I am looking for some clarification. I can not find it in writing anywhere, but it is my understanding that a Crossover ceremony is for Webelos who are crossing over to a Troop. Let's say you have a Webelos that for one reason or another is not crossing over to a troop. Would that individual still participate in the crossover even though there is not a Troop to receive that scout on the other side?
All of the ceremonies I have read indicate there is a Troop present to accept the scout.
When I was Webelos Den Leader I had 9 of my 10 Crossover. The one that did not crossover still came and I had him helping me with things, but was not part of the ceremony and he was good with it and understood why. I also had one whose father received orders to go overseas. His intention was to crossover to a troop over seas so I had him participate with his fellow Webelos and he was received by his father who was the outgoing Cubmaster.
I have a WDL who does not understand the diffrence between the AOL ceremony & the Crossover. SHe has had the AOL ceremony, but has a few scouts that have not made up their mind as to if they are continuing or not, much less which Troop they are going to.
Any thoughts?