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Everything posted by gwd-scouter
SSScout sent me a PM and asked for me to reply on this post. So... Our Troop has been around for 8 years. We have had 5 Scoutmasters over that time. I've been SM Since December 2004, so I am still learning. Have been to all the training. Before becoming SM, I was advancement Chair for about 2 years. Troop currently has 11 registered Scouts. Two Scouts has been completely inactive for over a year, but keep saying "I want to get my Eagle." The other Scouts have varying degrees of activity with the Troop. Some weeks everyone is there, others only half and once in a while as my first post stated, only a couple show up. We did hold our Patrol Leader elections. Now have 2 patrols with five members each and a PL and APL. Scouts all have current rosters so they know who to call if they are going to be absent. It is working well with the younger Scout patrol. Not at all with the older Scout patrol. This patrol is mostly made up of what I call our "legacy Scouts" and all this expectation of responsibility and actually doing a job in our Troop has been new to them. Our new SPL is very eager to do a good job and is the first in over a year to talk to me about setting up the PLC and really getting weekly meeting plans made. We do have monthly plans, but each week's meeting is pretty much planned on the fly the week before. This past month was the first time the weekly plans fit entirely with the monthly activity - backpacking: how to pack and types of backpacks, lightweight stove demonstration, backpacking food. Final pack inspection was held the week before the campout. This activity was entirely run by the SPL without any adult intervention. Fantastic! Ranks of our members are spread out. 2-Scout, 1-Tenderfoot, 1-2nd Class, 1-1st Class, 1-Star, 5-Life (one about to finish his Eagle requirements). Further on our ups and downs list. Our Chartered Org. Rep just resigned last month. He has been with the Troop for several years since his son made Eagle and wants to pursue other volunteer activities. Then, last week, our Troop Committee Chair quit because of work and family responsibilities. But, on the heels of that, we had one new Scout join last week and I got a phone call about two more ready to join next month after their Webelos crossover. Have one parent just step up to be an ASM and another willing to take over as Chartered Org Rep. I can't believe all that happened since my first post on this thread on March 1st. As usual, another roller coaster ride for our Troop! At least it never gets boring.
Hikeaholic. Welcome to the Forum and congratulations on your Eagle! It is wonderful that you are coming back to your Troop to help. We are a very small troop with difficulty in recruiting. We helped a equally small struggling Pack with their Webelos crossover last year and got one Scout. We expect two more next month. Some other methods we've used: Last year, one of our Eagle Scouts made a video tape which was shown during Sunday service at our Chartered Org talking about our Troop and inviting boys to come to our open house. This resulted in 2 new Scouts. We recently recruited from a local private school and spoke directly to 5th and 6th grade classes. Handed out flyers with upcoming events and other Troop information. This has resulted in 3 new Scouts. Of course, there is also the peer-to-peer recruiting which is actually a new requirement for 1st class starting this year. We have had one new Scout join as a result of being invited by a friend. Good luck with your efforts to rebuild your Troop.
He made it! Very proud of his new sash and green pocket patch.
2006 Pow Wow
gwd-scouter replied to theysawyoucomin''s topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
I always looked forward to PowWow in our Council and went three times while a Cub Leader and worked twice on staff. I always learned something new as a trainee and as an instructor. The best part was talking with all the other leaders and finding out about their Packs and how they do things. On staff I was part of the ceremonies sessions. We did flaming neckerchief demonstrations and decorated arrows to be given as Arrow of Light awards. Maybe next year you can sign up to be a trainer? Keep up the good work learning to be the best leader you can be for your boys. And, most importantly, have fun. -
To shower or Not to shower, That is the Question
gwd-scouter replied to Herms's topic in Summer Camp
OGE, wouldn't that be great! -
Are you really "Trained"?
