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Everything posted by Gunny2862

  1. Okay let's change and Call all Life Scouts, Eagle Scouts, too. We'll recycle Life Scout into the the Scout rank since once they join they'll forever be or have been a Scout for all of their life... Yeah, that makes sense.
  2. And this is why we(the Troop I am in) although it isn't required, that file tour permits and travel in non-required uniforms. Because when the question is asked "Was this a Scouting activity?", the Tour Permit and the picture of the accident showing Scouts and Scouters in uniform kind of remove all doubt. If the other party is the injured party it might remove any doubt that BSA might be a target for their "deep pockets" offense - but it will also remove most of the thoughts of liability against the Scouters unless willful negligence is shown. - At least that's the way I think it works. As to the Insurance question - we're covered - in or out of uniform on or off of a Tour permit - but it sure does make it easier on every one to do ten minutes of paperwork to avoid the days and weeks of legal wrangling because one chose not to do it.
  3. http://www.rescue-essentials.com is a great resource. Their staff will work with you to build a custom kit for the concerns of the type of trip you take, the level of training you have, and the areas you travel in. Personally I like to have a SAM splint, and one large QuickClot or Celox, per kit. And for myself I love their Blist-O-Ban product when applied over a cleaned area, painted with Tincture of Benzoin, then apply the Blist-O-Ban, however I usually hold it in place with Duct Tape if it's a multi-day trip. I only buy the larges - your needs may vary.
  4. You can also Reverse French Press with your Jetboil, it's much easier to clean up that way. Caution: 1)Bring water to a boil lower heat or turn off 2) put Press in upside down 3) add coffee, steep appropriately(if you feel you must reheat here keep the press about about 1/2 to one inch from bottom and watch for boil-over) 5) Pull plunger and almost every single ground out 6 )enjoy
  5. We did Philmont this year, it was great. We had no dropouts and no scares of dropouts, but we initiated and advertised the trip with the idea that fees would be paid early, and on OUR deadlines, and that once paid they were unrecoverable. That if one did drop they were simply scholar-shipping whoever took their slot. There WAS a waiting list...
  6. While Bear is a great spokesperson I am definitely AGAINST many of his "survival strategies". Jumping into flowing water under an ice shelf as a way of getting from point A to point b seems more like a "I'm tired of this and if I don't make it that's fine" strategy than a survival strategy. Sure it might be an item of last resort but that's the issue for me, he tends to show the item of last resort(repeatedly) as though it's a good idea and should be used well before it's necessary. I get the mentality of "He who dares, wins." but it's fairly inappropriate in this context.
  7. Depending on the degree of degradation the Nikwax wash in products are highly recommended - but so far unused by me... If major degradation - visible peeling away of the coating - try thinning silicone caulk sealant with mineral spirits until you have a thin "paintable" solution - I've never heard anyone give a ratio on this. Paint it on the underside(coated side)of a taut tarp and let it dry while taut. It is commonly used in seamsealing ultralight tarps and should work in this application also, but is another one I haven't personally tried in this application, yet.
  8. If you can clean the mildew without tent damage, great. Timberline parts are still available - however the product has undergone a major redesign so how much longer those parts will be available is in question. If there is plenty of good thickness to the material and only a thin skin of mildew the TSP Tri-Sodium Phosphate will kill it for good - but it will eat away any of the mildew and thus the potential for holing the tent is high. Patching on the tent body is a definite option but if the mildew is on the fly I definitely recommend the milder approach. While you want to use the sunlight to help with the mildew, any additional "airing out" can be accomplished in the shade, and should be just as effective on odor AFTER the tent is dry. Still using some now about 15 year old Timberline 4 OF's as part of our stock of 10.
  9. In my office environment I try for 64 ounces a day. Anytime I'm out with Scouts I try to kill off 1) 100 ounce Camelback as a baseline and increase that depending on what we were doing - at Philmont on the most demanding day this year I cranked through 164 ounces and thought I'd overdone it. 32 of those ounces were Gatorade. Had many, many days at the MCAGCC in 29 Palms CA, and quite a few up on OP Round where it was a struggle to drink enough under those conditions to stay hydrated - I'd bet we were still short of ACTUALLY drinking approx three gallons, about 384 ounces or three full 100 ounce Camelbacks plus two Gatorades (if only that listed we were still short of three gallons). On most of those days I'd bet I was closer to 264oz than 384oz. Although uz2bnowl is right, the ice run did make the day better - on OP Round it came by CH-46 every other or every third day. I can't conceptualize drinking four gallons (512) ounces without it being debilitating in itself or doing it four ounces at at time during a a Triathlon. I would think it would be nearly impossible to be trying to pump that through a 150 lb or less kid. And might be rather close to the boundaries of water poisoning( don't laugh - it happens)One reason for this is that it's not just the water intake but the depletion of sodium and other electrolytes in the system (which is actually made worse by the increased water input )- which is why the Sports drinks are an important part of the proper diet under those conditions - yes, feel free to cut the sports drinks so they aren't so sweet but DO drink them, but simply drinking water without having the extra electrolytes in your diet from some source is another way to put yourself and the kids in a potentially dangerous situation.
  10. A Scout Learns, is Tested, Reviewed, and Recognized. I often consider not that the prospective Scout has earned his AoL but that if he did it right, he can walk through the Scout requirements in paperwork time plus about five minutes - that's pretty close to automatic. Tenderfoot if he did all of his AoL activities and read his Cub Scouting books (a stretch but certainly possible) is not all that much further away. But, we don't recognize the prospects as Scouts until they complete the testing/review processes with us, same for Tenderfoot - although I'll certainly take another Scoutmasters signature for it if they transfer in AS Scouts.
