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Everything posted by AnaMaria

  1. Campout went well. The wind settled down during the evening activities so there were no problems with the campfire and Webelos Arrow of Light ceremony. There were thunderstorms overnight, but nothing severe. I heard 2 or 3 families went to their cars during the first round (started maybe 15 minutes after going to the tents for the night). But nobody pulled up their tent and went home and no one blew away. Saturday morning was chilly and back to very windy. But breakfast and flag retirement ceremony went off anyway. Some of the boys even gave a shot at fishing even though the wind was blowing very strongly back to shore. It wasn't the weather I'd choose for camping out, but a very successfully weekend nonetheless. Thanks for all your input.
  2. Ok, we're good with the rain at this point. However, the tent I'll be using tonight IS a large cabin tent. I'd like to use the small one, but all 3 of my sons are coming along. Winds will be 15 - 20 mph all weekend. Is there anything to do other than tie out every attachment point I can find?
  3. I have done Hazardous Weather training. Just rain without the added thunder/lighting element would not be a deterrent. I witnessed a storm last summer that kind of has me spooked. That should settle down in a year or two . I'm fishing to see if someone has a NOAA weather alert radio we can take. I have one with weather channel, but not the alert feature. It sounds like my thinking is in line with good sense, which is what I was hoping. Thanks for the input.
  4. Our Pack has it's only annual camping trip scheduled this evening. We've been keeping a close eye on the weather, which has trended both better and worse over the week. The current forecast is ok, except 10pm - 12am tonight. We're currently at 65 - 70% chance of scattered thunderstorms. How does that fit with your personal threshold of comfort? I was ok up to about 50%, but am a little leary at 60 - 70%. Camp is close enough to home to do Friday activities, go home to sleep and come back for Saturday morning. Only suitable shelter at the camp during a thunderstorm is the restrooms - cement block and probably large enough for everyone who's signed up to stay over. What's your input?
  5. I think if dens were to combine, the combined den would be 1 (if there were only one remaining den for that rank). I'm not sure how long our pack has functioned this way, but the current cubmaster doesn't want to change. He's stepping down and I'll be committee chair next program year so we'll make the change. Our current system is illogical in my mind.
  6. We used the "eyes" patch - I think Patchtown calls it "snipe". Unfortunately, it's been mistaken for a bra - fortunately only by adults who had the discretion to ask about it in private! The flag the boys designed has a black background and also includes red eyes, so the patch goes well with the flag and was chosen after the flag was designed.
  7. I don't think this should even be a question, but I'll ask anyway. Our Pack has a Tiger Den 1, Wolf Den 1, Bear Den 1 and Webelos Den 1 (2, 3, etc if there are multiple dens in a level). There should only be one Den 1 in the Pack, correct?
  8. Page 12-4 in the Cub Scout Leaders Guide - "Webelos dens may have a name and wear the appropriate "patrol" emblem instead of a den numeral, but they still must be referred to as dens and not patrols." Additionally, I see nothing that says the "patrol" emblem can only be worn on the green uniform. I had not really thought about this earlier and my Webelos den is currently known as the "Spy Patrol". I suppose they should be the "Spies", but I don't think we'll change things now. I'll be aware next time (youngest is currently a Wolf).
  9. It seems like most Packs treat the awarding of the Arrow of Light and crossing over to a Boy Scout Troop as simultaneous events. Is there anyone who doesn't? Our Pack has historically operated this way as well with both events happening at our campout in early May. I'm den leader for 4th grade Webelos that will probably have earned their AofL by early December this year, but won't be crossing until at least February. If that all happens, I definitely want to go ahead and award the AofL in December. I'm concerned (perhaps unnecessarily) about annoying the other Webelos den leader with boys currently in 4th grade. Not really looking for permission, or even advice, just wondering how other folks operate.
  10. I know the with very limited exceptions, martial arts are not approved Cub Scout activities. But what about demonstrations? What about self-defense information? For the record, I don't care much one way or the other, but we have a couple of leaders who would like this to happen and were unaware it was an issue.
  11. I will be stepping into the Committee Chair role this spring. I have looked, but see no training specifically for Pack Committee Chair. Have I missed something? Is everything I need to know in the Cub Scout Leader Book? (I have done Pack Committee Fast Start online.)
  12. CubMom2 - Yes, a boy needs to earn the belt loop while he's a scout.
  13. The problem with earning pins as a Webelos is that the parent is no longer Akela and able to sign off on requirements. The Webelos den leader, or someone they designate, is Akela at this level. Unless the requirement specifically says, it does not have to be done with the den. It would be up to the den leader/designee to sign off or not. I think most reasonable leaders would sign off after a little talking with the scout to determine that they had in fact completed the requirement. Given the situation, I can't see any reason to keep the boy in cubs after his birthday.
