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Thanks David, Yes, old/ cut Christmas trees are often sunk in ponds/lakes by state conservation agents to stimulate algae growth that attract minnows that in-turn attract game fish such as bass , bluegill and crappie. Tinsel shouldn't be a negative factor for this project to proceed.
I've been away from this forum for more than a few years( a ASM for 4 enjoyable years in the early 2000s)......my son achieved his Eagle Scout rank in 2004, went on to attend the USNA in Annapolis Maryland, commissioned NAVY in 2012 and currently has a great shore billet in San Diego, which, by the way, is a great place to visit ! Anyway back on topic.....I suggested a possible project idea to a friend that is still involved ( committee chair)with a small local , rural Troop. I texted him recently to suggest he might want to investigate a Post- Christmas Tree pickup and disposal project for his Troop .......whether as an individual project towards advancement or as a group project for the community. I volunteered to furnish a bumper hitch dump trailer, a nearby field to temporarily store the accumulated trees until eventually disposing them in a small lake I own on my farm to improve the fishing. I even offered to pay for a few newspaper ads to announce this community public service project for the Troop . I'm not aware of any local business the Troop would be competing with . I'm confident this project could be continued in future years and probably help pull in some donations from appreciative families that don't have an easy way to dispose of their trees at the end of the Holidays. My buddy was a little cool to the idea for unknown reasons....I'm going to discuss the project face to face with him over lunch Friday....... I appreciate any experienced advice on this idea. Greeneagle5
Shotgun MB counselor qualifications
Greeneagle5 replied to Greeneagle5's topic in Advancement Resources
I'll attempt to motivate enough interest within our gunclub and local BSA district to make it practical for an NRA instructor to conduct a training program here next Spring......thanks for the input and positive discussion -
Is an NRA certified instructor certification needed to be qualified as a Shotgun MB counselor ? I'm a certified Skeet and Trap Range Safety Officer-RSO (volunteer) at a Missouri Dept.of Conservation Shotgun Range and have many years of experience hunting and shooting with my son (Eagle Scout/USNA Mdshipman)along with many of his friends. I'd enjoy working with scouts on the skeet/trap range but NRA Instructor Classes aren't offered in my immediate area(100 mile radius)
Our Venture Crew(co-ed) contingent is leaving mid-june '07 for Sea Base''s Coral Reef Sailing adventure.......we're preparing for tons of fun and boatloads of memories. G5
BOY SCOUT FOUND! Law enforcement authorities found Ben Ownby, a 13-year-old boy who disappeared on his way home from school on Monday, Jan. 8, in Franklin County, on Friday, Jan. 12. He is a member of a Boy Scout troop in Beaufort. The Scouting community is continuing to keep Ben's family, friends and all who searched for him in thought and prayer. Latest Update from St. Louis Post-Dispatch http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/missouristatenews/story/EED72841D131FE0A86257261001214F9?OpenDocument
The Colonial Virginia Triangle comes to mind for 2007 explorations: Jamestown/Williamsburg/Yorktown. Big celebrations and special programs are scheduled for 2007 (400th anniversity of Jamestown colony settlement , I believe). Lot's of informative/historical self-guided and guided trails ...(Ghost Walk in Williamsburg)..and there is always Busch Gardens, Norfolk Navy Base, etc. Btw- just returned from a trip to Virginia........observed Troop 2 from the Pittsburg area studying the ongoing archeological digs at Jamestown. The Troop was a excedingly fine example of motivated Boy Scouts on tour...interested in their explorations, polite to the public and neat in appearance (100% BSA uniforms)..despite the warm weather ! Well Done, T-2 !!! G5(This message has been edited by Greeneagle5)
Can anyone recommend a professional rafting outfitter for a family day trip on the lower New R. in WVa. ? Going to take my 12 year old daughter on the way home from Junior Olympics championships (swimming)in Virginia Beach.............good program research for a future overnighter w/ my Venture Crew. thanks, G5
We have 1 co-ed Venture crew scheduled for Coral Reef Sailing on 7/06/07, another possibly on 7/11/07..... A great trip.......everyone will love it ! G5
Roundtable topics needed for new commissioner
Greeneagle5 replied to peewee's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Our R/T commisioner is trying to offer leadership specific training at R/T several times a year during "break-out sessions", to assist those that can't always attend a Saturday "out of town" training program. There's talk about offering Merit Badge Counselors a helpful evening's seminar also. -
Many Councils have been offering Crew Leader Training seminars on the national H.A. camps for adults , this time of year, to help answer questions and assist in the "gearing up "process. You might check w/ your district exec or R/T commisioner about offerings. I just attended a seminar Saturday on Seabase, a Scouter that had been there 5 times lead the discussion w/ some great input and recs. on travel options and pitfalls, gear, ideas, etc. The Coral Reef Sailing (small group sailing. snorkeling, fishing, navigating, touring KeyWest) was a favorite .