gwd-scouter replied to Newbie Den Leader's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Hi dlearyous and welcome to the Forum. I am on our District's Training Committee and I can at least share with you how Cub Scout Leader Training is done in our area. New Leader Essentials is conducted on Saturday mornings and lasts about 3 hours. This is attended by ALL new leaders, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers. Then, the Cub Scout Leaders remain after that for about two more hours and have a group presentation on how a Pack is organized, their place within that organization, and some other general Cub Scout stuff. After that we have breakout sessions for Cubmasters and assistants, Pack Committee, and Den Leaders. We would like to be able to offer breakouts even further to separate the Den Leaders by Tigers, Wolf/Bear, Webelos, but we don't have enough trainers for that. In answer to your question about the leader knots and training. You would certainly not have to take New Leader Essentials again, but you are required to take the specific training for your specific job. It is unfortunate that your District is not able to offer separate sessions for Cub Leader training. I suspect it is because of the usual reason - not enough volunteers. -
So many posts back and forth on the uniform. Required? Not required? Our Troop had always had a very relaxed uniform approach. Over the years, the Scouts and leaders were in various components of the uniform for BORs, Courts of Honor, and other formal occasions. Maybe because of the example they were given by the adults in the Troop? Who knows. Of the five SMs we had over the past 8 years, only two ever wore the full uniform. The most recent being me. I wear it as an example. I wear it as the leader of my troop. I wear it because I feel it is every bit as important as the other 7 methods. I do not REQUIRE it of any of our Scouts or other leaders. Having said that, I do EXPECT a full uniform for SM conference and Board of Review and have said so to the Scouts. However, I do get Scouts that come for their SM conf and BOR with the shirt and jeans. They have never been held back because of that. I do use the chance during a SM conference to ask a scout who is not in uniform, simply "why"? I have never been given the answer that they are too expensive, but rather they just don't like them. Now, maybe the Scout's parents think they are too expensive, but my concern is finding out the feelings of the Scout, not the parents. Since I've become SM, our troop has slowly worked its way toward a full uniform. In fact, in the past six months I've had SM conferences with Scouts going for Eagle, Two Lifes, and a tenderfoot. ALL showed up in a full uniform (I didn't even think they owned one). Without making a big deal out of it, I complimented them on how well they looked in their uniform. Big smile on the younger scout, something of an embarrased smirk from the older scouts. Back in December we had a Court of Honor. Not only were all the scouts present, but all but one were in complete uniform. Perhaps it has helped that last summer the scouts came up with a new Troop T-shirt design. We had matching hats made too. Now, by their decision, their uniform for meetings is their T-shirt, hat and blue jeans. So it's not an official uniform - it looks great and they feel good knowing it was their decision. Maybe that helped get them to wear the full uniform when appropriate. Maybe not. Oh, and one of those Life Scouts that worn the full uniform for the first time late last summer? He's 17, finishing up his Eagle Scout Service Project, and I expect to have his SM conference next month. I wonder if he will have hemmed his pants by then?
To shower or Not to shower, That is the Question
gwd-scouter replied to Herms's topic in Summer Camp
Last year was my first time as new SM taking the troop to summer camp. We did discuss ahead of time that they were all expected to shower during the week. To my amazement, I never had to tell anyone to go shower. Each night, before lights out, they tromped off together in groups of two or three down the hill with their towels and supplies. Then, back up the hill they came, clean and fresh. Even my son, who I ALWAYS have to remind to shower at home each night. I asked the SPL how he got the guys to go shower every night. He said it wasn't him. He said one of the first year scouts wanted to shower but no one wanted to go with him. So, one of the older scouts, who is really great with the newbies, said "let's all go to the shower." That was the first night and they continued that every night. Found out later that they even brushed their teeth. Now THAT is amazing! -
My earlier post about youngest son going for Brotherhood prompted this post. Are your chapters very active? Ours, sadly, never really has been. Oh, a few guys show up at monthly meetings, a few more if it's close to Fall or Spring Fellowship. But, they do nothing in between. We sure do send a bunch of Scouts and adults through ordeal each summer, since most of our troops attend the same week of summer camp. This weekend is our OA Spring Fellowship and none of the adult chapter advisers went. Oldest son is the Lodge Ceremonies Chairman and youngest is going for Brotherhood this weekend. So, even though our chapter is not active they have both wanted to be and are active members of the OA. But for so many others, is it just about getting that red flap on their pocket?
Dropped my youngest off at OA Spring Fellowship last night. His older brother arrived from college a bit later. Not many others from our chapter are attending, which is a shame. Youngest is very excited about trying for Brotherhood this weekend. He's been online a few times over the past weeks chatting with older brother about what he needs to know. These are the days I envisioned a long time ago. Older Scout helping Younger Scout. They are both such great sons. I am very proud.
Husband came in a while ago from working night shift. Brought home 3 well-used but good condition backpacks. Seems he's been talking with some guys he works with about our Troop's upcoming backpack trip and they thought we could use the packs. Don't you just love a wonderful surprise like that?
At our District Roundtable meeting earlier this month, we were given a presentation by a Master Gardener from the Clemson Extension Service. After his wonderfully informative presentation on how to properly grow a vegetable garden, he told us about a service project called "Grow a Row for the Hungry." Groups get together and grow a vegetable garden, large or small, many different varieties or only a few, and donate the harvest to their local soup kitchen, church, etc. Sounds like a wonderful idea for a Scout Troop. Anyone ever done it or something similar?
I hope all of you that sent me a PM got the pattern and instructions. When you have your races, post a message here. Love to hear how they turn out.
