure I understood the requirements and to make sure the scouts fulfill them or not. I want all my scouts to earn the rank honestly but not find out later that I misread a requirement and a boy(s) suffered because of it! Is that such a bad thing? Heck if I wanted to make shortcuts I would not have asked the question and just marked them down as complete! Thanks all for answering the question, Mark M.(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  19. All, This past weekend my District had Webelos in the Woods campout. This event is a Boy Scout ran event where Troops through out the district man a station and teach the Webelos scout different scout skills to give them a taste of scouting. The requirements state the following: 4. With your Webelos den, visit at least o one Boy Scout troop meeting, and o one Boy Scout-oriented outdoor activity. (If you have already done this when you earned your Outdoorsman activity badge, you may not use it to fulfill requirements for your Arrow of Light Award requirements.) 5. Participate in a Webelos overnight campout or day hike. (If you have already done this when you earned your Outdoorsman activity badge, you may not use it to fulfill requirements for your Arrow of Light Award requirements.) Here is my question: Would this event cover the second part of requirement 4 and also requirement 5? Thanks for your help, Mark M.
  20. Wow, Are you telling me that the past four years that I could of just made up the program! I guess I shouldn't have gone to all that training! Also the time it took me to plan the meeting I could of used to drink beer and watch more sporting events. man what a bummer!(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  21. Easy Solution is to replace the Cub Master! Setup a meeting with concerned parents and Scout leaders. Tell them in plain and simple language if the Pack leadership does not get fixed then the Pack is dead. If nothing comes out of this meeting then find another pack for your son. Some people may think this is a sissy way out but a pack program for the Cubs is the most important and if this Pack does not have one find one that does. Mark M.
  22. There is no room for the Arrow of Light under the rank! The sleeve pocket is pointless and will make sewing POR that much harder. I guess I'll have to just get use too it. Mark M.
  23. "Thats an interesting question you pose, How to stop liars, nobody knows. There are no patch cops, At the scout shops, Once people pay, then anything goes. " Your point taken! Mark M.(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  24. Zahnada, I'm not siding one way or the other about the knot because I only earned 27 merit badges and completed my eagle days before my 18th birthday. My question is how do you prove you earned all the Merit badges? I'm not even sure if National has a record of all the eagle scouts. Thanks, Mark M.(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)
  25. I know because I tend to lean a little to the left. ; ) Skeptic, I never say your post but don't feel bad it must have slipped thru the crack of the Internet world. Mark M.
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