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  1. Occasionally, I've considered a young scout. I lost a nylon covered down coat to a campfire that sparked heavily in my direction when another scout tossed a log onto the fire. It looked like I had been hit with buckshot and was bleeding feathers
  2. All of my scout camping, thus far, has been within a stone's throw of the vehicles. My son just turned twelve, and I haven't had the opportunity to go High Adventure yet... I look forward to it though. When my son got old enough and I dragged him into Scouts, I got myself a new tent, since I had shredded the tent (a first year Flashlight) I had used as a scout about 7 years ago. I purchased the Sierra Designs Gamma at http://www.backcountrygear.com/catalog/tentdetail.cfm/SD1026 The price was reasonable and it has pretty good amount of room. I can easily sit up and move around in it. I'm a good 40 lbs over heft, so I don't contort well anymore (gonna have to lose it, I know) so space was important to me. I wanted to be able to sit up, change clothes and get my gear in the tent. The Gamma does all these things admirably well, and it is easy to set up. It is light enough to be a decent backpacking tent, about 5 lbs 5 oz. On our scouting campouts, I sleep alone, as do all the adults. For my son, he wanted the lightweight and got the Sierra Designs flashlight, which was the tent I had purchased in the waning years of my scouting, maybe in '80 or so. It is very lightweight, and can sleep 2, and is very easy to set up.
  3. Ah yes. We have a similar issue. 33 new boys this year... What to do :-) I have seen many good ideas here. Above all, you should let the PLC decide how to do it. That is the point of a PLC. Provide them with some direction and keep them focused on the task... But, you are gonna end up with some new patrols. There is gonna be some mixing, and that is good. Feel free to allow the scouts to choose who goes where. You may even ask if older scouts want to join the new boys in the new patrols. Lots of options.
  4. We currently have the "Invisible" patrol, but I haven't seen them around lately... We also have The Flaming Monkeys. The best thus far was when the new boys created a summer camp patrol called "The French Patrol" The yell? "We Surrender!" Most amusing.
  5. A friend of mine sent me a doc file that had this quote in it that I thought I would share... Sir Baden Powell said I wanted to make them feel that they were a match for any enemy, able to find their way by the stars or map, accustomed to notice all tracks and signs and to read their meaning, and able to fend for themselves away from regimental cooks and barracks. I wanted them to have courage, from confidence in themselves and from a sense of duty; I wanted them to have knowledge of how to cook their own grub; in short, I wanted each man to be an efficient, all-round, reliable individual.
  6. I'm getting two posts using mozilla. Let's try this with IE...
  7. Rain suit is Nylon, similar to what you would find on a tent rain fly. It is also 14 years old. Still works too. Someday, I'd like goretex, but then I would have to contend with the weight... I bought a thermorest before I had kids. That too still works great. (Before kids, we did a little backpacking too) Aspirin, I got the 300 pill generic bottle:-) Unless I specifically have the need to drop some weight, I will continue to use these items, until they fail. Thanks for the pointer to Campmor. As I discover what I left off in the future, I will be adding items as I need them, and I will be looking for them on-line and on-sale. Peace!
  8. I'm an Eagle ('79) whose 11 yr old son just joined the ranks of the troop at our church... So, I am stoked and ready :-) I have 2 sons, 5 years apart, and it appears that I am gonna be doing this scouting thing for the next ten years (or more), and there is nothing I hate more than replacing cheap gear that fails easily with something that works later. I already had some gear, but my pack had been donated by my wife (luckily the Philmont patch was removed for safe keeping first) and my 1980 vintage tent had gone thread bare a couple years ago. What would have done me really good is to have someone lay down some good essential equipment for a new scouter to have, (much less a new scout). Obviously, cost is an issue, but I would prefer spending an extra $40 to get something that will last me a lot longer. I had to do much of my own homework. Here is what I got, and why... backpack - I have always used an external, and in Texas, heat isn't an issue, it is THE issue. I ended up with the Kelty Super Tioga 4900, which filled all my prereqs, and I founf it online 47% off list price at $99.95. Tent - I have never been comfortable in a small tent that I can't sit up in. I also hate carrying a 7 lb tent if a 5 lb tent will do. But, I am not going to sacrifice significant comfort for 2 lbs, and I like having the room. When I go venturing, I may get a one man tent that weighs 2.675 lbs. but not for anything that I will be doing 90% of the time. I went with the 2004 version of the Sierra Designs Gamma. It has lots of headroom (four grown men could sit up and play poker in this thing), is easy to set up, weighs under 5 lbs, and best of all I found it for $119.00. Sierra Designs is one of the heavyweights in tentage, and it should serve me well. I'll let you know if it falls apart at some point... Ground cloth - 2 mil painters plastic. Sure, I'll replace more often than 6 mil, but it is very cheap, and 1/3 the weight of 6 mil. (1/3 the space required as well) Clothing - Starting to stock up on man made fabrics. Apparently, Cotton is out. It is too Hydrophilic. Campmor.com is a great site to find tee-shirts and pants and stuff. Flashlight - My wife bought me the 3 LED headlamp last Christmas, on the two campouts so far, I am impressed. It is the way to go. Boots - Bought a pair of ASolos from the local REI. I'm not about to buy those online :-) (Actually got these 2 years ago) Rain Gear - Got a Sierra Designs rain suit. I have never known a poncho that worked worth a darn.
  9. I just bought the Super Tioga 4900 for $99.95 on sale at sierratradingpost.com. It arrived last week, so I tossed a 35 lb barbell in it and strapped it on. I am 5'10", 220# (I could stand to lose a little weight I guess :-) and fitting the pack, it seemed that it would easily fit a man six inches taller than I am. But don't get this one if you are smaller than 5'8". Very comfy feel, I like the way it is made. This pack seems infinitely adjustable, and it seems that just nearly anyone could be fitted for this pack (within the minimum height mentioned already) It is huge inside. I sat there and looked at it, wondering what I was going to fill up all that space with. Hmmmm... Richard
  10. As a scout, I have had 10 inches of snow, -5 temps, 7 inches of rain, 2 days of rain, lost above 12,000 in the rain, and all that. I wouldn't trade it for the world. It made US Army Basic Training seem easy. In our lives, sunshine awakens the soul for rejoycing, but rain, sleet, snow and cold, they can build character. The one thing you learn, is to "Be Prepared". Ok, the second thing you learn is that misery is 80% mental, 20% physical. My son just joined scouts recently, and has gone on two campouts thus far. One was a gully-washer. I sympathize with him as he complained about being cold, wet, and miserable. Inside, I was jumping for joy. He spends too much time in comfort already, playing computer games and air conditioning... John Eldridge says in "Wild at Heart" that the one burning question in a man's heart is "Do I have what it takes?" I believe that we take our boys out into the wilderness where the unexpected can occur, where being prepared means everything. Where that question can be answered within a young man's heart, "yes", he has what it takes. After all, he survived a soaking 50 degree rainstorm in March didn't he? IMHO, this is why you don't bug out unless the level of risk is unacceptable. Being uncomfortable is merely that. It is something to overcome.
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