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Everything posted by gwd-scouter
Our Troop has been around for eight years and has 5 Eagles.
Minimum number for outing?
gwd-scouter replied to Prairie_Scouter's topic in Open Discussion - Program
We have a minimum of three scouts on every outing. We only have 12 in our Troop right now. My husband and I are the primary adult leaders on every monthly trip, so it is very frustrating when the scouts plan the outing, say they are going to go (6-8 usually say they are going) and then at the meeting just before we leave, a bunch drop out. We do not want to continuously cancel trips, so we decided if at least 3 want to go (our son doesn't have much choice so that leaves two additional) then we go. In a way, this has resulted in slowly increased participation. Perhaps because we don't cancel trips unless we absoluately have to. In years past, Troop was lucky to get in 4-5 camping trips a year (and summer camp was one of those) because leaders kept cancelling at the last minute. -
We did a Webelos crossing video every year too. Background song was Barry Manilow "I am your child." Perhaps a bit mushy, but usually not a dry eye in the house. Also made a CD with slide show and song for the parents of Webelos. I am your child wherever you go, you take me too whatever I know, I learned from you whatever I do, you taught me do I am your child and so on...
In my experience as a Cubmaster and Scoutmaster, our Council has never on its own sent a letter and ribbon to those units that earned the award. Each unit would fill out the quality unit form at recharter, check off the items accomplished, and then have to beg for months to get the ribbon. We'd send in our check to pay for the QU strips, check would be cashed, strips received, but would NEVER get the free ribbon (still waiting for QU/100% Boys Life ribbon for last year). I have no idea what our Council did for those units that didn't actually earn Quality Unit. I have been under the impression over the years that the units themselves checked off the list and that the Council took them at their word. As for units that fill out the paperwork and clearly show that they did not earn the award and Council awards it anyway - just another SNAFU in the lines of communication I guess. I think it's wonderful that those of you that received the award that wasn't honestly earned are returning it as an example to the boys and parents of your program. The younger Cubs, however, may not really understand what QU means, but they can certainly undertstand the meaning behind what you are doing.
Wow, what fun. Good eyes purcelce! I'm not sure the cover of mine is exactly the same since I don't see a right-sleeved trained strip (I do see a quality unit strip on the adult on the right), can only see one OA sash on the Eagle Scout with the folded sash, and no venturers in picture. I do see the cubscout wearing a blue belt with green pants. Oops, stage hands made a mistake there - get the police. Thanks for the fun exercise.
Anyone know a good place to go climbing/rapelling in the Southeast, that includes equipment and instruction (South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina preferrably)?
Perhaps I didn't phrase my question correctly. I am not trying to force feed enthusiasm into an adult-designed box. I am just trying to find the best ways to get our troop organized and help them find ways to better plan their meetings and outings. Thus, my question is really whether anyone out there uses the themes as they are designed and if they find that to be the best method for planning their year. Most of the troops I know of do not use them either. However, the largest and most active troop in my area use the themes each month, and even posts a schedule for the year on what is theme related activities are being covered at meetings and camping trips. Our troop is newly reorganized and the boys have only this past year begun to get with the boy run idea. But, it's a long slow process and I'm just trying to find ways to help them move forward. So, restating my question - what does your PLC do with monthly themes? Use them, ignore them, pick and choose. What seems to work best for your troop?
Was wondeering how many of you stick to the monthly themes. Have been trying to get the PLC to use them, but they just don't seem very interested. They prefer to come up with their own plans and then find a theme to fit it. I want to encourage them to make plans themselves, but it just seems like it would be much easier to follow the themes and program suggestions. Any ideas on how to move them toward using the themes to make their plans, rather than the other way around?
I do miss Seinfeld! Bet that Festivus episode is airing somewhere in reruns.
Yeah, at least until next year. Wishing everyone a joyous Holiday Season - whatever your reason!
Hey Semper - I agree we are all spiritual beings. I was merely asking a question, so your words "what makes you believe" was a bit strong. Then again, it is impossible to get someone's nuanced meaning from reading words rather than being able to see them speak. So, if you didn't intent to deride me, I apoligize for thinking so. And, actually, part of your post and several others I've read hit closer to the mark of how I feel about this constant debate over Christianity, going to Heaven or Hell, and especially being told to my face that I'm going to hell because I don't subscribe to someone else's idea of faith. While I admit that I have not "accepted Jesus as my personal savior," I strongly believe that God is God, the God of second chances, regardless of your particular brand of religion or faith. I wonder -- why does anyone think that one of the hundreds (probably thousands) of religions out there is actually the "right" one -- the belief system that God intended? I suppose the Aztecs thought they were right. How about other ancient societies? We think now "how ridiculous" when we read about the Roman and Greek Gods and Goddesses. But, they probably felt as strongly then that they were right as Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, etc. feel today. Maybe we just aren't intelligent enough yet to figure it all out. Maybe in a thousand years we will be. By posting this message I am not in any way arguing the merits of anyone else's belief or nonbelief, just thought I'd add to the mix.