Is this a Safe and/or Smart activity?
Greeneagle5 replied to Greeneagle5's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Thanks for the input on hatchet throwing.....my feelings were/are it's an unnecessary risk involving young kids that doesn't seem to teach a practical skill (very few of us find it necessary to throw tomahawks anymore for food or defense). I've been down the bb gun range and Webelos issue before (I actually was involved in getting the guns, years ago, from the NRA). The on-site range supervisor is a Council shooting instructor which, according to him, makes it a District/Council sanctioned activity. G5 -
My son's Troop has an annual "Welcome To Scouting" program every fall(this weekend) for Webelos as part of their Troop recruiting drive. There are many fun and educational activities and demo.s such as a fire building contest, cooking demo (sampling the products also), archery, bb gun range (well supervised by trained scouter), etc, etc. Overall, a good program that has improved over many years. However there is one activity that makes me cringe everytime I walk by it. A 20ft.roped off circle where the young Webelos (and many older Scouts) throw hatchets at a stump or log target. As you may imagine, those sharp, heavy and dangerous blades don't always end up where they were intended. I've voiced my concerns and questioned how this relates to a BSA endorsed (safe)activity on organizers' deaf ears for years, finally just staying away. Seems like they feel that it's so popular, and it's been in the program so long with no serious injuries that it's OK............................"head in the dirt" syndrome ?? Should I just shut-up (as the SM implies)and work w/ the status quo ? G5
If not AP Hill, then where?
Greeneagle5 replied to SemperParatus's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Someone please enlighten me on a few concerns I have about the Jambo : 1) Expensive !!!! With the millions of $$ spent on preparations to the AP Hill facilities for the many Jamborees held in the past decades, as well as the thousands of volunteers and US Army support, why does it still cost so much for a Scout to camp out for 10 days ?? My council charged approx.$1600/participant. My 9 day family vacation at Disney World this summer (staying in a 4-star on-property resort), including airfare and meals, didn't cost that much per person (although it came very close). With the massive economies of size , a Scout should be able to participate at a much lower entrance fee. It's not due to paying the staff large salaries or providing air conditioned condos to everyone! Is there a printed cost breakdown for this Jamboree available to the public? 2) Has the wicked black cloud of international terrorism concerns and it's potential impact to the regional suburbs around Washington D.C. been considered by BSA ? A major transportation disruption due to 1 local terrorist incident that summer could easily criple the I-95 corridor and airports . I'd be much more comfortable sending my son or nephew somewhere away from the major governmental , military and commercial and population centers(targets) found in the DelMarVa region. 3) The weather in tidewater Va. in July is not appealing for extended tent camping and physical outdoor recreation. Let's get serious about health concerns parents !! 4) With 5 years (+) for planning, there's bound to be a few excellent public or private facilities that would be much more appealing in regard to location,weather, security, and overall Scout enjoyment and value. It should be a fun and educational celebration , not an extreme endurance challenge. G5 (This message has been edited by Greeneagle5) -
If not AP Hill, then where?
Greeneagle5 replied to SemperParatus's topic in Open Discussion - Program
How about considering Disneyworld for 2010 ? 1)LNT principles wouldn't be a factor at WDW. 2)Private Enterprise/Corporate America could be financial sponsors instead of the DOD and American taxpayers. 3) WDW has the capability to handle 50,000+ hot, adventurous, excited youth, and staff. 4) Intrastructure already in place can handle, physical acreage requirements, transportation needs, food,waste, security considerations, and communications....shoot, 3 or 4 of their massive parking lots could take care of BSA's needs for the total Jambo. 5) WDW group package discount pricing would probably bring total costs in considerably lower than 2005(excluding DOD's contributions). 6) Staff could get free Fast-Passes to all the popular thrill rides after "lights out". 7) Magic Kingdom could open at 5:00 AM for Scouts in class A's. On a serious note....... BSA should consider hosting 2010 on a BSA property (or on several properties) and using private sponsors instead of Uncle Sam's $$$ and resources. G5