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Everything posted by Gunny2862
SO, the primary difference is that in Orienteering one follows the course as set hitting the control points in sequence and in Rogaining one lays out one's own course as long as it hits all of the control points in any sequence.
University of Scouting
Gunny2862 replied to Scouter&mom's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Ours usually has as many of the handouts as could be obtained by the dead line to produce the number of required CD's. Handouts, Course outlines, Resource Lists, Online Links were all features of our latest UoS CD handout. -
JoeBob, The habaneros to pinkpooj equation usually involves a body weight calculation also... other factors might include: sensitivity to other peppers, method of preparation which leads to the calculation of effusion of the peppers oils throughout the concoction, other possibly irritating ingredients to include chili pepper, black pepper, and for some even salt, and incredibly, even a very small amount of wheat or wheat byproduct, also strength and portion of any of the above. For such an infrequent contributor the pinkpooj could be very irritating... and a lot of work to avoid... I like a nice apple cobbler with ice cream after my chili, "Come on Ice Cream!"
Twitterpated, How much money was involved here? Regardless of the amount, as was suggested before, you need to consult a tax attorney and consider issuing a statement of earnings to the adult the money was given to. That alone should put the kibosh on people asking for those funds - it's one thing to harass a Scout Leader it's another thing when they realize the IRS will ask for their portion of the funds - typically the hold back and the additional hassle of filing makes it not worth taking the funds.
Would that be good in a Frito Pie?
Parents attending OA Ceremonies
Gunny2862 replied to ETD129-AW Chpt Adv's topic in Order of the Arrow
To all, but in response to emb021, Hey, I didn't mean go round parents up and start setting out to bring them in, I said "who wishes to attend" i.e. they're already wanting to go. And CANNOT be excluded. SOME parents, to include my spouse, have particular aversion to situations where abuse may occur(it would be one of many reasons why I am involved in Scouting - to ensure her "baby" is not subject to bad situations...), making it difficult for parents to attend or as though one doesn't really want them there heightens those fears the parent may have - whether rational or not. And creates an adversarial relationship with Scouting where it doesn't really need to be... Once they express the wish to go, I'm saying, explain the necessity to maintain the mystery, ensure they understand that any questions they may have will be answered, and respect that they care about their child's welfare. Ask that they respect the wishes of the organization to protect the mystery - NOT the secrecy because it's NOT a secret. If it were a SECRET, we wouldn't be free to discuss this at all, parents wouldn't be allowed to observe and many Scouts would be denied the opportunity to enter the OA. It's a semantic argument but one I think everyone here should get. As to the adult who may be selected and have already attended - they may be an parent but they are also an adult - who hopefully can still get the full impact without experiencing it for the first time. Although I also think it probably isn't as good with the preview. -
Kathy, Exactly. However, if it WAS and IS the old Troops policy that it was to be used for summer camp then that's fine. But I don't see the distinction where they shouldn't have allowed "his" account to transfer to the new Troop - unless they "as policy" don't transfer money out to another Troop. And at the point that funds are transferred to the gaining Troop the distribution of funds should rest on the gaining Troop as to whether it's used for Outings, Uniforms, Philmont, Summer Camp or other Scouting related activities.
Has anyone a Meat Pie? Steak and kidney anyone? Sorry, but breakfast was a little light, I'm hungry! Oh wait!, is that a Troll?, Scamper, scamper, scamper...
Parents attending OA Ceremonies
Gunny2862 replied to ETD129-AW Chpt Adv's topic in Order of the Arrow
As a Brotherhood member myself I understand the idea of keeping the mystery and fully agree with that, and in that vein completely disagree with any video or audio recording of the ceremonies of the OA. That said, ANY parent or Guardian who wishes to attend should be ENCOURAGED to do so with the understanding that they are there to observe. They should no more make comments or walk in and interrupt than they would if they attended their child's Orchestra concert and thought something was being done incorrectly. They are more than welcome to discuss any questions they have afterward with any adult or youth OA member but should withhold their new knowledge from anyone who hasn't been inducted into the OA. I would also think they don't have any business attending a ceremony more than one above the level their child is currently at i.e. the parent (agreeing not to disclose) may attend the Ordeal ceremony before their child does but not the Brotherhood until their child has completed his Ordeal. My humble opinion only. -
(TIQ on) How about an online virtual chapter - no stairs, the weathers always right and your packs never too heavy. Yea! online Scouting could be next! And since we'd never meet or really know each other we can say we meet any criteria we want to. Even keyboarding skills could be opted out of by using voice input - Wow! Don't let Mazucca here of this talk about inclusiveness! We would have to modify the Scout law a little to get around that pesky trustworthy bit since we could be lying about who we are but hey, more Scouts yea! (TIQ off)
I have in the past been the leading voice of "don't take that new scout course" Our camps program director has instituted a new New Scout Program. He assures me that it is different and will produce better results than any NSP ever attempted in this area. He personally guaranteed that any motivated Scout put in his care for a week at camp would come back having had fun and having LEARNED the T-2-1 skills. We shall see.
