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Everything posted by Gunny2862

  1. I think it's an issue of did the individual pursue the patch for the sake of "bling" or in the course of being a good Scouter and doing what you are supposed to do anyway come across earning the patch. It's pretty hard for a Scoutmaster to not earn a knot if they simply stick it out for two years and take the training opportunities they are supposed to undertake along with their regular duties. Is it wrong for him to wear that? Motives are hard to judge, did so-and-so Scouter(not me) donate a grand a year to FOS because they are dedicated to Scouting or because they want to curry favor for that Silver Beaver (or other award). I think this thread is ridiculous because in the end assessment, as long as the Scouter is making it possible for the Scouts to Scout and possibly even enhancing their experience - who cares if they "badge hunt" for adult wearable gidgets and gadgets. (Disclaimer: after I earn my mile swim patch I plan on wearing it on my Swim Trunks, after I get back from Philmont I'll probably wear a dangler for a little bit also. And if I happen to promote Scouting by wearing my OA and Tribe of the Lone Bear(ToLB) danglege then so be it.) Viva La Scouting!
  2. Don't forget Army Surplus stores, and your local independently owned hardware store.
  3. From a Boy Scout Scoutmaster perspective, I really like the 3/16 and 1/4 inch diameter varieties in 24 inch and 30 inch lengths respectively. (edit)I like two diameters to illustrate the Sheet bend, and why you need it, and it doesn't significantly affect the other Scout knots. (end edit) They're small enough to carry with you so you can practice as you have a moment here or there. I have so far always given Crossovers to our Troop either a Yellow and Blue OR Green and Red set(availability occasionally drives color choice) as my gift to them with a Square knot pre-tied. My thought process on this is that, priced per foot, the decent quality but short and thin length is cheaper than more poor quality and much thicker rope they won't carry around and use. It usually costs me about $.55 per Scout to give them the two rope set. If you've already got your inexpensive white rope I would say not less than 50 inches for a single length, but that is dependent on the ropes diameter. One way to test is to tie a Sheepshank, if you can tie it you should be able to tie every other Scout knot in that length. And dyeing/coloring the ends is a great idea. Go for it. (This message has been edited by Gunny2862)
  4. Yeah, you're a softy. But so am I, I just don't know if I'd have had the $20. Is there anything on the list for $5?
  5. I also have one of each, okay, okay, I own not one but two staves a plain one and a full dress scale, survival kit, measuring tool, etc. etc. one
  6. Eamonn, I said most of the time... after all, Univerisity of Scouting - I usually get to attend other modules, so don't feel too bad about paying for this. IOLS if food is provided (for Staff) - I've not had it provided yet(for Staff) - it would be reasonable to pay the fee but I do get coffee and some free camping time(no youth) so still don't feel overly bad about paying for this one. Woodbadge - I've not had the opportunity to Instruct yet but then I haven't had the meshing of work, home and Scouting calendars to take it either. But to pay to go Instruct (not attend) most other one day or half day events gripes me just a wee little bit. And the list of purchases you gave are your donations, not what the Council or District is asking/demanding of you... (edit) And in this area, it would be nice if someone other than SM's would pick up the Training ball - as in many organizations the over-committed do the majority of the work while the side-liners are more than happy to tell them how inadequately they are performing. Mean while the SM's are doing the Training so they can HAVE trained ASM's and Committee Members - 'cause no one else is doing it. (2nd edit) And yes, I also pay for Training materials, consumables and even some handouts, out of pocket( while I wouldn't want to be obligated to) I do see this as generally part of the Trainers job. (This message has been edited by Gunny2862)(This message has been edited by Gunny2862)
  7. Since, the original question wasn't should they recognize but rather how could they better recognize: Not having to pay the course fee to gonto the training event might be nice, it's one thing to pay to cover the cost to TAKE the training but is kind of (almost) insulting to pay to go instruct. Now if it includes some nice camping downtime that lessens the sting a little but in reality most of the time Instructors should't have to pay to attend the event they're training. Also, if the Council/ District whomever, does do the Proficient Trainer patch or certificates,Etc., it might be nice if they could manage to award them in the same calendar year they were earned... Still waiting....
  8. Look for the right people and realize it will probably be a one at a time journey unless you happen to be incredibly fortunate - if you do find the secret tho be sure to share!
  9. I'm going to presume you are the SM, what's your CC doing?
  10. Yeah and that 69.99 shirt before BSA logo-ing is going to be purchased by about 5% of my current troop - ain't no way. After all the work we put in trying to build a culture of uniform BSA may actually finish by pricing us out. The Centennial is at the high end (tipping point)of the price point already.