Anne, all those scouts have a parent or guardian. Your leaders should come from that pool. Ask them directly rather than a general "we need leaders" approach. Who shows up regularly and stays through meetings? They would be your first target. It is usually necessary to have the leaders in place before you form a den. I know it's kind of an ambush approach, but at school nights we always mentioned that without adult leaders, there would be no den. At least, that's the way it was done in my cub days. As to your Tiger Den needing a leader, at least for now each Tiger must have an adult partner present for meetings and outings. So, here you have an entire group of adults to ask. Also stress to all the adults that their sons deserve good den leaders that can deliver the scouting program. Let them know that they don't have to know it all - there is training, the Internet, and more printed materials than the US Government. And, after all, shouldn't they all want to spend that quality time helping their sons grow and participate with them in all the fun. -that last bit has always been successful when I was at school nights recruiting cubs and adult leaders.
MaScout. Congrats on a working patrol method! We have only recently formed into two patrols, 5 scouts each. This week, they met as patrols and figured out "buddy" menus for upcoming backpack trip. Very disorganized and SPL had to help PL of younger scout patrol to get back on track. But, in the end, the guys made their menus and worked out who would buy and bring whatever. Next week's plan? Scouts going on backpack trip are to bring their fully packed packs as if we were leaving that night (including food and water) and critique each other's packing methods. Bring too much? Forget to bring something? Weight distribution? etc. etc. And, with their buddy, figure out how to share the carrying of tent, cooking equipment, food. I know what will happen next week and I have anticipated amusement as I know what will happen. An activity that in my mind shouldn't take more than 1/2 hour, will turn into over an hour and devolve into something completely different several times along the way. But they are trying. They are learning. We WILL get there.
Hope some of those others than have done this before chime in with advice. Question about power tools - do lawn mowers count? That is the specific question of safety asked by our Troop Committee and I can't find anything anywhere that say boys can't use lawn mowers. Buddy system is an excellent reminder. And, we plan to target only one neighborhood at a time, scheduling maybe a couple of weekends, so the adults can sort of wander around and check on things.
Briant: our troop has the same idea. Have looked through the guide to safe scouting and can't find anything prohibiting the idea. Of course, the unit fundraising form must be sent in the Council and they may have some problem with it. Have left a message with our Council to ask about it, but haven't heard back yet.
What happened to the "Rent a Scout" thread?
Hello Anne from South Carolina. I was Cubmaster for many years and it was one of my favorite leader positions. I can tell you that I just can't imagine how you are going to be CM and a Den Leader at the same time. Each position requires a great deal of work and organization. Anyway, welcome to the forums and good luck with your Cubs!
I am assistant to the director of the Greenwood Genetic Center, a nonprofit diagnostic and research institute that looks for the genetic causes of birth defects and mental retardation. I am a computer science major, but use very little of that in my job. I write and layout PR publications and brochures, press releases on GGC events, maintain the website for GGC and two others for annual international conference that we host (and that I help plan and coordinate). All the other little things I do from day-to-day are just to numerous to mention. My other full time job is Scoutmaster of Troop 313!
EagleDad made yet another wonderful post, brought a tear to my eye, set my heart soaring! Two steps forward and one step back? It seems more like one step forward and two steps back at times. I am holding to the vision. I am looking to the future. I am taking those baby steps. I am so excited when I see a Scout do something without an adult telling him to. The best thing I've found in this forum is that as a SM I am not alone. I thought often that I must be doing something wrong to be having so many struggles with our Troop. Then I think, if I wasn't such an ardent supporter of the Scouting Program, if I didn't feel that "teach them, trust them, let them lead" wasn't the single best way to grow boys into men, then the struggles wouldn't seem very important and I would take the easy road and let the adults run the show. And, yes, I do Love This Scouting Thing.
Hello Ladyleader from South Carolina! Welcome.
I totally agree that a troop doesn't have to lose scouts when they turn 18. Oldest son, an Eagle now in first year of college, is an ASM and comes home to camp with us a few times a year. Another Eagle that turned 18 last fall has also rejoined as ASM and has helped on a few campouts. Another fella, turning 18 end of this month has always been a great friend to the younger scouts and enjoys working with them very much. While he was never interested in advancement himself (only reached 1st class), he wants to help the troop any way he can and is signing an adult leader application. Love to have him! He may not have advanced past first class, but he sure is a great Scout.
Hello beaver96 and welcome to the forum. Can't wait for you to begin to share all the years and varied experience you've had in Scouting with us. And, good for you for hanging in there and seeing your grandson enjoy his years in Cub Scouts!
Did you account for the fact that the non-Eagles might have been girls? Just having a bit of fun at the end of the day!