I recently purchased the Alps Mountaineering Extreme 3 via Scout Direct. Didn't buy the Outfitter version. But if you ask, you will find they have a heavy duty floor saver, it's not listed on the price sheet. Plenty of room for two Scouts plus gear inside, not to mention the huge vestibules. A little bit heavy for Philmont, not too much for a weekend excursion, but the Scout son took one look and said he'd be happy to carry the extra weight in exchange for the space even at Philmont. Had it out at a recent deluge, and it was the ONLY dry tent in our camp, without regard to the near stream running under it. We decide to go ahead and pack up due to the amount of rain that got in the rest of our Eureka Timberline OF4's. I'm seriously considering one of their lightweight backpackers also, either the Mystique or Zepher 2 man tents. If you buy, an Alps Mountaineering product, definitely go thru Scout Direct!!!
If you are hauling the trailer or car camping your possibilities are truly unlimited. Recently we have had across the patrols, Sashimi and rice with stir-fried vegetables, Marinated and Pan-Fried Chicken with Saffron rice and peas, Steak based Chili with Twice baked Potatoes. The Adults had NOTHING to do with suggesting, shopping for, cooking and unfortunately eating any of the above - other than samples provided by the respective PL's in a "see what we're eating" kind of way. The trick is getting the kids interested in making something "interesting". Start by eating separately and making your own "interesting" meals. Roasting (I forget what they're actually called right now) "miniature chicken" over an open fire, baking some potatoes and steaming some corn on the cob at the same time is a good, very visible and smellable start. Back packing and eating well gets a little more complicated but it's largely still doable - just takes more planning.
When is Reveille for Your Troop
Gunny2862 replied to OldGreyEagle's topic in Camping & High Adventure
I am either the first or second up almost without fail. And am only second when a particularly early rising ASM is along - but it's always great to have him along because that means the coffee is always waiting on me when I do get up . I always try to have my pack packed and outside the tent before breakfast if we are on the trail... can't gripe about waiting on Patrols if my stuff isn't ready to go. Tents go down after breakfast - attempt to dry... Yes, reveille is sounded first by my watch unless, see above. We don't do group reveille but the SM wakes the SPL if necessary and they handle it from there - previous post being the exception to the rule. I try to emphasize the point that if we are up past 10:00pm and other campers are going to bed that we need to lower the volume and that until other campers are rising OR about 8am whichever comes first that we need to be especially quiet. I wish non- Scouts and a few other Scouts would try to do the same... -
When is Reveille for Your Troop
Gunny2862 replied to OldGreyEagle's topic in Camping & High Adventure
It depends, Unit Camping and a fixed campsite that we are staying at, then daylight. Unit Camping and Hiking/Backpacking - How far are we going today? Camporee/Summer Camp, follow the timeline given by the event organizer - our reveille starts 45 minutes(plus travel from campsite to event site) prior to flags or whatever the first event happens to be. -
For our Summer Camp, we recommend that first year Scouts wear the same tennis shoes they normally wear for daily use. If they buy boots, something inexpensive with some kind of waterproofing - we have had rain every day at camp in the past and the trails to and from camp to program areas get turned into near streams on day two or three. And to try wearing them every other day for at least two weeks prior to camp. Whether they buy boots or not we recommend Crocs or knock-offs of the same for rain days or water sports. We ask them to buy these anyway to comply with our Councils enforcement of the "No open toed shoes" requirements for any in Council activity, and it makes it easy to clip them outside of your pack for Stream crossing when Backpacking, etc. What ever you do, you need enough shoes for the week of camp that you can ensure you will have either something like Crocs OR a Dry pair of Shoes. Socks, what they are made of, how they fit, how often they are changed can make ALL of the difference in the world. Don't go cheap with the socks.
