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  1. Some great responses so far! I think it's natural to look at new competition and not be worried about the effect it will have on our existing troop. But you guys are right; if we're running a quality program, the numbers will pretty much take of itself. Thanks for the replies!
  2. I was wondering if anybody knows what the guidelines are for the number of scout troops allowed for a given population/community. To give you a little background, I live in a community of 12,000 people and we have 2 strong Boy Scout Troops and one small troop already. I was just informed that there would be 1 more troop starting up in the near future. Recruitment is difficult enough already, and now we'll have to compete with one more troop. I'm afraid this will hurt us considerably and am surprised that our council would approve a new startup. So does anybody have an idea as to what criteria BSA uses when considering whether or not there is a sufficient population to support a troop/troops?
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