I have hesitated to step into this discussion mainly because I have so many people praying for me already for being raised a Catholic, but also asking many questions about religion in general. But here's my question. If, according to Christians, you cannot get into Heaven if you have not accepted Jesus as your personal savior, Hell must be one very crowded place. Besides all those nonChristians out there, where did all the people go from the millenia before Christianity?
Just received a card today. Not quite sure what to make of it.... Says "Season's Greetings" below a painting of the Nativity Scene.
Boxie-Lady. That's a shame about the Crew. Are you going to join your son and help out with his Troop? Sure hope you don't let the naysayers on this forum sour you to Scouting altogether.
Boxie-Lady. How are things going setting up the Venture Crew?
Am I the only one that does this?
gwd-scouter replied to SemperParatus's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Semper - nice to have a laugh to start the day! Do you have too much free time on your hands? -
CA_Scouter. It is a nice feeling well the Scouts do a good job on their own isn't it? What was the surprise they had planned that you mentioned in your post of Dec. 6th?
I read your message to say that the DE sent boys from a Pack that wasn't doing well, not one that didn't have a den for the boy's age group. Sorry I misunderstood your message.
I had the same problem when I was Cubmaster for our Pack. Not usually because DE is sending boys from struggling packs (I would be really surprised to hear about a DE doing that), but because boys heard about school night but weren't able to attend and were told where and when the Pack meets. When these new boys showed up out of the blue, I was able to take time to talk to the parents and find out what grade their son was in. Then I would check with the den leader to make sure they would be willing to take "one more Scout." Next, had new folks fill out paperwork and pay registration, and then tell the parents/scout to return the following week with a handbook and be ready to start. There were times, of course, when a den would already have too many boys and unfortunately the new Scout would have to be directed to a different pack, but that was very rare. It also helped that all of our dens met at the same time in the same place. From your message it sounds like all of your leaders are busy running meetings - do you not have a Cubmaster that is ONLY the Cubmaster? What about Asst. Cubmaster? If they aren't available, maybe for the next few weeks/months your membership chair should plan to be at all your meetings. You could also ask your den leaders (those that will have the new Scouts) to let the boy sit in on the meeting when he arrives and then take a few minutes after their den meeting to talk to the Scout/family and fill out paperwork, etc. Good luck.
Wow Semper, what a great idea. Wish I knew about that when I was a Webelos Den Leader! However, I will pass the idea on to some Den Leaders I know.
Been getting the same message for past several days.
Both of my sons are avid video game players and probably spend too many hours at it. Both are also very involved in Boy Scouts, starting at Tigers. Oldest, now in college, is an Eagle and works every summer at Scout Camp. Youngest just made star. Both very bright, intelligent, funny young people with varied interests. And, yes, the oldest does play some "Mature" rated and violent video games - Halo being one of the more popular. I asked my son about msnowman's lock-in idea and he said he wasn't sure it was an appropriate event for younger Scouts. His words... "When I play Halo, I go into "video-game" mentality. I tend to lose focus of other things around me, I get mad more easily, and swear more easily as well." But then he also said "I think talking to the parents of the younger scouts to see how they feel about it would be a good idea, just to see how they'd take it. They'd probably have a bigger problem with it than the scouts would." Both sons have also had birthday overnighters at our house where videogaming was the main event. Games went on all night 'till the last boy was awake (one or two actually make it through to breakfast). While the noise level sometimes sends me over the edge, I do enjoy listening to them chat about all manner of topics - not just video games. Gives one a great insight into the teenage mind!
Hey Forum Members. Was wondering if your Scouts call you by your first name or by Mr. or Mrs. _______. Not questioning which is "right or wrong" just curious.
Boxie Lady. Don't give up because of things written on this Forum! Sometimes, the written word takes on a different meaning than it would if you were to speak to someone directly. I don't think anyone here is suggesting that you scrap the idea of starting up a Venture Crew. It sounds like you're heart is in the right place and you are involved in Scouting for the boys. From reading through these Scouting Forums and from my own experience, it takes a couple of years to get a unit up and running smoothly, whether a brand new Venture Unit or an older Scout Troop that has lost it's direction (the situation I'm in). You said: If going through crap to get a Venturing crew up and running, and even trying to get them focused only reached ONE single youth that would have headed down the wrong track, I would think it would be worth it." That's why I'm a Scout Leader - for that one Scout - and for the most part I think that's why most adult leaders get and stay involved. Grab a stiff cup of coffee (or beverage of choice) and then, read everything you can get your hands on, get your leaders together, get trained when you can, gather up your Scouts and get going. Good luck!