1) Fun 2) Fun 3) Fun 4) Offers the Scout the opportunity to LEARN something. 5) Allows the Parents to feel good about sending the boys because they completed some advancement. 6) Allows the Scoutmaster to feel good because the Boys thought it was fun AND the Parents won't be on his back because they did complete some advancement. 7) Allows the Scoutmaster and any adults who also attend the opportunity to complete some Adult training, at least the repetitive ongoing stuff. 8) Oh, and it should be fun, too.
If it's the SPL or PL's and it's the "I don't want to." variety of I'm not getting up - they aren't leading - or at least not responsibly - fire em. Simple.
If you're cooking and you don't get up, your Patrol doesn't eat - the boys tend to ensure the cooks have gotten up. If you want to get up just in time for breakfast, didn't have a cooking or cleanup responsibility, and can handle getting your gear together during the post breakfast personal time, then, that's your business... If you aren't up by the time to have breakfast - then you miss breakfast. After you've missed breakfast, cleanup/personal time has ended, and the Troop is waiting on you, the SM reserves the right to perform a Health and Safety Inspection of your sleeping quarters - which may include an prophylactic cold water wash-down (delivered via bucket) to avoid (the laziness)contagion spreading among the rest of the Troop. So far the SM's son has been the only one who has received the courtesy of such an inspection. And since the SPL thought he should perform the actual Inspection - who am I to step on his toes...
Have only had one "dry" camp experience with Scouting. Almost had another, but the mule was dead already and didn't seem to mind when we pumped from the SMALL pond(more casual water than pond) he was in.... Otherwise, we pump and filter everyone's water and for those who might have other issues(or mules in their source water) have a container of MSR Sweetwater solution (yeah I know it's just cut bleach). If hauling the Trailer then we have been known to have lots of water in 5 gallon jugs if we knew the water was "iffy" or possibly not going to be available. There's not really an excuse for someone to not have started the trip with water - they DO carry the 10 essentials, right? As far as the extra liter or two per person when backpacking or if you want to prevent having a dry camp - we put Dromedary bags on the PL's that they can then pass around their Patrol.
The boy goes out CIT'ing this year. Unpaid. Camp Staff week, A couple of work weeks, his camp week (not-comped), a Couple more work weeks and into the School season we go. It's the extra uniforms - grr, we'll be upside down this year and I just have to (forlornly) hope he doesn't outgrow them before next year. They do get a CIT bonus if they come back next year that straight hires who haven't CIT'd don't get. I went out and trained their "The Trainers EDGE" module last weekend. It looks like a good crew.
Concur, SPL's and PL's make seating arrangements - and ensure seats are actually filled. Of course they also ride back to pick up anyone who's left behind. !!! If the Scout doesn't like it - lump it. If there's an actual problem between Scouts then it better be getting heard and dealt with. Tommy doesn't like Jimmy and they have to sit together doesn't cut it as a problem. Time to put the Scout Oath and Law back into action for both of them. If the Parent has a problem; why not take the SM aside and quietly make your point sometime in the period BETWEEN Now and the NEXT outing. If the issue is so big you need to throw a fit immediately prior to a trip(in the parking lot loading up) then it should have been done before now. Otherwise it's just someone's need for Drama kicking in. MOST IMPortantly, Yes, ANY parent has EVERY right to decide if the Scouter or other adult their child is riding with is unsuitable - but then they also have the right to drive their Scout...
I actually like the tech pocket but ditto moving the swiss tabs up.
There is a great discussion/SM Minute regarding bravery and fear at http://www.boyscouttrail.com/content/minute/afraid_and_brave-321.asp It applies in his going ahead and doing the Ordeal even though he will have to be brave long enough to realize that no one is doing any thing to hurt him at the first thing they do, nor at the second, nor at the third - then maybe it's time to relax and finish and be proud of facing his fear and doing a good job going thru the Ordeal. And along the way learning the lessons and meanings of the process. Good Luck!
All, I don't know what a Grownup is, but they told me when I retired from the Corps that I now had to grow up. Star Trek had a group of people I believe they referred to as Grups (Grown ups) which were basically anyone of I think 18 or older(definitely puberty was the break-over) because they would soon die of an age related virus after turning violent. I think it was a First season episode, Miri? OMG, the geekdom rises...