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Everything posted by Gunmetal6

  1. Thanks for the info! Right now we don't have a particular question in mind, but when a question does come up it takes 10 times longer to get an answer or it doesn't get answered. This can get very frustrating for the committee when they run around in circles or get multiple answers that contradict each other.
  2. Does any one know where or how our unit can get a copy of the National BSA policies or Rules and regulations? (Not the Guide to Safe Scouting.) Our council DE doesn't seem to know how or who to call. The Council Service center can't tell us. Who do we call or write too? Is this something that we aren't supposed to have? Or is it a case of Council doesn't want us to have a copy of it? Any help is much appreciated.
  3. We have a fairly large Pack and decided that a website was the best way to communicate any and all changes to our Scouts, Leaders and parents. We update the site weekly (unless information needs to be posted immediately) It has really cut down on the "I didn't know about that" or "we were never told" syndrome. Everyone in the Pack knows about it and we have actually recruited 2 Scouts because of it. It is well worth the time and effort to have a site for your unit! We researched hundreds of Scouting and Organization type sites to come up with our own "feel". Now our Troop is exploring the possibility of doing the same thing. If your units budget allows for it, get your own domain name and host without the banner ads (some of the ads may not be appropriate for youth.) We use www.nomonthlyfees.com for hosting our site. No banner adds or pop-ups and the support is awesome! It costs $15.95 a month or $200 a year, but they run specials that allows you to pay $100 per year (which translates into $8.33 a month) You get 600mb of space, database capability, unlimited e-mails. and the ability to run perl scripts to make your site more dynamic. You can include the Scouts in some aspects of the site to help them earn the Academics belt loop and pin for computers and for the older boys, it would be a great way to help them earn the computers merit badge. Our site was designed with Dreamweaver MX, but MS Frontpage will work just as well.
  4. I appreciate the responses. One thing I want to point out is that this camporee is a Council sponsored event involving Troops, Crews, & Packs from all over. They have 7800 Scouts & Leaders registered to date. Our problem is.. with an event of this size, it seems non-productive to separate the Cubs from the rest of the event by keeping them away from the Troops and the Crews. If you are going to include them, don't alienate them.
  5. Our Council is sponsoring the "100 Years of Aviation" camporee in May here in Ohio. They have a volunteer who is in charge of putting this massive undertaking together. While I admire his dedication, he has started quoting "National Policies" that no one can verify. The biggest one quoted and the main problem with most of our units is whether or not Boy Scout Troops and Cub Scout Packs may camp together in a camporee type evironment. The majority of our Councils' Troops and Packs will be attending. The problem is, most of these units have parents/leaders who have have Scouts enrolled in Troops and Packs and are going to be on separate sides of Wright-Patterson Air Force base. Council tells us that as a volunteer, he and his committee are in charge of rules and guidelines for this event and they are not going to interfere - (which really makes us wonder.) They will neither confirm nor deny the National Policy prohibiting Troops and Packs from camping together. We have been told, that if it is that inconvieniant, then the Cub Packs should attend daily and not camp (At $15.00 per day admission, but they still aren't allowed in the Troop areas!!) My question is - Is there really such a policy? No one has been able to locate it anywhere and National will not get back with us! The Guide to safe Scouting does not address this issue from we have read. I / We would really like to know.
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