  11. Thanks for the input and keep it coming, by cool enough I meant it's been 100 plus degrees in our usually 85-90 degree high area and of course - no shade in the parking lot... Used the Goof-Off last night - not the best solution for the whole job - definitely taking off more than I want to go away over the painted areas, but it did wonders on getting it off of the lettering!
  12. Any suggestions on removing the black spray paint? As soon as it's cool enough to try it I'm planning on trying "Goof Off" and a clean Cotton cloth. The only thing I know for sure is the longer it's on the more likely it is to reoccur.
  13. @NJCubSScouter I assure you that the hail storms at Philmont in July are still occurring - having just returned from Crew 713-E and having experienced several. Some of those storms produced quarter or slightly larger size hailduring storms that had a hail duration of 20-30 minutes, which is no joke when your only protection is hugging a tree with your pack on your head and shoulders.
  14. While I love Camelbaks (or other systems of that type) it is harder to determine if others are actually drinking them, although they have just come up with a water monitor that measures flow rate and consumption that just clips on to the outside of the tube.
  15. I could care less if adults wear whatever patch they care to wear; except for the below. My issue then comes in two places - 1)if it negatively affects the boys and 2) when they think their patch gives them the right to undermine those who may not have been allowed to Scout as youth but are currently wearing other circular sleeve patches. Especially when they aren't willing to put one of THOSE patches on.
  16. We learned it from the historical records.
  17. Yes I think the cartoon I referenced was an Army one probably a Joe & Willie by Bill Maudlin but I'm not sure.. Chesty had his trash together regarding troop welfare - whether the individual liked it or not - but I'd bet none of those clowns were ever caught without their mandated extra socks again - the extra boots can be a bear IRL but no real reason not to carry them on a training exercise - especially since in my old units we tended to spot weigh packs. God forgive the fellow who stuffed his pack with newspaper - cause no one else was going to...
  18. And as to the military and changing socks and underwear - one of my favorite cartoons ever had the bedraggled Infantry NCO standing in front of some Troops who had just come off the line reading a message and then finishing with something like this : "So in order to reward you for your hard service these last three weeks on the line, a change of underwear has been authorized, Jones you change with Mullins, Brown change with Scroggins, ...."
  19. And then there's the boy who will wear his "favorite shorts" all week UNDER a different layer of shorts - w/o violating YP how are the SM, ASM, SPL, or ASPL supposed to monitor that?? Hmmm? Look it's Summer Camp, I promise one shower during the week and hope they all register for a daily pool activity where we always encourage a shower BEFORE entering the pool(reduces the bather shock load on the pool and thus lessens the chemical use). As to camp washing machines, 5 gallon bucket with lid, cut a one inch hole in the center of the lid, grab a toilet plunger(or make an agitator of your own design) and off to the races - works great.
  20. I don't know but after having been a Scoutmaster if they tie my death (by oh let's say something silly like working in a Fireworks stand - for my Family not Scouting)(Or if at a non-Scouting event by drowning) to not following Scouting rules aka no running Fireworks stands as fundraisers(Or not following SSD or SA while not at a Scouting event - although I largely do those things anyway - to some extent). I'm going to be really cheesed.
  21. For those interested there is also the Outdoor Fitness Festival (which this was advertised to local Scouters as being a part of the MB discussion. There are events in September, October, and November in the Springfield, MO area - the website for details and registration for the events(not necessarily the MB portions) is basspro.com/fitness There is also a planned fitness expo November 5-7.
  22. Call 417-887-7334 for the Springfield, MO Store (Home Office). They should be able to answer your question or guide you to whom can from this number. I'm in Springfield and haven't taken advantage of it yet but our DE is really pushing it.
  23. What I think is hilarious and soon to be problematic is the "I took the old Woodbadge course and thus I don't ever need to take any more training ever again" mentality some of the old timers I'm running into are exhibiting. Like what they don't need SSD or SA, or Water Craft Safety or Aquatics Supervision or Trek Safely or Wilderness First Aid because they took a Leadership/Management course what 8-10 years ago????
  24. Heat can be very dangerous, but as one who lived in the High Desert of California for several years if you take the proper precautions camping can be done ( I have done it). Movement at night and in the dawn and evening hours. Shade in the heat of the day - and unless you've unwisely situated yourself in the midst of a plain there is plenty to be had although a tarp can do wonders. Water, Water, Water and there are lots of ways to find water in a desert(at least that desert) if only one will learn how. Solar stills, following flying insects, looking at the base of conjoined draws, map searches, etc. Loose Long Sleeves, Fully Brimmed hats, Sunscreen But it does take discipline and understanding - because one can wind up in trouble quickly. I used to time my water intake because it is so easy to get behind because in the high desert I almost never felt the sweat and would usually become aware that I had gotten behind by the rime of salt on my skin. However one might need to be a little more directive - in the Greater Morongo Valley area I would not hesitate to line the boys up and watch them drink x amount of water every hour rather than relying on each of them to do what they thought was best for their own consumption.
  25. I don't know about others situations but if we didn't stay active in the summer A) there'd be a new Scoutmaster and B) the Troop would probably fold. Scouts join our Troop because we are gone all the stinkin' time. Some other Troops around count OA work weekends as their monthly outing, then turn around as use the Lone Bear weekend for the next month and then a Council activity (even if it's parking cars at a Business sponsored event) for another. We may do those events but they don't count as our troops monthly outings - which then puts lots of things on our calendar, thus giving lots of opportunities to those who want to do everything and the possibility of staying active to those who's parents send them on family trips or even summer school things.
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