  14. We put on the slider, then put a rubber band at the top of that, twist it once in back, then put the necker through that loop. The rubber band looks like a figure 8 in back with the top loop above the slider and the bottom loop below. You need a fairly small rubber band, and it can't be seen when adjusted properly. We didn't have much trouble with my oldest, but the two younger ones are always pulling on the necker or chewing on it or messing with it some way. They can get one out of whack with the rubber band, but we haven't lost any.
  15. The guidelines for Webelos den camping that I've read recommend WELOT/OWL training, but it is not required. If it is I'd like to see the reference as well. I'm currently a den leader for 4th grade Webelos son & will be for his 5th grade year and then will do both years for the youngest as well. I have done WELOT and Webelos den leader specific as well as BALOO.
  16. I'd not expect anyone not a citizen to pledge allegiance to the US flag, but would expect them to stand, as I would when in a foreign county.
  17. "Scouts and Vets have traditionally been entrusted with the special duty of retiring flags with respect." Here's what the flag code says: "(k) The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning." There's nothing there about who should do this. Just because Scouts and Veterans do the majority of flag retirements does not mean they have been entrusted with this "special duty". It's been a while since I read the entire thread so if this was meant in a tongue-in-cheek fashion I apologize for not getting the intent. Otherwise, it's typically a very stirring ceremony and I'd not want someone to miss out because they had been mistakenly told they weren't allowed to perform it.
  18. Just a point of clarification - muscle and bone are more dense than fat, they do not weigh more.
  19. Ours is for volunteers only. The kids have to be walking, I think, not sure about potty trained. There's no fee. The do some activities every day - can't remember exactly what - but related to the theme/what the Cubs are doing when possible. Our day camp/twilight camp are held at our primitive camp and an area is fenced off near the check-in/first aid/administrative shelter for them.
  20. Flag Etiquette - If you are not a scouter in uniform, your hand should be over your heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. Scouts only use the scout salute when in uniform. Our pack expects everyone at the pack meeting to participate. We think it's good modeling for the boys for the reasons you describe. Of course we still have the parents in the back socializing, etc, but the scoutmaster is not shy about asking for participation and letting the adults know why we expect it.
  21. If they change shirts, they change pants as well. They would typically still wear the blue belt since the belt loops don't fit the Boy Scout belt.
  22. Well, not ditching the cot because warmth is only one component of comfort. I had several camping nights this summer, and can not sleep restfully on the ground with the gear available to me at the moment. A $100 pad might help, but that's not in the budget any time soon. My hands and feet get cold easily, even in my suburban bedroom, hence the gloves and need for heavier socks than I took. Face/head was not in the bag - frankly that kind of creeps me out! Friday I did start with two layers, but started with only one on Saturday and didn't add the pants until I was sure things weren't warming up without them. I genuinely can't recall whether I used the fleece top Saturday, but I don't think I did. The ideal solution would be an adequate bag, but that wasn't possible. I consider it a successful weekend - temps were lower than previous outing but I was warmer. And this is the last of camping for me this season - I'll be starting up again in the spring when I think the weather's suitable for my Webelos.
  23. I went with the cot, blue pad from Wal-Mart, sleeping bag, fleece bag in sleeping bag, wicking layer, socks, mittens, hat, fleece pullover Friday night, but I can't remember if I used it Saturday or not, and flannel bottoms. No clothing worn to bed that had been worn that day. Only changes from previous outing was the blue pad, mittens rather than gloves, and no cotton sweatshirt. Temp Saturday dropped below 32, Friday was slightly warmer, but in the 30's I think. Definitely warmer than previous outing, Saturday I had some trouble getting my legs comfortably warm. Unfortunately, the flannel was all I had to use as a second layer. In the future, I'd take a better 2nd layer for sleeping and a blanket for isolating the area under the cot or throwing over the leg area on top of the bag and some wool socks - they just weren't in the budget this weekend. I was warm enough, just not toasty like my 14 yo in his 15 degree mummy bag at the same camp but a different event on Saturday.
  24. I'll be camping this weekend at WELOT training (OWL to some of you) in temperatures in the 40's. I have an inadequate sleeping bag - no idea of the rating, but nothing great. I'll be using a fleece bag inside that. I'll also have a cot and a cheap foam pad from Wal-Mart. I slept with this gear (minus the foam pad) about a month ago in similar temperatures and my back was cold all night. Not dangerously cole, just annoying. I'm thinking of adding an emergency blanket in there somewhere underneath, maybe between the fleece bag and other bag. Is this going to make any noticeable difference? I realize the ideal solution is another bag, but for this discussion, assume the above equipment is what I'll have.
  25. Here's the quote from scouting.org - Bobcat No matter what age or grade a boy joins Cub Scouting, he must earn his Bobcat badge before he can advance to the rank of Tiger Cub, Wolf, Bear, or Webelos. My understanding of "advance to the rank", would be awarding the rank badge. It makes no mention of any other award (LNT, belt loops, World Conservation Award) just rank. I doubt we're going to find something that says you can award these other things, I think the above quote is clear enough. And I'd err on the side of the boys - if something can't be found that says to delay the other stuff, let them have it. Good luck.
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