  11. Concur, even so far as a talk over a soda and snack could actually be a BOR - doesn't have to be a boardroom thing.
  12. The key is some degree of organization. I don't know that a youth Historians job is to make things relevant but rather findable. As current reports are filed, they should follow a system, any system that the records he has handed to him as archives can also be searched by. If a Historian hasn't been doing the above and there is no commonality or filing system then a great service project for a senior Scout or Adult would be to create the organizing system for the Troop and leave an instruction binder for how to input new captures into the system. The relevance comes from being able to go back and find things out about past Scouts and their activities. A jumbled archive does not facilitate this. As to historian making every trip, well, there's no reason another Scout or group of Scouts couldn't capture trip data and e-mail or hand it over to the historian at the next Troop meeting. Then the Historian organizes and files it - not really that big a deal. Now formats can be tricky, but a printed copy of everything is bulkier but always a welcome addition and eases worries about "The new program can't read the old file".
  13. Nick let's put the shoe on the other foot for a second, even though it is NOT what the program is about. I say again this Point of View is NOT what the program is about. Would you as a responsible adult take 10-30 age 10 and 1/2 to 18 youths out canoeing without knowing that the majority of them could swim well enough to exit a canoe and swim to shore? I know that isn't what the requirement is for but can you imagine if the basic requirement weren't there how many youth would opt not to even attempt to show how well or poorly they swim, or fail to. Can you imagine the howls of parents, who after signing the permission slip then scream "You killed my baby!, How could you have taken in him water over his head!" no matter how slow the flow. I, also, personally believe that the swimming MB should be required, BUT, since it's not think that the basic blue swimmer test is about as minimum as you could safely get, and even then a person isn't "water safe" as the test is typically administered in a clean, clear, no motion, pool setting, and the majority of non-pool activities will not take place in such ideal conditions. Realizing that we are talking out-of-program here the test is as minimally fair as you can possibly expect(to the adults who are charged with ensuring your safety) while expecting responsible adults to agree to sign up to help do activities with. Back to your regular programming... (This message has been edited by Gunny2862)
  14. Your Scout shop should be able to order it for you. I've not been able to find it online, either.
  15. " I love criticism just so long as it's unqualified praise. " Noel Coward
  16. How was this fellow as an ASM? Has he significantly changed with the change of position? Did you work with him during his time as an ASM? Look if his character and dealings with the boys in relation to the Scout Law are in question and you are trying to hold him to the standard then how can you do that if you aren't being Trustworthy, et al. You, definitely as an ASM, need to speak to him first; then you need to consider staying in place or following John-in-KC's advice.
  17. Our Ranger fulfills that function and we use that term for a Merit Badge University and Pre-Camp Orientation for Scoutmasters. I've got no experience with the program as you describe it but can readily see how there could bee some really great points to it especially for "new" Adults visiting an area or for a Troop visiting an unfamiliar reservation. I can also see how a curmudgeon who has not grasped that it's about the boys could easily ruin a weekend by imposing too many unnecessary strictures.
  18. I'm a little torn, for experienced trainers or corporate professionals who deliver presentations this this programs syllabus appears disorganized, and lacking in depth; for an initial exposure to training methods - especially for a Camp Staff it's a really good program - including the practice delivery portions. I presented it at our Staff Week and it went well. IMHO if it's worth your time to present then you also have to "buy in" to it. If you don't think it's worth your time then by all means don't use it - because your students will pick up how you really feel about it; and then complain about how they wasted their time going to do more lackluster BSA training.
  19. I have an Extreme 3 with the extra thick floor saver(you have to ask for the 2x weight floor saver, it's not in the catalog). It's great for weekend trips, and extended stays but a little heavy for longer treks. Had it a little less than a year now, at first glance a quality product, still delivering that impression after several trips, long-term use will tell the rest of the story.
  20. In today's overly paparazzi-ized society it's hard to find anyone with the appeal whose personal flaws aren't or wouldn't be exposed. I was thinking Terry Bollea "Hulk Hogan" but then my own comment above hit...
  21. Well,at least no new closures or procedures are needed in other parts of the country, at least not until the next Bear-Con. And only a limited number of bears are entering the vaults in Yellow-Yellows area, so far. Still good procedures are necessary wherever humans and Bears interact...
  22. My understanding (after a lot of research (on line and off), and time on several forums) is that there is NO BSA Rule that the Field uniform be worn while traveling. However, some adults under the guise of shifting responsibility to National rather than just having the fortitude to say this is what this Troop does invented the fiction that BSA Insurance requires traveling in uniform. The Troop I work with does travel in uniform and does not, anymore, rely on some subterfuge with National policies to do so. I think it's a little ridiculous that we are trying to promote character but lie to the Scouts about uniforming and the reasons for it... (edit) rethought - not writing it. (This message has been edited by Gunny2862)
  23. I've not ever heard of a minimum size except that two man shelters are reported to be the minimum for Philmont and that they should be placed in a Group rather than distributed so the Bear sees something sizeable that might put it off of investigating rather than several small interesting items.
  24. Um unless I'm confused again and I could be... at least that's the way I read the cards different sides. http://www.scoutway.net/scoutforms/form-bluecards.pdf There is a spot for the SM to sign that named Scout is ready and meets prerequisites to begin work on X Merit Badge on one side, AND a separate spot for SM to accept that the MBC and the Scout did complete the MB on the other. Am I wrong again? If fraud is involved all the SM has to do is not sign the second time and somehow avoid burning in the flames of the bonfire the parents will put him in.
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